Overwatch 2 Widowmaker

Overwatch 2 Widowmaker


Overwatch 2’s Widowmaker is one of the only snipers in the entire game. She is one of the many highly popular characters from Overwatch 1, and she’s going to be in Overwatch 2 as well. Here’s the most important stuff you need to learn about Overwatch 2 hero Widowmaker.
Gameplay and Abilities
All those that main or intend to main Overwatch 2 character Widowmaker will be disappointed to hear that there’s nothing too much to discuss about her gameplay in the upcoming sequel. That’s because there’s barely been any info given about Widowmaker’s Overwatch 2 abilities. Blizzard did say that there’s not going to be too many major changes to PvP gameplay, so it is very likely that Widowmaker’s abilities in Overwatch 2 will remain the same as they were in the original.
There are the Talents of Overwatch 2 character Widowmaker to look forward to though. But the specifics of these newly added Talents of Widowmaker in Overwatch 2 aren’t known at all.
The only confirmed bit is that the talents are a means of greatly improving the abilities of Widow in the highly anticipated PvE multiplayer story missions that are being introduced in Overwatch 2. Further info about her talents is likely to be shared some time before release.
Widowmaker’s Overwatch 2 Story
Overwatch 2 hero Widowmaker is one of the characters with the most disturbing and tragic backstories of all, and she is only a hero by name. In reality, she couldn’t be further from being a hero. She is one of the many main operatives of Talon and will likely be going against Overwatch in her story/hero missions that we’ll get to play in Overwatch 2. Her missions will focus on Talon’s side of things or her backstory, and there’s pretty much no doubt about that.
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By Richard Warren Published May 31, 2021
With several heroes confirmed to be getting a rework in Overwatch 2, now seems like the perfect time to adjust Widowmaker’s ability lineup.
Overwatch 2 is making some massive changes, ranging from the addition of a PvE story campaign to a switch to 5v5 multiplayer. The game’s cast of heroes is being relooked as well, with small and large changes happening to various members of the roster. Winston is getting a brand-new alternate fire, while the freeze effect of Mei’s primary weapon is being removed. Reinhardt can now throw two fire strikes and cancel his pins, while Zenyatta’s new HUD features info on targets he is healing and weakening.
One of the biggest Overwatch 2 reworks will be for Bastion, and while details are still scarce, the hero will supposedly be seeing every aspect of his kit adjusted. From his primary fire to his movement while in turret form, Blizzard is looking to make the lovable Omnic more enjoyable to play. With this in mind, now seems like a perfect time for a Widowmaker rework. A similarly niche hero, few can use Widow to her full potential, and even then her abilities do not help the team in a meaningful way. In the sequel, though, this could change.
Make no mistake, Widowmaker can be a useful hero in the right situations. A skilled Widowmaker can take advantage of any situation, dropping injured tanks with a clean headshot and allowing the team to push with ease. While most players will say this is rare, as aggressive Widowmakers are less common than those that avoid the fight, they do exist. However, the reality of the situation is that even a great Widowmaker is at a disadvantage when fighting on the point. As such, she has never been one of Overwatch’s most popular heroes in terms of pick rates.
With Overwatch all about objective play, this is a major issue, as Widow struggles to contest or fight foes on the objective. As such, she cannot keep foes busy as her team respawns, nor can she take down speedy targets at close range. While her rifle has fully auto capabilities, it is too inaccurate and does too little damage to be considered a viable option. On top of this, her mines have limited use, as their main purpose is to protect the hero from flanking opponents.
Finally, there is Widowmaker’s ultimate ability “Infra-Sight.” The skill highlights the entire enemy team in red for duration of 15 seconds, allowing teams to coordinate and pick off those that trying to push from unique angles. However, it is nearly worthless as an ultimate, as it is far from the game changer that something like Graviton Surge or Sound Barrier. While Widow can be fun to play, as headshots are satisfying, many view her as a detriment to the team due to her inability to play up close. Her ultimate does not help matters, either. With Widowmaker getting a great visual redesign in the sequel, though, it seems fitting that she gets some strong new abilities to match.
First and foremost, Widowmaker’s Infra-Sight needs to be given a look. While increasing its duration and making it even easier to acquire is an option, there is a good case for the ultimate being completely removed from Overwatch 2. If it does stay, it should become a secondary ability that Widowmaker can use once every 30 seconds, with its duration shortened to match. With Infra-Sight cut or switched to a basic ability, Blizzard could give Widowmaker a brand-new ultimate.
While there are a range of options, including a supercharged shot that can one-hit targets, something that plays into Widowmaker’s nature as a sniper makes sense. Giving her team the same boost is another aspect from Infra-Sight that should remain intact, as it gives Widow the chance to influence the game in a larger way. With this in mind, a great fit would see Widowmaker getting a massive boost to critical hit damage whenever she pulls down her visor. The enemies can be highlighted in red, but when they are, their weak points should be highlighted as well.
Having Widowmaker deal double damage in this state could make her Ultimate something to fear as opposed to something that is laughed off, as players would need to prioritize her right away. With the entire team getting the increase to critical damage, well-placed shots from any hero could kill in just few hits. This would also require skill to make proper use of, something that should please the Overwatch community. For Widowmakers that are good with their rifle, this would be a lot more exciting than acquiring Infra-Sight. While it would need to take longer to acquire, the payoff would absolutely be worthwhile.
While Widowmaker’s biggest problem is her ultimate ability, there is more about her that could be changed in Overwatch 2. First, her alternate fire should be given another look. While it should be weaker than her sniper shots, as there must be some disadvantage to the character, Widow should have a bit more dangerous in close quarters situations. While a damage buff could help with this, giving Widowmaker a shotgun-like alternate fire could be a lot of fun. Sticking with her theme of accuracy, landing these slow shots could deal a good chunk of damage to those on the point.
While a damage-boosted assault rifle or shotgun pellets would help Widowmaker thrive on the point, the last thing Blizzard should look at is her mines. While they do a fair amount of damage, it is hard not to want more for Widowmaker when heroes like Winston are getting brand-new attacks. As such, expanding on Widowmaker’s arsenal of mines could be a great way to make her more viable. A shock mine could be added that stuns enemies in place, locking a Tracer or Reinhardt to one position for three seconds — the perfect amount of time to hit a headshot. Trip mines could be added as well, with the explosion doing a bunch of damage instantly. They could be made noticeable with a red line, allowing players to destroy them once found.
With Bastion-level reworks clearly on the table, it is about time that Widowmaker gets some improvements to her kit. While fellow sniper Hanzo can fight up close, Widowmaker struggles in these scenarios. Further, with Ana already filling the role of a hero that plays back and fights from a distance, letting Widowmaker be a more balanced fighter makes sense. While her kit would still favor ranged play, she could excel with some major changes to her playstyle. With only her primary fire and grappling hook being in a good place, she deserves a second look as Blizzard works on Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 is in development for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.
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Overwatch 2: The Case for a Widowmaker Rework | Game R…
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Widowmaker Concept Art - Overwatch 2 Art Gallery
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Will Widowmaker be in overwatch 2? - BoardGamesTips
Overwatch 2 Widowmaker

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