Overwatch 2 D Va

Overwatch 2 D Va


Professional gamer (formerly)
Mech Pilot
D.Va’s mech, Tokki is nimble and powerful — its twin Fusion Cannons blast away with autofire at short range, and she can use its Boosters to barrel over enemies and obstacles, or absorb attacks with her projectile-destroying Defense Matrix.
Eject out of your mech when it's destroyed.
D.Va's mech will automatically eject her when it reaches 1 Health. This forces D.Va into Pilot Form.
D.Va can use Self-Destruct while ejecting.
D.Va is invulnerable while ejecting.
D.Va's mech is equipped with twin short-range rotating cannons. They lay down continuous, high-damage fire without needing to reload, but slow D.Va’s movement while they’re active.
-40% penalty, except when using Boosters
0.15 second recovery
~6.67 shots per second
Automatic short-range spread weapons.
Damage per second: 44.00 - 146.67
While outside of her mech, D.Va can continue the fight with a mid-range automatic blaster.
Damage per second: 98.00 while firing (this can also be considered as a burst DPS rate), 65.01 overall
D.Va can activate this forward-facing targeting array to shoot incoming projectiles out of the air.
Block projectiles in an area in front of you.
D.Va cannot use Fusion Cannons while the ability is active.
Uses a resource meter that, after a 0.75 second delay, recharges at a rate of 16% per second.
Takes 7 seconds to fully recharge.
D.Va’s mech launches into the air, her momentum carrying her forward. She can turn and change directions or barrel through her enemies, knocking them back.
Fly in the direction you are facing.
The cooldown triggers after the Boosters ability ends.
Cancelled upon using quick melee.
Does not affect Fusion Cannons or Micro Missiles' accuracy.
D.Va launches a volley of explosive rockets.
Direct hit: 7 per missile
Splash: 1 - 4 per missile
Self: 1 - 4 per missile
Launch a volley of explosive rockets.
Deals up to 126 total damage. (8.18% ultimate charge)
Can be used alongside Fusion Cannons.
Cannot be manually cancelled.
D.Va ejects from her mech and sets its reactor to explode, dealing massive damage to nearby opponents.
Eject and overload your mech, causing it to explode after a short time.
The detonating mech retains the momentum from Boosters.
If her armored battle suit is destroyed, D.Va can call down a fresh mech and return to the fray.
Becomes completely charged after Self-Destruct detonates, or if D.Va is Resurrected.
Automatically reloads the Light Gun.
D.Va is a unique tank with some mobility. With very high health and Boosters, she can close a gap to the enemy with ease. She has high damage output at close-range, making her a strong fighter in a 1-on-1 match. Her Defense Matrix is useful against all incoming projectiles, protecting her teammates from enemy fire. The Micro Missiles deal high amount of damage when used in close range. She is a dangerous flanker in the Tank class, dealing consistent damage to the enemy. Self-Destruct will wipe all opponents within the blast area. However, she doesn't have an extended barrier to properly protect her team like Reinhardt. She is also slow while firing, allowing the enemy to outrun her to disengage or move around her to distract her aiming. Both Fusion Cannons and Micro Missiles are ineffective against anything further than medium-range, meaning she can be outranged by the enemy before she even has a chance to close a gap with Boosters.
D.Va is a former professional gamer who now uses her skills to pilot a state-of-the-art mech in defense of her homeland.[2] She is a very competitive individual,[3] and coupled with her pro-gamer skills, this makes her an extremely effective mech pilot. Never backing down, D.Va always plays to win.[4] While she projects a carefree, irreverant attitude, D.Va is burdened by the emotional cost of defending her homeland, and the facade the South Korean media projects on her.
In addition to skills as a mech pilot, D.Va is also a competent mechanic.[5]
It's like how we used to stay up late, and work on your hoverbike.
You mean the one you wrecked?
Really? You're still mad about that? We won the race!
Yeah! And you almost killed yourself!
