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Finding fun outdoor team building activities that won’t flop can be quite a challenge. We get it – no one wants to do another trust fall. But we’ve got your back – check out our list of the 26 most fun outdoor team building activities for an unforgettable time. You can trust us on this! 
For a truly epic team building activity that is sure to be a winner, check out Let’s Roam’s Team Building Scavenger Hunt . This app-based quest takes your team on an exciting hunt around the city. Rediscover iconic landmarks and solve riddles with your team as your trek across town on your way to victory. Track your progress on the leaderboard and race to the finish. The outrageous challenges make sure no team member is left out. Integrate trivia about your company, customize your route, take funny photos, and get ready for some epic team bonding! 
Learn a quick lesson on teamwork and strategy at a fun game of paintball. This heart-pumping game is a hilarious way to get to know your team. Form coalitions, plan your every move, and conquer the arena while making friends for life. Once you’re done, get together for some pizza, beer, and post-game conversations.
Give back to society with your team by taking part in this simple challenge. Each team has a set limit of time to get out and do as many acts of kindness as possible. Take a photo or video of each act. They can be as simple as giving out free hugs or hosting an office yard sale for charity. In this challenge, everybody wins.
Put your team’s survival skills to the test with this competition. Pretend your team has been shipwrecked on an island. Each team is provided a set of unconventional items, like a mirror, a cushion, some rope, etc. Roleplay this “harrowing” adventure in the parking lot or a nearby park. Your group must spend the day “surviving” with just the tools provided.
Add a dash of laughter and fun with goofy relay races. Re-enact your childhood field days with a potato sack race, or try your hand at balancing an egg on a spoon as you race to the finish line. This charming team building activity is an easy way to motivate your team and break out of the monotony. 
Let’s admit it – you can never go wrong with a water balloon fight! Water balloon fights are a unique and unforgettable way to bond with your team. Just fill up balloons with water, divide into teams, and prepare to get wet. This versatile game can be played anywhere (as long as you’re outdoors). May the best balloon win! 
Zoom your way into some epic team building at a nearby go-karting arena. This thrilling team building activity is a favorite among racing enthusiasts. Channel your group’s inner F1 stars as they cheer each other on. Drinks are on the winner!   
Don’t wait till October to get the Halloween candy out. It’s pumpkin spice season whenever you want it to be! Host a pumpkin carving competition for your team for an evening of laughs. Carve out initials, your company’s logo, or even your colleagues’ faces. Put them out as decorations outside your office to brighten it up! 
Heed the call of the mountains and head out to a nearby camping site with your team. Get away from technology and e-mails as you reconnect with nature (and with each other). Bond over marshmallows and campfire songs and walk out of the woods with friends for life. 
This laid-back activity is a great way to bond with the entire corporate family. Invite your colleagues and their families to a relaxed picnic in the park. Get the BBQ going as you talk and laugh over beers and a game of Frisbee. In the end, pose for a wholesome photo with your extended family!  
If you’re looking to do something completely out-of-the-box, this is the best bet for you. Stay after-hours at the office parking lot for a funny game of flashlight tag. The objective? Whoever gets caught in the beam of the flashlight is ‘It’! Laugh, let loose, and bond with your colleagues. 
Treat your team to a day at a nearby waterpark for some splashy fun. As you face your fears together and ride water slides as a team, you’ll start to see your colleagues in a new light. We’re sure the photos are going to be truly epic- put your water park pictures on the next office Christmas card!
Give your colleagues a lesson on overcoming adversity with an obstacle course challenge. As they climb ropes, do the Limbo, and crawl their way to victory, watch them rediscover the meaning of motivation and encouragement. This is the perfect adrenaline-pumping activity that teaches teamwork and the way to success.
Do you think a water balloon fight may be too much effort? Fret not, just break out the squirt guns! Collaborate with your team and “shoot” your way to victory. You don’t have to go far for this fun activity – you can play right in your company’s parking lot! 
Ok, we’re cheating a bit here because most arcades are inside, but this is a go-to bonding activity amongst our teammates. Take a trip to a vintage arcade and face-off with your colleagues. From dance-offs and whack-a-mole to Pacman and pinball, there are endless game options to choose from. At the end of the night- pool your tickets together to get something fun for the office.
Music lovers in the office? Treat your team to a concert by a favorite performer. Get to know your colleagues outside the workplace and bond with them over the beautiful songs. Belt out your favorite numbers and dance with your team for a truly magical experience. 
If you live in a place where it snows, and you haven’t made a snowman with your team, you’re missing out! Challenge your team to a snowman making contest. Take the contest to the next level by assigning a theme. Your snowman can be accessorized to look like an employee or a movie character. (Olaf, is that you?)
You know what would make things even better? An impromptu snowball fight!
Put your dancing shoes on and practice with your team to wow your office with a flash mob performance. Choreograph moves to an epic flash mob and dance the stress away. Put on a show for the rest of your office with your team. As you learn to move and groove, you’ll make friends with your teammates, bonded through the power of dance. This is one of those fun outdoor team building activities you’ll never forget!
Bring some cheer to people around you as you volunteer with your team at a shelter nearby. This wholesome, fulfilling activity is a meaningful and impactful experience. Give back, bond with your team, and make memories for a lifetime.
Head out to a lake or river to go kayaking with your team. Serenaded by the calls of local birds, get out of the bustle of the urban jungle and become one with nature. Enjoy the gentle waves as you bond and laugh with your team. Add more fun to this day with fishing, BBQ, or a campfire – whatever floats your boat!
Sometimes, all you need is a good ole’ fashioned game of tug of war to get spirits soaring. Challenge your team to this epic game and build camaraderie while tugging that rope. 
We’ve heard of beer pong, but it’s time to take it to another level! Bring buckets of water, arrange them in a triangle, and aim at the buckets with a beach ball. Everytime you get the beach ball into the bucket, the other team has to take a sip of their bee! This mega-sized party game is perfect for some mega-team-building.
If you live by the beach, take your team out for a fun day by the sea. Play beach volleyball, get some Vitamin D and sip cocktails as you unwind from corporate stress. Build sandcastles with your colleagues and laugh with them beyond the conference room. The adrenaline-junkies can try their hand at surfing too!
Challenge your team to an exciting game of Capture the Flag. Strategize, plan, and bond with your colleagues as you attempt to win over the enemy. While you try to seize their flag, we’re sure your company will be the ultimate winner- benefiting from the fun outdoor team-building activities.  
Pick up a new hobby with your team – head to a garden or lawn and learn to paint the natural beauty you see. Draw inspiration from nature as you paint the stress away. Hang these works of art on your office walls to brighten up your day!
We’ve heard of simple runs and ordinary races, but who wants something ordinary? Spice things up and go on a neon run with your team! This after-hours run features neon headbands and clothing. Take the night by storm – glow in the dark and you bond with your team as you race across the finish line.
We’re sure these fun outdoor team building activities won’t flop. Which activity are you excited to try out? Comment below and let us know. We know our pick – Let’s Roam’s scavenger hunt !
Good team-building activities work to get everyone involved and engaged. You’ll want to do something that gets people out of their comfort zone, but in a fun way that doesn’t force them into an awkward situation. This post has suggestions for all different types and sizes of teams.
Team building is all about letting people relax a little and engage in something new. You want to look for activities that require communication, and present a challenge, but are still fun. Try a team-building scavenger hunt for example to see how your team works together to track down clues and compete against other teams.
In this post about team-building activities, you’ll find a great list of ways to get to know your coworkers even if it’s not in the context of a work event. Both like music? Head to a concert. Looking for something with a little more adrenaline? How about paintball or go-karts.
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What are some of the longer-term benefits of taking part in these programs?

