Overwatch 2 D Va

Overwatch 2 D Va


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Устройства для спуска по веревке необходимы как для промальпа, так и для спортивного альпинизма. Они бывают простыми или более сложными, в эксплуатации различаются по скорости спуска, влиянию на износ веревки, кручение веревки, весу.
Самый простой и древний вариант - «восьмерка». Эти спусковые устройства бывают дюралевыми и стальными, наличие дополнительных рогов позволяет с комфортом «зависнуть» на середине спуска. Обычно «восьмерки» позволяют работать и с одинарными, и с двойными веревками. К недостаткам практически всех моделей относится сильное кручение веревки во время спуска.
Спусковое устройство «решетка» в разных модификациях позволяет регулировать силу трения. Кроме того, эти приспособления не крутят веревку и защищены от нагревания трением. Для долгого спуска подходят такие устройства как Simple и Stop от Petzl. Они не крутят веревку, но имеют относительно большой вес. Широко используются в спелеологии. Более сложные устройства от таких ведущих производителей, как Petzl, Edelrid и Trango ориентированы на разные нюансы работы с веревкой. Одни модели снабжены системой «анти-паника» и защитой от неправильного положения веревки в устройстве, другие обладают максимально малым весом. Главный ориентир при выборе спускового устройства - предполагаемые условия его эксплуатации (область деятельности, погода, длина спусков и т. п.).

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История Героя
Разработка персонажа
Факты и Пасхалки
Киберспортивная карьера
D.Va — профессиональный киберспортсмен. Победы на разных турнирах помогли ей завоевать любовь фанатов не только в родн…
Служба в Корейской армии
Двадцать лет назад на Южную Корею напал гигантский омник, поднявшийся из вод Восточно-Китайского моря. Войскам удалос…
Дополнительно: overwiki.ru
Перевести · D.Va is a unique tank with some mobility. With very high health and Boosters, she can close a gap to the enemy with ease. She …
D.Va — персонаж многопользовательской игры Overwatch, вышедшей в 2016 году и разработанной компанией Blizzard …
Озвучивание: Шарлет Чанг (английский) · Екатерина Семёнова (русский)
Формирование: мобильная группа экзобойцов корейской армии
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
D.Va — бывшая киберспортcменка, с помощью экспериментальной военной мехи защищающая свою родную страну. Двадцать лет назад на Южную Корею напало гигантское роботизированное чудовище, восставшее из глубин Восточно-Китайского моря. Колоссальный робот нанес чудовищный урон прибрежным городам, прежде чем его удало…
Перевести · 14.07.2021 · D.Va is one of the heroes in Overwatch. She is a former professional gamer and a mech pilot who is participating in her country's special force to combat a colossal Omnic's devastating invasion. D.Va’s …
Overwatch - 2 Ana, 2 McCree and 2 D.VA Celebrate Patch
Overwatch Gameplay #2 D.va, Roadhog, & Symmetra Gameplay
First appearance: BlizzCon (2015)
First game: Overwatch (2016)
Voiced by: Charlet Chung
Gender: Female
In Overwatch lore, D.Va is Hana Song, a 19-year old former professional gamer going by her gamertag "D.Va". D.Va was known for becoming the No. 1 ranked StarCraft II player in the world at age 16, and maintaining an undefeated record prior to her retirement from gaming in order to defend her homeland. During the in-universe Omnic Crisis event, an omnic monster rose from the East China Sea, destroying coastal cities incl…
In Overwatch lore, D.Va is Hana Song, a 19-year old former professional gamer going by her gamertag "D.Va". D.Va was known for becoming the No. 1 ranked StarCraft II player in the world at age 16, and maintaining an undefeated record prior to her retirement from gaming in order to defend her homeland. During the in-universe Omnic Crisis event, an omnic monster rose from the East China Sea, destroying coastal cities including those in South Korea and its neighbors. The South Korean government developed the Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army (MEKA), a mobile armored drone unit to combat the omnic monster, although each battle resulted in a stalemate. The omnic continued to adapt to the MEKA's drone networks, turning them against the Koreans. The South Korean government struggled with finding pilots for new mechs, eventually turned to the country's professional gamers, thought to have necessary reflexes and instincts to effectively operate the mech suits' advanced weaponry. Based in Busan, D.Va was one of the pro gamers drafted by South Korea's government. Known for being fearless in combat against the omnics, she would develop a global following as she began live streaming her combat encounters. Within MEKA, D.Va is supported by Dae-hyun, a mechanic and D.Va's childhood friend, and takes orders from Myung, the MEKA's commanding officer.

D.Va's story is the focus of the animated short "Shooting Star", released in August 2018, coinciding with a new control map based on Busan. The short shows the origin of D.Va's Self-Destruct ability, being forced to use it to fend off a wave of attacking Omnics to protect Busan.

Heroes of the Storm
In May 2017, as part of the version 2.0 update, D.Va was added to the roster of playable heroes for the Blizzard's crossover MOBA game Heroes of the Storm. Additionally, those who played Heroes of the Storm during the "Nexus Challenge 2.0" – Heroes' version 2.0 launch event – received cosmetics for D.Va's character in Overwatch. D.va made her first appearance for Heroes of the Storm in the Hanamura Showdown, a non-canon cinematic trailer for Heroes 2.0 update, in April 2017. She was the fifth Overwatch character added to that game.

Other appearances
As Overwatch lore heralds her as a world champion StarCraft II player, D.Va was added as a gameplay announcer for StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, originally as part of a gift bundle, including announcer and player portrait features for attendees of BlizzCon 2016.
Альбом D.Va (Overwatch) — OICHI — 2 фотографии D.Va (Overwatch) – 2 фотографии | ВКонтакте Switch to English регистрация
D.Va's mech is equipped with twin short-range rotating cannons. They lay down continuous, high-damage fire without needing to reload, but slow D.Va’s movement while they’re active. D.Va can activate this forward-facing targeting array to shoot incoming projectiles out of the air.
What is the new look of Overwatch 2?
What is the new look of Overwatch 2?
Overwatch 2 evolves the look and feel of the world, with more dynamic environments, larger scale battles, additional in-game storytelling events, and improved atmospheric effects and shadows. Heroes in Overwatch 2 will also have a brand-new look, with greater detail and higher fidelity.
Who is the female mech pilot in Overwatch?
Who is the female mech pilot in Overwatch?
She is a former professional gamer and a mech pilot who is participating in her country's special force to combat a colossal Omnic's devastating invasion.
How old is the youngest hero in Overwatch?
How old is the youngest hero in Overwatch?
D.Va is currently the youngest human hero, at the age of 19 years old. When her mech is destroyed, the interface displays "비상탈출," which translates to "Emergency escape.". Defense Matrix has D.Va shoot down incoming projectiles by herself, which, according to her, raises her APM (actions per minute).
Курсор Overwatch 2 D.Va Light Gun. Курсор. Overwatch 2 D.Va Light Gun. …
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