Outdoor Pee Women Crazy Girls

Outdoor Pee Women Crazy Girls


Outdoor Pee Women Crazy Girls
8:02AM Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
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Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by WordPress.com VIP
More stories to check out before you go
A video has captured the “disgusting” moment a woman decided to urinate through a Sydney train carriage and wipe remnants on the seat.
A video showing a woman brazenly weeing on a Sydney train has shocked people online and caught the attention of police.
The woman, who was filmed squatting between seats on a Sydney train and laughing, has gone viral after a video of the sick act was shared by a popular Facebook group.
Facebook group Auburn 2144 claimed the woman not only drenched the floor of the train with urine but wiped “her urine drenched hands on the train seat”.
Snapchat footage from same night shows the group of women yelling inside an inner Sydney train station and falling into bushes outside.
NSW Police told news.com.au they were aware of the video and were conducting inquiries into the alleged incident.
However, a spokesperson later said they’d concluded their investigation and they didn’t believe an offence had occurred.
“NSW Police are aware of the video circulating online of a woman urinating on a train, and are conducting inquiries,” a spokesman for NSW Police told news.com.au in a statement. They urged anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers.
Police later stated they’d concluded their investigation and believed no offence had occurred.
“The investigation has concluded as no criminal offence is believed to have occurred. No further police action is expected.”
The graphic video attracted more than 700 comments, from people who called the act “vulgar”, “sickening” and “putrid”, and said it made them never want to sit down on a train again.
Commenters were stunned by the act, calling it “disgusting” and “filthy”.
“What … has the world come to,” one person commented on the video.
“Omgggg this is absolutely disgusting,” another said, followed by a vomiting emoji.
“Her parents won’t be proud seeing this,” another said.
“Never sitting on a train ever again,” another said.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
The five teenagers killed in an unthinkable tragedy southwest of Sydney have been identified. The driver and sole survivor is “distraught”.
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard became angry when a question about Covid-19 was asked, accusing an opponent of being a “bully”.
The devastated father of one of five teenagers killed in a horrific crash that rocked a small town on Sydney’s outskirts has made a moving statement.

8:02AM Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Sometimes our articles will try to help you find the right product at the right price. We may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for publishing this content or when you make a purchase.
Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by WordPress.com VIP
More stories to check out before you go
A video has captured the “disgusting” moment a woman decided to urinate through a Sydney train carriage and wipe remnants on the seat.
A video showing a woman brazenly weeing on a Sydney train has shocked people online and caught the attention of police.
The woman, who was filmed squatting between seats on a Sydney train and laughing, has gone viral after a video of the sick act was shared by a popular Facebook group.
Facebook group Auburn 2144 claimed the woman not only drenched the floor of the train with urine but wiped “her urine drenched hands on the train seat”.
Snapchat footage from same night shows the group of women yelling inside an inner Sydney train station and falling into bushes outside.
NSW Police told news.com.au they were aware of the video and were conducting inquiries into the alleged incident.
However, a spokesperson later said they’d concluded their investigation and they didn’t believe an offence had occurred.
“NSW Police are aware of the video circulating online of a woman urinating on a train, and are conducting inquiries,” a spokesman for NSW Police told news.com.au in a statement. They urged anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers.
Police later stated they’d concluded their investigation and believed no offence had occurred.
“The investigation has concluded as no criminal offence is believed to have occurred. No further police action is expected.”
The graphic video attracted more than 700 comments, from people who called the act “vulgar”, “sickening” and “putrid”, and said it made them never want to sit down on a train again.
Commenters were stunned by the act, calling it “disgusting” and “filthy”.
“What … has the world come to,” one person commented on the video.
“Omgggg this is absolutely disgusting,” another said, followed by a vomiting emoji.
“Her parents won’t be proud seeing this,” another said.
“Never sitting on a train ever again,” another said.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
The five teenagers killed in an unthinkable tragedy southwest of Sydney have been identified. The driver and sole survivor is “distraught”.
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard became angry when a question about Covid-19 was asked, accusing an opponent of being a “bully”.
The devastated father of one of five teenagers killed in a horrific crash that rocked a small town on Sydney’s outskirts has made a moving statement.


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