How long does the programming take to implement?

Do you put a limit on the number of participants who can be involved? 

Will my team actually be participating in the team building challenges or is it more observational?


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Move your team building activities outdoors to encourage unique learning outcomes that directly benefit the people and profit margins within your organization. Take on inspiration from your surroundings while engaging in high-energy outdoor team building events that encourage your team members to communicate and collaborate more effectively. 
During each of Learn2’s outdoor team building programs, your team will be pushed to their limits. These custom-designed outdoor challenges reinforce the importance of superior communication skills, trust and empathetic leadership – all within a really fun, safe environment. 
After consulting with our Learn2 professional development experts, choose whichever outdoor team building activity most closely aligns with your organizational needs and goals. Whether you want to inspire friendly competition with the Amazing Race or put strategic thinking to work to evade pirates, your team members will become totally immersed in an outdoor, hands-on skills development activity with many exciting twists. 
Inspired by the Amazing Race, your team will face fun challenges that demand ingenuity & collaborative leadership.
 Putting the “Arrgh” in results, this team building activity gets hearts racing & keeps creativity at the heart of your voyage.
What you learn does not get left behind at the finish line of our outdoor team building challenges. Our programming is meant to enhance your team’s capacity to navigate change, complex challenges, and foster collaborations. By ensuring our best practices are fully customizable and implementable, within your unique structure, we ensure you have the necessary toolkit to achieve your specific organizational goals.
This is a great question that we will be able to answer much more fully once we understand what you are trying to achieve with your outdoor team building event. The length of your engagement will depend on whether you want to create best practices for the long-term or are more interested in a hosting a one-off team building experience, designed to engage and reenergize your employees.
From one three-hour session plus proactive leadership engagement, through to multiday programming, we will help you design a powerful outdoor team building event that aligns with your goals.
Absolutely not. We frequently run team building programming with groups of 20-30, but we also warmly welcome groups with more than 500 participants. Whether you have a small team, or a robust group of corporate leaders, we will provide the appropriate level and format of outdoor programming to maximize learning and earning potential across the board.
Our outdoor team building activities are designed to get people moving and thinking way beyond the borders of their offices. Our programs combine healthy competition, strategic thinking, and some physical activity to create team building experiences that are both fun, challenging, and impactful. Our outdoor team building events get your leaders and their teams moving on high-energy missions of organized mayhem and enthusiastic collaboration.
Tackle your teams’ greatest opportunities and challenges head on by heading out into the great outdoors. Contact our Learn2 facilitators and learn more about our outdoor team building programs, so we can support your organization to grow beyond the status quo and achieve more via positive collaboration and smarter, not harder work.
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There’s always a worthy reason for any team to venture outside of the same four walls for some outdoor team-building activities. Whether it’s Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, a school classroom or a workforce team, there’s something special about a group of people having a collective sense of accomplishment.
In fact, having a close friend at work is thought to boost team commitment by up to 50% . It’s also been found that 85% of failures in the workplace are a result of ineffective communication. The brilliant minds of any team work better with collaboration!
It’s not just the workplace that sees these kinds of benefits from outdoor team-building activities either. All types of teams, from youth groups to athletic teams, will positively unite with the right kind of game or activity that encourages cooperative communication.
Here at The Adventure Park see team-building as also a form of team-bonding! Friendships will form, bonds will strengthen and the common goal you all work toward together will solidify. You’ll notice that performances become stronger all-round when outside team building activities become a weekly or monthly event in a group schedule.
But it can be difficult to decide what type of team-building activity is best for your team. So, let’s take a look at five unique ways to enjoy bringing your team together here with us at The Adventure Park . It’s all about making your team bond like never before!
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