Overcome your manufacturing hurdles with SAP Business One

Overcome your manufacturing hurdles with SAP Business One

Raju Shahi

The modern day manufacturers are fast realizing the need of investing in robust business solution which can ease the manufacturing tasks with great simplicity. They understand the fact that data-based insights can have massive impact on their business and lay informed decision faster. Be it any manufacturing industry, be it discrete or process one there are set of complexities which can be managed if you have enterprise-ready software in place. There is one tool that can help with all this and provide real-time view of business operations is SAP Business One. 

SAP Business One is a comprehensive and robust ERP which takes care of all your manufacturing hurdles such as production, procurement, bills of materials, human resources, warehousing, and give you a key insights about everything. With real-time access to critical data, you can reduce unwanted costs and save on supply chain cost or know where you can mitigate extra cost. This also helps your business to stay agile and steer the company in the right direction across every department.  

SAP Business One delivers a great value to your manufacturing business. It is the ERP that stands out for its exceptional capabilities and handle all your compliance needs of your manufacturing operations hassle free.    

How SAP Business One is enabling manufacturing business

Majority of the traditional manufacturing businesses either use outdated systems, or disparate systems, i.e. different software for different business needs. Worse, some of the businesses still don’t use a software, or are into manual data entry, which wastes a lot of their productive time. Besides, the method is highly error-prone. Such businesses don’t get accurate reports in real-time, and invariably end up wasting a major chunk of their time validating reports from multiple platforms.

Majority of the manufacturing business either use obsolete system or spreadsheets which complicate the matter. They have no or little visibility into business activities such as inventory levels, sales orders, purchase orders, supply chain costs or so. There are quality and traceability issues, problems managing the costs, shrinking rodts, all making things more complicated. 

To get things done, the manufacturers need a scalable and robust software such as SAP Business One which will help you digitize your manufacturing operations in budget.  

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the benefits of SAP Business One for your manufacturing business. 

Bills of materials

Now, it is easy to manage the bills of materials, define desired unit of measurement, serve multiple packaging options, dispatch full view of the BOM hierarchy with a single software.


Get an instant access to a large number of reports with one single software. Easily track quantity of raw materials, batch tickets or critical details from inventory and much more. Expedite production scheduling and gain real-time information faster with intuitive dashboard. Resolve the common errors occurring in manufacturing and updateinvebtory in real time.   

Lot Traceability 

Now, it is easy to do hassle free traceability tracking. Easily know where your stocks are, finished goods, intermediate goods or any other vital details. SAP Business One software helps you to record everything, inventory movements, formula change, production yields and other vital details.  The erp solution helps you to provide a 360 view of product visibility empowering you to make informed decisions.  

All this reinstates that SAP Business One is transforming business processes of manufacturing business and it pays to embark on this journey of digitization to reap maximum awards.

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