Outdoor Self Bondage Stories

Outdoor Self Bondage Stories


Outdoor Self Bondage Stories

Spread-eagle Confessions
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One time when hubby was house sitting /watching a dog for one of his friends he had me tag along with
him. He had me wear heels, stay-up stockings, one of my micro-skirts, a sheer black button-up blouse,
no bra and no panties. We went to his friends house, hubby let the dog out, and then he tied me up
spread eagle to the kitchen table. He put on the radio and turned it up, he unbuttoned my blouse and
opened it up and pulled the skirt up so that my pussy was completely exposed. I started asking what if your
friend comes back?? Hubby replied that his friend wasn't due back for 2 more days. Hubby grabbed the
phone and said he'd be right back and went out the back door to make a phone call. I was getting
wet wondering what hubby had in mind for me. Hubby came back in the house about 20 minutes later.
Then he went out to the living room at the front of the house and said that he'd be back in a few minutes.
The front doorbell rang and I could here him talking to somebody. I was in total panic mode totally exposed,
tied up spread eagle, when in walked hubby with a pizza delivery boy! I think I went numb in sheer panic, but
was also already quite turned on. I really started wondering to myself what hubby had in mind?

So there I lay, this kid, (20 - 24 year old kid), staring at my tits and pussy! Then hubby tells the kid
that I'm his tip and tells him to go ahead and fuck me since I was spread out and waiting to be fucked! Then
hubby starts eating pizza watching this kid fuck me!

Hubby was even cheering him on and this kid kept on fucking me! He came three times inside my pussy!!
I just kept having orgasm after orgasm enjoying the good fucking from this young energetic delivery boy!

After the kid left, hubby let the dog back in the house, left me tied to the table and said that he'd be back in
about a half hour and he left out the back door. I heard the car start and he drove away. Andrés dog (a large
female German sheppard) was now in the kitchen sniffing at my crotch, (at this point I figured that she could smell sperm mixed in with my sweetness), and she nuzzled her nose and mouth up to my pussy and began to lick away! I was pretty uneasy with it at first but I've got to say it wasn't long until I was having some more amazing orgasms! She was licking my pussy and clit at a feverish pace which drove me absolutely wild! When hubby came back he asked if I enjoyed how André had trained his dog to clean up after a good fuck!!!

Needles to say, every time after that, when hubby was house sitting I dressed as slutty as I could and looked forward to being tied spread eagle and await whatever CAME my way!!
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Let me start of the story by explaining my self. My name is Michael and I live in my own apartment in New York, but at the time of this story I lived in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. When I say wealthy, I mean everyone has a bug, expensive house, a nice car, and lots of toys to go along with it. This story takes place when I was in middle school. I was part of a friend group with lots of people. My good friend Shawn's parents were always out of town on business. Shawn is the youngest of 5 children in his family. His older sibling would stay home and watch him and make sure he didn't get into too much trouble. One day Sean and I were hanging out at my one friends house playing video games like we usually did. The friends house we were at had some crazy parents though. They were always fighting. We could here them arguing from across the house. It was so irritating so we decided to leave with all of our friends. Once we left we began to discuss what we would do now. Shawn said that no one was at his house but he wasn't allowed to go their with out his older sister their, who had stuff planned all day. We decided that we would go their and chill and leave right before his sister got home. We arrived at his house and immediately went into his basement where his flat screen tv and video game console were set up. Their was 5 of us down their just playing video games for a little while. Eventually, I had to go to the bathroom. Shawn told me to go use the bathroom in his room in case I made a mess or something like that. Like I was explaining earlier, the houses in our area were not small. I had to walk across his massive house. And as I was nearing his room I heard music and it kind of freaked me out a little bit because no one was supposed to be their. I hesitated for a second and the continued on slowly to see where this music was coming from. I finally reached the room where the source of the music was. The door was wide open. I slowly peaked into the room and saw his sister on the bed. Now before I continue, let me just explain to you Shawn's sister. Her name was Emma and she had recently graduated high school and was going to college in a few months. She was a varsity athlete on the girls Volley ball team. Shes about 5'6 and skinny but now too skinny. I've talked to Emma before, she has a nice and easy going personality. I don't want to get too much into physical detail but she has a somewhat fat ass and nice pair of boobs. She has brown eyes and brown hair. Anyways, as I turned corner into her room, all i saw was her bare belly. She was only in her underwear. At first I was a little startled. But I quietly made my way in. As I walked around the bed she was on, I analyzed her bondage. She had one of those mask ball gag things on so she couldn't see anything. Also the ball gag in her mouth was massive. She probably couldn't even make any noise is she wanted too in that thing. She had belts tightly rapped around her thighs down to her lower legs and had a pair of cuffs on her ankles. Another pair of handcuffs connected her elbows, and another pair on her wrists. She then finished off the hogtie with a final pair of handcuffs. In addition to all of that, Emma had also connected a chain and connected it to the back of her bondage mask and her ankles cuffs and tightened it so her head was stuck looking up. As I slowly crept around the bed, I spotted the key that Emma planted in order to make her escape. And like the bastard I am, I snatched the key. This turned me on so much. I'm sure you can imagine how I felt. Me, a sixth grader in middle school, had a senior in high school, varsity Volly ball player tied up in her underwear completely at my mercy. The only possible way for her to get freedom was if I decided that she could have the key. But until then, I owned her. I eventually made my way back downstairs, with the key still with me off course. I played a few rounds of the game we were playing, although I was thinking more about my bound slave rather than the game. I kept thinking about how I should probably go give the key back but i was too turned on to do that. After about 3 hours of playing video games straight i went back up stairs to my captive. When I got up their, I found Emma wiggling around ferociously, looking for the key. Her wiggling around was definitely the hottest thing. She was wiggling so much but barely moving at allI didn't know how long she had been trying to escape either. For all I know, she could have been trying since i took the key and left. I analyzed her body a little bit longer before putting the key back in a place that she would eventually find it. I walked down stairs and we left. Shawn was hurrying us out because he didn't want us to be their when his sister got home. Every time I think back to that it turns me on. I had poor Emma bound for so long.

