Outdoor Spanking Stories

Outdoor Spanking Stories


Outdoor Spanking Stories

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That poor kid! At that age, the spanking was a back seat to the embarrassment of having his pants pulled down in public. :-( Too far man, too far. 
"I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

That is what I thought Way too Far! I'm not sure what the reactions were with others around but it was disturbing for me to watch! I totally felt for that child I'm sure the embarrassment alone was as awlful if not worse then the spanking! I wish I knew what he did that was so wrong

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Wow. I'm okay with spanking, to each parent their own, but baring your child's behind in public?!? yikes! 
I'm on the no spanking ever train. The bare bottom would have actually disturbed me. Why couldn't they at least do it over clothes. Ugh too much. 

I am also one for spanking but that is just to far. Even though I am for spanking I don't think I would pull my kid's pants down even if we are at home alone. 

Wow, that is actually pretty horrifying to me. Poor kiddo.
BFP#1 05/06/10. Jarebear born 12/29/10.
BFP#2 06/22/12 (DH's birthday). EDD 02/23/13. M/C and D&C 08/09/12
BFP#3 02/04/13. Alaina Beth born 10/09/13.

That is just ridiculous.She took it way too far.
I am also one for spanking but that is just to far. Even though I am for spanking I don't think I would pull my kid's pants down even if we are at home alone. 

Waaaay too far. How humiliating. Poor kid.

I'm on the no spanking train as well...especially in public...with a bare bottom?!? I may have called ACS on the lady. I won't expose my 1 yo's bare bottom in public, nevermind an older child. This day and age everyone and their mother have camera's on their phones, how do you know someone wasn't taping the whole spectacle or taking pictures? Absolutely not! Someone should pull her pants down and spank her in public!
Wow. I'm okay with spanking, to each parent their own, but baring your child's behind in public?!? yikes! 
Cathrine 24 from Norway - Mommy and Married

I am all for spanking in public in the right instance. For example, I saw a dad spank his son for running out in front of cars in a busy parking lot after he told him not to. I think that was very appropriate. Bare as$ed is a little much.

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Im at my sisters house where she has a huge grass park on the left to her across the street and one right behind her house. I heard a kid screaming, crying and yelling a bunch of stuff so naturally I went and looked out the window. It was coming from a boy that was about 5-7 yrs old. His mom had him by the arm and was giving him a good talking to about something then she turned him around and pulled down his pants, I saw bare bumm, and spanked him a few times right there in front of a crowd, there some type of ball game going on. I stood there looking in shock! She then took his hand and walked quickly off somewhere. 
Now I'm one for spanking, I have never done it and normally don't judge parents that do. That being said I do not think it I right to pull a child pants down in front of a bunch of people, I don't care if you know them or not, and spank their bare behind! She could of done it with his pants on or taken somewhere else. 
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
Wow, this exactly. Definitely no reason for pulling the pants down. Yikes! 
I thought this was going to be about general spanking in public and I was ready to tell about how my sister spanks get kids in public and my daddy yells (yes yells) and his three year old grandson before spanking him in public and much it embarrasses me and even if I was in the spanking train (undecided. DH is for it but I'm torn) I couldn't do it in public. 
This situation however is just do wrong. I can't imagine how embarrassed that poor little boy must've been 
This... And especially to show your child's bare bottom when he is that old.
I dont know about the law in the states, but here in Norway you break the law by spanking a child - actually a couple got convicted (fined) for spanking a child a few moths ago. But on the other hand BLOTTING your child like she did is actually a violation of that childs rigths. (it is not the actual pulling the pants that is the violation - but doing it against his will and in public.) I would have had yo use all my internal strength to not go over to that mom and talked to her alone about psychological abuse and action-reaction-sanction. I would also had advised her to read up on punishment, communication and behaveour of young. If she had brogth any "sass" I would have asked for her name and called child services.. (not saying that she should have her kids taken from her, but so that she is "forced" to understand childbehaveour)
 But thats just my thougth - and I see no logical response to a childs reaction that can be defended if it is physical (beating, putting in another room or othervise isolate the child from its surroundings, spanking, blotting, pinching, etc)..
I would have been difficult to restrain in that situation. 
I'm not 100% against spanking but there is no logical reason I can come up with for baring your child's backside in public. 