Hana Song grew up playing classic games with her father, himself a former professional gamer during his younger years.[6] He was the one that introduced her to StarCraft, and her undeniable skill helped lay the foundation for her eventual e-sports victories in other games.[7]
Song has been friends with Dae-hyun since childhood. They would stay up late working on his hoverbike. Hana took part in a race with it and won, albiet at the cost of the bike and nearly her own life.[5]
Like her father before her, Song became a pro-gamer. [8] She became a Mecha Guardian V player in high school, quickly ascending to the #1 rank, winning the world championship[5], surpassing her teammate Yuna Lee [6][9] and rival Kyung-soo Hann.[6] A fierce competitor, Song played to win at any cost, and gained a well-earned reputation for showing no mercy to her opponents.[2]
At some point she also played one of the leading roles in the movie Hero of My Storm.[11][12]
As an active member of the military, Song was no longer able to freely travel as she could've as a civilian. She became an avid reader of Mei's Adventures, the publicly-posted travel journal of climatologist Mei-Ling Zhou, fascinated with all the different places Mei has seen.[13]
Oh man. This time off is great, isn't it?
What's not to like? There's delicious food, and drinks...
And good friends. The kind that are always there for you-- when you need them most.
~ Dae-hyun and Song after the Gwishin attack
With Dae-hyun going over the mech's status, on the mention of the reactor becoming unstable Song remembered their earlier conversation of the destruction of his hovercycle, and suggested purposely overloading the mech's reactor. After some protest, Dae-hyun obliged, and as Song distracted the omnic to buy him some time he successfully triggered an overload that would destroy the reactor in sixty seconds. The omnic would reach Busan before that however, so Song ejected from the mech and used her light gun to shoot the exposed reactor from afar, destroying both the mech and the omnic. She fell into the sea, where she was recovered by a search-and-rescue team and taken for medical treatment, Dae-hyun accompanying her.
Prevent 1500 damage with a single use of D.Va's Defense Matrix in Quick or Competitive play.
Kill 4 enemies with a single use of D.Va's Self-Destruct in Quick or Competitive play.
D.Va was first announced through the official PlayOverwatch Twitter account, which linked to a mock-up page on the official StarCraft II World Championship site.[19][20] She had previously been depicted in posters in the attacking team's starting area in Hanamura. Her StarCraft page was later taken down and the link instead redirects to the StarCraft II home page.
The StarCraft WCS web page first introduced D.Va as a former professional StarCraft player. Michael Chu later clarified on February 1, 2018 that this was not intended to be canon and was just a fun way to tease the character. He also explained that the unnamed game that she was best known for in her career was one that best matched the skills needed to pilot her mech.[21]
D.Va's design and kit seems to take inspiration from Brit, one of the hero concepts created for the Overwatch pitch meeting.
For more information, see Patch Notes
Developer Comment: D.Va's respawn is often intentionally delayed by the enemy team if she is the last player alive from her team and without her mech. This change will make it more dangerous to be near the Call Mech arrival area for low health heroes.
Developer Comment: We're increasing the ratio of armor to health that D.Va's mech has to enable it to withstand more damage from shotguns, beams, and weapons with a high rate of fire.
Developer Comment: These buffs are aimed at making D.Va feel more fluid and responsive to play.
*Restored functionality allowing D.Va to maintain her current aim pitch when de-meching
Cooldown increased from 3 to 4 seconds
Developer Comment: The lower cooldown on her mobility will enable D.Va to more readily swap between playing offensively and defensively.
Developer Comment: With role locks in place there is some room to improve D.Va’s impact as a tank, so we’re partially reverting a previous change which increased Defense Matrix’s cooldown.
Developer Comment: This change will allow D.Va to absorb more damage over time, while still keeping the maximum duration she can absorb at one time the same.
Developer Comment: This change is just meant to counteract the global increase in ultimate cost. The time it takes to generate a D.Va’s ultimate when out of her mech should remain the same as it was before this update.
Developer Comments: Defense Matrix is a very powerful defensive ability and can often feel oppressive from far away. Reducing the range on it will require D.Va to position herself more carefully to take advantage of its effects.
Developer Comments: Knockbacks are now less affected by how the enemy was moving when they were hit. Instead of having small or large knockbacks that depend on chance, knockbacks will feel similar regardless of the enemy’s movement leading up to the knockback. Allowing flying heroes, like Mercy when using her Valkyrie ability or D.Va using her Booster ability, to be properly knocked back makes for more fluid, realistic gameplay.
Developer Comments: This change allows D.Va’s enemies to play around her Defense Matrix by increasing its downtime between uses.
