Over Quota
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Over Quota
Получайте ежедневные электронные уведомления и заметки для подписчиков и персонализируйте свои материалы. OPEC produced The country averaged production of 8. Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman had called the additional cut a goodwill gesture to the rest of the alliance, with the hopes that quota compliance would improve. The survey indicates that several key countries failed to heed the call. Russia, the main non-OPEC partner, pumped 9. That is its most since April , when a brief price war broke out in an acrimonious spat over how to manage oil supply through the pandemic, which was later resolved with the current deal. Iraq, which produced 3. Two members exempt from quotas provided the largest swings within OPEC, but in opposite directions. Iran, under heavy sanctions by the US, appears increasingly emboldened as indirect talks progress towards a reinstatement of the nuclear deal, ratcheting up production in recent months and finding a steady customer in China, according to market sources. Its April output of 2. The country has ordered a restart of its southern fields, and sources said gas injection activities have increased multifold. The Platts figures are compiled by surveying oil industry officials, traders and analysts, as well as reviewing proprietary shipping, satellite and inventory data. Это можно сделать бесплатно и легко. Воспользуйтесь кнопкой внизу. Мы вернем вас сюда по завершении. Вебинары Растущее влияние американской нефти - глобальная перспектива TZ Онлайн. Наша методология Методология и спецификации Ценовые оценки Рекламация. В фокусе Видеоматериалы Специальные отчеты. Грузоперевозки Platts Dirty Tankerwire. Самое важное OPEC pumps Еще не зарегистрированы? Зарегистрироваться сейчас. Equatorial Guinea. Saudi Arabia. South Sudan. Чтобы продолжить чтение, вам необходимо войти или зарегистрироваться Это можно сделать бесплатно и легко.
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