The summer was coming to an end. Their was about a month left of school. I soon would begin my 8th grade year. It was sort of depressing as I knew I wouldn't have the same freedom I had in the summer. At this point in my, life I lived in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. My parents were very rich and had a big house.

My parents would soon be leaving on their end of the summer vacation to Las Vegas for two weeks. This unfortunately meant that for all this time, I would have a babysitter. It wasn't all that bad though. My babysitter, Rachel, was very good at entertaining me. She would babysit me every day that both my parents worked and would leave
Brooke held her phone to her ear, nodding and agreeing with the person on the other line.

"Alright Mrs. Miles, 3 o'clock 'till 8 on Saturday? Okay. I'll see you then!"

Brooke hung up on Martha Miles, as she sat down on her bed. She'd just gotten a call from Martha, asking her to babysit her three children, Thomas, at the age of seven, Kate, who was ten, and Tilly, who was twelve. The seventeen-year-old girl thought she'd struck a goldmine, as Mrs. Miles was paying twenty-five dollars an hour, and she was babysitting for five hours, giving her a total of one-hundred and twenty-five dollars by the end of the day. Brooke grinned, as she texted
  Once again, Annie woke up to the sound of mmphing from beside the bed. She peeked over the edge to find Amanda awake and squirming.
  "Want freedom" Annie asked while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
  Amanda was enjoying herself too much, so she shook her head.
  "Fine, but keep it down. It's not even 10am yet, and I prefer to sleep on a while on Sundays."
  Amanda understood and quieted down. She could soon make out that her friend was sleeping again.
  "I might as well get some sleep of my own" Amanda thought, making  herself comfortable.
  A few hour
Annie woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Stretching her stiff limbs, she tried remembering why.
 Then, some muffled moaning came from the side of the bed. Annie looked over the edge of the bed to see her friend Amanda hogtied with handcuffs, gagged with a ball gag and blindfolded with a scarf.
 She suddenly remembered the events of last night. She had come to Amanda for a sleepover, and after a series of events, it had ended up in her getting involved in some bondage games. She didn't really know a lot about it, so it had scared her at first, and for payback she had tied Amanda up like that for the night.
 "How can she even sleep like that?"
This is my first experience with bondage and one of my favorites.
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i totaly would have done sooo much more with her and played with her :)


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My story is more humiliating than embarrassing. I knew some of the girls I went with to the beach were jealous of me, because I looked sexier than them in bikini. Over heard them saying "look at her flaunting her stuff in a string bikini" Having guys and even their own boyfriends looking at me didn't sit very well. I'm sure most of them were glad to see my bikini stripped off. I was sun bathing face down with my top strings undone, when some b****** picked me up off the sand by arms and legs. Never saw them coming. Found myself dangling in mid air with my t*** hanging out and bottom slipping off between my thighs. Hung there nude with girls telling them to turn me over, while guys got a free t** and p**** show. Bared it all that day and the fact that I was totally shaved down there and so spread out, I think I even showed off my c*** . Must have seen it, because I could feel my p**** lips wide open. The degrading part of it, was that it all was disguised as a friendly prank and almost had to laugh about it. The truth was I felt publicly humiliated and sexually assaulted, just to thrill everyone's sexual desires.