Developer Comments: D.Va’s burst potential is a bit too high, so we’re reducing the damage of her Micro Missiles and Boosters impact. Prior to this change, each missile dealt 3 impact damage and 6 explosive damage. We’re reducing explosive damage from 6 to 4 but leaving the impact damage the same, the net result being 21% damage reduction.
An option to manually hold down D.Va’s boosters rather than toggling them has been added under Options > Controls > D.Va
Developer Comment: D.Va’s Defense Matrix uptime has proven to be too strong, but simply reducing it without making other changes would make her too weak (and far less interesting to play). Instead, we’re adding a new ability and giving her the ability to fire while flying. These changes give D.Va new options while maintaining Defense Matrix’s ability to shut down big enemy attacks.
Defense Matrix
New sound effects and voice lines have been added, indicating when Defense Matrix has absorbed an enemy’s ultimate ability
Enemy shots no longer need to travel a minimum distance before they can be blocked Developer Comment: Previously, there was a minimum distance a projectile had to travel before it could be destroyed by Defense Matrix. This made it nearly worthless in situations where an enemy was right next to your teammate, such as when Roadhog hooks your ally. This change removes that restriction so Defense Matrix should now reliably destroy projectiles regardless of how far they have traveled.
Developer Comment: D.Va’s armor often made her feel like she had no weaknesses, even against heroes that are typically effective against bigger targets (like Reaper). The changes to her primary fire will result in a small overall decrease in damage, but her Fusion Cannons should feel more consistent now.
Developer Comment: We reduced the cost of the Call Mech ultimate ability to compensate for the increased ultimate cost across all heroes (detailed above). D.Va players shouldn’t experience a noticeable change. The rest of these changes help D.Va’s withstand attacks, which will allow her to keep pressuring enemies.
Developer Comment: Defense Matrix was too efficient when tapped repeatedly, instead of being held. Now, the recovery delay matches the ability cooldown.
Developer Comment: D.Va isn't being selected as often as our other tanks, and we feel a lot of that stems from the underperformance of her damage absorption abilities. So, we've reconfigured her Defensive Matrix, making it more flexible and giving players the ability to use it more often. We’ve also given Self-Destruct a little more oomph, because it felt slightly underwhelming when compared to many of Overwatch's other ultimate abilities.
↑ 2015-11-24, "I AM D.VA". 'Facebook. Accessed on 2016-05-18
↑ D.Va, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2015-11-12
↑ 2017-16-05, D.VA ENTERS THE NEXUS!. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2017-05-17
↑ 4.04.1 2017-05-08, D.Va Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm. YouTube, accessed on 2017-05-18
↑ Shooting Star
↑ 2018-08-28 D.Va Deconstructed
↑ Announcer: D.Va, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2018-12-28
↑ 2015-11-07, Overwatch: What’s New | Summary. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2015-11-12
↑ 9.09.1 Overwatch, Busan
↑ Pro D.Va, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2017-05-17
↑ Overwatch, Oasis
↑ Overwatch, Hollywood
↑ Overwatch, D.Va Quotes
↑ Michael Chu's Twitter, Accessed on 2018-08-24
↑ Michael Chu's Twitter
↑ Heroes of the Storm 2.0 – Hanamura Showdown
↑ 2017-1-26, Overwatch’s gamer girl hero inspires a feminist movement Polygon.com, accessed on 2017-1-27
↑ 2016-09-17, OVERWATCH: A WORLD FANS BUILT. IGN, accessed on 2016-09-18
↑ PlayOverwatch Twitter
↑ D.Va (Archive), WCS. Accessed on 2015-11-12
↑ 2018-02-01, Michael Chu on Battle.net Battle.net forums. Accessed on 2018-02-01.
↑ 2016-10-17, BlizzCon In-Game Goodies: D.Va Announcer and Portrait! Battle.net, accessed on 2016-11-17
↑ 2017-06-29, NEW STATUE D.Va | Pre-Order Now! | Overwatch. YouTube, accessed on 2017-07-03
↑ 2017-08-22, Gamescom 2017 swag and more, including new Blizzard exclusives. Blizzard Watch, accessed on 2017-08-23
↑ 2017-11-22, Overwatch Hoodies. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2017-11-23
↑ 2020-02-24, Toy Fair NY 2020: Figma Overwatch Action Figures. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2020-04-10
↑ 2018-10-02, Blizzard teases new Overwatch LEGO sets. Shack News, accessed on 2018-10-08
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Professional gamer (formerly)
Mech Pilot
D.Va’s mech, Tokki is nimble and powerful — its twin Fusion Cannons blast away with autofire at short range, and she can use its Boosters to barrel over enemies and obstacles, or absorb attacks with her projectile-destroying Defense Matrix.
