Overwatch Arcade

Overwatch Arcade


Overwatch Arcade
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Overwatch's Arcade Mode possesses a lot of fun offerings, but which ones are actually worth your time? These are the best and worst of them.
It's easy to appreciate the range of unique game modes in Blizzard's addictive hero shooter, Overwatch . Though the typical 6 v 6 showdowns of Competitive and Quick Play are fun enough, one overlooked area of the game is Arcade Mode.
This section hosts a slew of constantly-rotating game options, each of them more-or-less unique. Arcade Mode has seen a number of limited-time seasonal events, co-op campaigns, and other variants. While this feature has had its share of entertaining options, there are also some that fall flat.
Sure, the Yeti-themed Winston and Mei combo makes for an amusing gimmick that goes well with the holiday season. But ultimately it's about fun and intrigue, and this rather simple game doesn't have much of either .
It's essentially a glorified version of Hide and Seek, but the "seekers" in this case get to blast snow and ice. You'll play a cat-and-mouse game with a high-powered Winston in the Village section of Nepal. It's not particularly enjoyable from either side, all in all. The Winston will be forced to scurry about and evade a band of attacking Meis while outnumbered.
On the other side, the Mei role can feel somewhat uneventful and insignificant, as you'll be accompanied by 4 other Meis seeking out the elusive Yeti. Really, there's a lot of downtime on either side.
While Overwatch tends to be more chaotic and team-oriented, this intense game mode puts more pressure on individual players, making for an exciting showdown. Players face off in 3-on-3 skirmishes in a handful of mostly smaller stages.
What's more, the game takes on something of a classic Gears of War feel with its one-and-done elimination. This further adds to the thrills and tension, as one wrong move can lead to an impactful death.
This is one of those more gimmicky modes that tend to be amusing for roughly 10 minutes before growing old. It plays out pretty much the way its name implies. You'll be floating around fairly weightlessly with 25% weaker gravity. This floatiness can be fairly irritating and disorienting in the long haul, especially for those who appreciate swiftness and precision.
And really, this is really nothing more than a Classic Quick Play variant with less gravity. Nothing else about it is changed.
The Overwatch Archives events fill the long-desired gap of story-driven campaign content in a co-op setting. After the launch of Uprising, which was largely a glorified survival mode, this more entertaining event followed in its footsteps.
Retribution is not only fun to play, but it also delves into Overwatch lore , specifically highlighting the nefarious dealings of the Blackwatch group. As Reaper, McCree, Genji, and Moira were part of this renegade squad, they're the only players that can be selected in this mode.
Each encompasses a different role, encouraging teamwork and setting the stage for some exciting gameplay. Players' skills are put to the test, as they must work together and stave off attacks from Talon's robotic forces, including bosses.
For all of Overwatch's innovations, Capture the Flag manages to feel fairly typical. The game plays out similar to Capture the Flag modes that frequent other FPS games . At the same time, the unique mechanics of OW can make it a frustrating and drawn-out endeavor.
The chaos of OW 's Ult system , strategic gameplay, and distinct hero roles don't mesh well with the game's premise of mad dashes and flag escorts. The game can take a while to complete and it gets rather repetitive.
This seasonal event is a fun one to get the Halloween vibe going in late October. This co-op survival mode is dripping with amusing horror themes, complete with enemy heroes sporting ghoulish skins . But more importantly, it's just a blast to play.
4 Players will square off with hordes of "Zomnics" seeking to storm the castle gates of Adlersbrunn. A limited palette of heroes is available, allowing for flexibility but forcing a degree of strategy too. With tons of zombie bots, miniboss fights, and explosive shock-tire barrages, this one will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Those who prefer quick results and lack patience best look elsewhere when it comes to this crazy war of attrition. The notion of playing with 200% health (not to mention quicker cooldowns and Ult gain) may seem fun on paper.
But the appropriately-titled "Total Mayhem" can quickly yield sensory overload with all the drawn-out chaos happening on screen. Players will be tough to take down, particularly when it comes to those stubborn tanks , adding to the frustration. This one can really be a grind.
While silly twists and creative gimmicks can be amusing, sometimes it's just more fun to strip away the bells and whistles and get lost in some classic OW .
This nostalgic mode harkens back to the early days of Blizzard's shooter, before the additions of role locks and hero selection limits. Players can play around with any hero they want and swap out roles to their heart's content.
This mode serves as a nice opportunity for players to just mess around and try out new heroes . But moreover, the greater flexibility and unpredictability sets the stage for some crazy, entertaining showdowns.
Overwatch is typically more fun when there's more action and fewer restrictions. But as it happens, this one is lacking on both fronts, making for a rather dull, aggravating experience.
Players will be forced to play a random hero while aimlessly searching for their elusive opponent. On top of this, you'll be forced to use the same hero each round, so if things aren't working out, you're out of luck.
The addictive 4 v 4 Deathmatch rides the line nicely between more subdued tactical gameplay and straight-up action. It's a nice middle ground between the overwhelming insanity of Total Mayem and the stripped-down 1 v 1.
Two teams of four will square off in one of a handful of mid-sized stages that largely complement these smaller skirmishes. The game does away the fluff and gimmicks; focusing on kills alone. The first team to reach 30 eliminations is victorious.
As you'd imagine, this sets the stage for thrilling, heart-pounding moments, crazy comebacks, and ample highlight potential.
Stephen is an avid Nintendo, Indie, and retro gamer who dabbles in Xbox, mainly in the form of binge sessions of Overwatch. He's a history buff, an aspiring writer of short fiction, and a devout metalhead who enjoys poorly drumming along to Black Sabbath on his cheap drum set. When his beloved Chicago Cubs or Bulls are not playing, he typically likes to watch obscure documentaries or campy horror films.

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