You’ll be alright, sounds like they just proved to everyone that you really are sexy

My mom is a nudist and she forces me to participate in nudist events. I feel always so embarrassed there and she forbids me to cover me.

My two sisters caught me in front of my bedroom window flashing my b**** to the boy next door. I was so scared they would tell my mother, they dragged me outside naked to embarrasse me in front him.

My mother got a devorce when I was 17 and re-married a guy that she had had a sexual affair behind my father's back. I knew she was f****** him when my Dad was at work. I sudently found myself living with my mother and a step father that kept groping me sexually. My mother knew about it, but so scared of loosing him she just ignored it. I remember he caught me in my underwear when my mother was out of house, threw me in bed and porformed oral s** on me. I tried to tell him it wasn't right, but he kept spreading my legs, reaching up squeezing my b****** and pushing his finger inside me. I was so disgusted when he dropped his pants and told me to open my mouth. I remember telling me to suck harder. He orally f***** me, came all over my face, told me to clean up pushed me into the bathroom in a rush when her the front door slam. It all happed in just 20 minutes but to me it felt endless. Nothing was said but, I'm sure my mother figured that something had happed but didn't really care.

I was 15 when my older sister walked into the bathroom with her boy friend while I was in the shower. I remember her telling him "you want to see my sister naked " while grabbing my towel and anything else I could use to cover myself. I almost melted with shame when she pulled me out and saw him looking at my t*** and making comments about my pink p**** lips. I'll never forget her laughing while her boy friend lusted over my private parts. It was like one of those wet dreams where you find yourself in front of a bunch of people with no clothes on. I remember running wet and naked down the hall to my room thinking I could never tell anyone about it. I never did because it was just to embarrssing to tell. At least her boy friend saved me from further embarrassment by not telling anyone.

I think your sister wanted to share her boyfriend with you

My mother used to make me do the dishes not caring if my brother was in the house or not. Even when I finished the dishes, she would forced me to stay naked so I wouldn't leave the house. I was 14 years old and old enough to feel embarrassed about my brother seing me so bare. He was just as abusive as my mother and would snap fictures of me naked with cel phone to show them to his friends later. I use to have nightmares about going to school because I knew boys had seen the pictures and there was no lying about to save myself the embarrassment. The horrible thing was, my mother kept punishing me naked till I was 18 only because she knew she couldn't keep from leaving the house and could decide to report her. I never did out of embarrassment of everyone finding out. I just move in with my boy friend and never went back.

I was 21 when my cousin's wife forced me to have s** with her. I was staying with them over the weekend in there guest room. Saturday night we had been driking with their neighbour friends. It was 2am when his wife showed me the bedroom were I would be spending the night. Half an hour later she came into my room, told she had mixed sleeping pills in her husbands drink and took her nighty off. She was 26 and remember she climbed on my face asking me if liked sucking p**** . Ate her out all the way to an o****** and them she sucked and squeezed my d*** and swallowed every drop of my sperm. The next mourning I felt so guilty about s**** around with his wife I couldn't leave the homes fast enough.

Sounds like your cousin wasn’t giving his wife what she needed

Went through the same shame during my high school years. I was 17, one of the few white girls in school and sure it was racially motivated. I remember getting cornered and harassed by a group of black girls in a beaten vacant house near school, used by students to smoke weed. They were saying someone had told them I had made a comment about black girls f****** anything that had a d*** . I remember them exposing my b****** , asking boys if they wanted to see a white p**** and yanking down my skirt and panties. I remember boys squatting looking at my crotch and while these evil girls spread my p**** lips, flicked my c*** telling me I needed a shave. I remember no one doing anything to stop them and remember getting my t*** squeezed and p**** f***** with a bottle. Could have done anything even if I tried. So utterly humiliating I had to leave school to save myself the shame of every in school finding out about it. Told my parents it was because of all the drugs floating around school. I'm now enrolled in a better high school.

I once got beat up and stripped for calling a girl in high school a s*** . I made the comment talking with my girl friends. That same day the girl came up to me telling me she was going to kick my ass. I took it as just tough talk till she ganged up on me with a bunch of her girl friends. I got kicked and dra
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