Eject out of your mech when it's destroyed.
D.Va's mech will automatically eject her when it reaches 1 Health. This forces D.Va into Pilot Form.
D.Va can use Self-Destruct while ejecting.
D.Va is invulnerable while ejecting.
D.Va's mech is equipped with twin short-range rotating cannons. They lay down continuous, high-damage fire without needing to reload, but slow D.Va’s movement while they’re active.
-40% penalty, except when using Boosters
0.15 second recovery
~6.67 shots per second
Automatic short-range spread weapons.
Damage per second: 44.00 - 146.67
While outside of her mech, D.Va can continue the fight with a mid-range automatic blaster.
Damage per second: 98.00 while firing (this can also be considered as a burst DPS rate), 65.01 overall
D.Va can activate this forward-facing targeting array to shoot incoming projectiles out of the air.
Block projectiles in an area in front of you.
D.Va cannot use Fusion Cannons while the ability is active.
Uses a resource meter that, after a 0.75 second delay, recharges at a rate of 16% per second.
Takes 7 seconds to fully recharge.
D.Va’s mech launches into the air, her momentum carrying her forward. She can turn and change directions or barrel through her enemies, knocking them back.
Fly in the direction you are facing.
The cooldown triggers after the Boosters ability ends.
Cancelled upon using quick melee.
Does not affect Fusion Cannons or Micro Missiles' accuracy.
D.Va launches a volley of explosive rockets.
Direct hit: 7 per missile
Splash: 1 - 4 per missile
Self: 1 - 4 per missile
Launch a volley of explosive rockets.
Deals up to 126 total damage. (8.18% ultimate charge)
Can be used alongside Fusion Cannons.
Cannot be manually cancelled.
D.Va ejects from her mech and sets its reactor to explode, dealing massive damage to nearby opponents.
Eject and overload your mech, causing it to explode after a short time.
The detonating mech retains the momentum from Boosters.
If her armored battle suit is destroyed, D.Va can call down a fresh mech and return to the fray.
Becomes completely charged after Self-Destruct detonates, or if D.Va is Resurrected.
Automatically reloads the Light Gun.
D.Va is a unique tank with some mobility. With very high health and Boosters, she can close a gap to the enemy with ease. She has high damage output at close-range, making her a strong fighter in a 1-on-1 match. Her Defense Matrix is useful against all incoming projectiles, protecting her teammates from enemy fire. The Micro Missiles deal high amount of damage when used in close range. She is a dangerous flanker in the Tank class, dealing consistent damage to the enemy. Self-Destruct will wipe all opponents within the blast area. However, she doesn't have an extended barrier to properly protect her team like Reinhardt. She is also slow while firing, allowing the enemy to outrun her to disengage or move around her to distract her aiming. Both Fusion Cannons and Micro Missiles are ineffective against anything further than medium-range, meaning she can be outranged by the enemy before she even has a chance to close a gap with Boosters.
D.Va is a former professional gamer who now uses her skills to pilot a state-of-the-art mech in defense of her homeland.[2] She is a very competitive individual,[3] and coupled with her pro-gamer skills, this makes her an extremely effective mech pilot. Never backing down, D.Va always plays to win.[4] While she projects a carefree, irreverant attitude, D.Va is burdened by the emotional cost of defending her homeland, and the facade the South Korean media projects on her.
In addition to skills as a mech pilot, D.Va is also a competent mechanic.[5]
It's like how we used to stay up late, and work on your hoverbike.
You mean the one you wrecked?
Really? You're still mad about that? We won the race!
Yeah! And you almost killed yourself!
Hana Song grew up playing classic games with her father, himself a former professional gamer during his younger years.[6] He was the one that introduced her to StarCraft, and her undeniable skill helped lay the foundation for her eventual e-sports victories in other games.[7]
Song has been friends with Dae-hyun since childhood. They would stay up late working on h
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