It’s the wonder of the onesie. And it’s been added to the list of rules and policies I wear one every day without advanced request and permission.
The world’s gone so crazy, a man can’t even spank his own willing wife anymore without being accused of assault.
But Sean made me take off my skirt in the parking lot and shame, humble and completely owned by my husband.
He ordered one and was so happy, he ordered 10 more.
Spanking is easier. And he just had to leave it unsnapped and it shows my red bottom. But there’s more than that. Like I am more submissive, Sean is more dominating.
He almost never gives me permission to leave the room except to go to the bathroom. He corrects me if I don’t say, sir. And his lectures are totally different. He just says things like, “I am the HOH. That makes me the decision-maker, the rule maker and your disciplinarian. And you do what you’re told. That’s why you are a grown woman wearing a onesie I dress you in with your red bottom I just spanked showing. You’re going to stand in that corner and think about what you did”.
It’s not sexual. But our sex life has improved. He’s just so very manly. I didn’t even flinch when he asked me to model them for our DD friends.
I wouldn’t say no to my husband for anything!
Domestic Discipline Lifestyle For Consenting Adults
My husband is so proud of himself. He has found a garment that makes my bottom more accessible, is suitable for the shaming punishment I need, makes me feel utterly submissive 24/7 and can be used in public.

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I was about 17, lived at home, and was on my day off. I was asked to keep an eye out for the weather as rain was in the forecast.
Our next door neighbour had her washing out and I noticed a few pairs of knickers on the line. There were a variety of colours; white, black, dark blue and a cherry red. I checked nobody was about, hopped over the fence and stole the red knickers.
About 20 minutes later, the front door bell rang. It was our next door neighbour, Sally. In her hand was a photograph from one of those instant cameras. It had me caught removing her knickers from the line. She asked if my mother was in. Of course, she was at work dad had long disappeared from the home.
I replied: “No, and please don’t inform my mother.”
Sally said: “Ok, no problems, but we need to talk about this morning’s incident.” She told me to go next door with her to have a serious talk.
Sally lived with her mother who was out visiting family in Wales on a short holiday.
I followed Sally and was very scared, but she said to sit down in the kitchen while she made us both a cup of tea. Then she sat down on the other side of the kitchen table and started folding the clothes from the washing basket.

When she got to her pile of knickers, she looked at me and asked how long I had been looking at her knickers and whether I liked them.
I nearly fell off the chair. I answered: “I love nylon knickers; they just look wonderful. I must apologise for my theft.” I returned the knickers from my pocket.
She said she would accept my apologies and would not tell my mother. I would be allowed to keep the knickers, but would have to purchase a replacement pair. This was on condition I accept her punishment of a hiding after our tea, and occasionally offer to cut the grass for the next few months.
I agreed with the grass cutting, but was worried about the punishment part. She took my hand and told me to follow her which I did into a sort of office come study-type room. She closed the door then took a chair, turned it around, and sat on it. She told me to go to the desk, open the second drawer down, take out the item I found there, and hand it to her, which I did. It was a large type clothes brush.
I was standing beside her. She told me to remove my trousers, which I protested, but she had quite a strong grip and she removed my trousers for me to discover that I was wearing black nylon knickers. I confessed that I loved knickers and my mother allowed me to wear them at home.
I was put over Sally’s knee and held like a vice. She started spanking with her hand very hard. After a while, she stopped and paused, and then started with the brush. The tanning that followed was the worst thing I have ever experienced. I was in tears and my behind felt twice it’s normal size. Sally allowed me up. Boy, was I sore!
I was put in the hallway, which had an L-shaped corner and told to stay put whilst Sally made another pot of tea. Then she sat down in the kitchen, called to me to adjust my clothes and join her.
I was offered a chair with a large cushion, but declined the offer and drank my tea standing. Then the conversation started about knickers and why I love wearing them. Sally purchased a replacement pair of knickers and also purchased a few for me, which was quite a nice surprise.
I visit our next door neighbour to cut the grass sometimes. Sally’s mother is at home but our secret was safe. Apart from a very sore backside for quite a few days, it was a memorable day.

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