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Outdoor Natural

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Last Updated: May 19, 2022 by Chris
Natural outdoor workout equipment Improvised outdoor workout equipment Man-made outdoor workout equipment Toys to bring with you
Circuit training High-intensity interval training (HIIT) Challenges Strength training Plyometric training Mobility training Steady-state training Recreational sports
HIIT Tips: Use a free app like Interval Timer ( iOS , Android ). Ideas and motivation : For exciting science of HIIT, read The One-Minute Workout: Science Shows a Way to Get Fit That’s Smarter, Faster, Shorter by Martin Gibala or listen to him explain his findings and recommendations on a podcast .
Challenge Workout Tips: Keep Count: It’s easy to lose count when doing a challenge so use pebbles, write in the dirt, or make a note on your phone to keep track. Record: Keep track of your results in a journal or your phone’s note app so you remember what you have to beat next time.
Tips: Focus on form. You’ll get stronger faster and avoid injury by doing fewer reps of lower weight with good form. Do 3 to 5 sets of each exercise to work your muscles enough but not too much. Rest between sets. Give your muscles ample time to recover (1 to 5 minutes depending on intensity). For time-efficiency, consider “super setting”—alternating between exercises that target separate muscle groups. Vary the number of repetitions for best overall fitness gains. Do heavy weight and low repetitions (1-to-4) some days, medium weight and reps (5-to-8), and low weight and high reps (8-to-12 or more).
Tips: Don’t jump right into them. Only get into plyometric exercises once you can do the underlying strength movement very easily and with perfect form. For example, be able to do 30 lunges before trying jumping lunges and be able to do 30 push-ups before doing clapping push-ups. Start your workout with them. When you combine strength training and plyometrics in a workout (which is common), always start with plyos because they are the most demanding on your body. This reduces injury risk. Lots of rest, fewer reps. Your muscles won’t feel as sore or tired from plyometric training as they do from weight lifting, but your nervous system, tendons, and bones are feeling it. Be sure to rest at least two minutes between sets and don’t do repetitions to failure. Don’t do plyometrics on cement. Save your joints by only doing them on soft surfaces like grass or dirt. Also see our post on Why and How You Should Start Sprint Training .
Tips: Don’t push too hard. Counterintuitively, if you push yourself too hard, you’ll get less aerobic benefits. Try to stay at a point where you’re huffing and puffing but can still talk in full sentences while exercising. Don’t exclusively train aerobically. For some reason, runners and cyclists are the most susceptible to believing that just running or cycling is enough to stay fit. That’s like eating only veggies to have a healthy diet. Balance your fitness routine with strength, mobility, and interval training as well.
Tip: Don’t be too recreational. Push yourself physically during drills and games, even if many others are half-assing, to get even the most fitness benefits from your time.
Tips: Jog to your outdoor workout spot . You’ll already be partly warmed up by the time you get there. Don’t static stretch. Stay in constant motion during your warm-up by bending, extending, and swinging your body parts in extended ranges of motion.
Tips: Bring a friend for conversation, to help with technique, and even to use as a weight. See our favorite partner workout exercises . Film yourself to correct your form. You may think you’re moving as gracefully as a ballerina but actually looking like a drunk dancer.
Sleep right Eat right Recover right More natural workout resources
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2022 © The Unconventional Route All Rights Reserved
Working out at the gym is the processed food diet of exercise.
Gym machines are like nutritional supplements. They isolate certain movements your body “needs” in ways that don’t exist in real life. And for workouts, we’re expected to pick the right supplements, blend them together into a workout, and swallow it.
No wonder so many people dislike going to the gym. And no wonder Kim and I and a growing community have ditched the gym to go back to a whole food diet of exercise: natural movements done in nature.
In this outdoor workout guide, we’ll give you a recipe for doing the same.
Here are our favorite types of outdoor workout equipment and environments, ideas for exercises, and toys to bring with you.
Spice up your outdoor training with these toys:
If you can’t go outside but still want to get a workout it, see our post, Strength Training At Home: To Get Stronger, Get Creative .
Once you’ve found the outdoor workout equipment to use as ingredients, it’s time to pick a recipe that combines them into a complete training.
Here are some of our favorites. Mix up these types of outdoor workout to get the best fitness results and so they never get bland.
Circuit training is cycling through a handful of exercises that each target different muscle groups, doing each exercise for a set amount of time or number reps before moving to the next.
People like circuit training because the variety keeps them engaged, it can combine strength and cardio work, and it’s good for groups. Boot camps are a prime example.
Our pool circuit workout , which is four rounds of the following:
HIIT workouts are the easiest outdoor workout to put together. You just do some exhausting exercise for a while, rest, and repeat. That’s it.
HIIT is also the most time-effective outdoor workout. In twenty minutes or less, you can get the same cardio benefits as an hour-long jog and make some strength and agility gains on top.
But there’s a catch. To really benefit from HIIT you’ve got to go so hard that those short windows or work feel interminable.
The simplest but most effective HIIT workout we know:
Or, for something less monotonous, try the new HIIT workout routine that’s become our #1 go-to, the Pant-athlon .
In a challenge workout, you race yourself to do a predefined number of repetitions of an exercise or a circuit as fast as possible. They’re a great way to measure your progress and push yourself.
Run up and walk down a big, steep hill—or a long stairwell or huge sand dune—ten to twenty times as fast as you can.
Do 100 chin-ups or pull-ups in the shortest amount of time possible.
Strength training isn’t bodybuilding. It can be if you want, but more important than build bigger muscles it strengthens the muscles you already have—and your bones and tendons, too. (For instance, Kim found via DEXA scans that her bone density improved significantly once she got into weight training.)
A stronger body burns more calories, is less prone to injury, and deteriorates less with age so everyone needs to incorporate strength training into their outdoor workout routine .
See our post on How to Get a Crazy Full-Body Workout with Stones and Rocks for an example of a fun and unconventional outdoor strength workout.
Plyometrics are explosive exercises like jumping, sprinting , bouncing, and throwing that increase your strength and speed.
They’re particularly helpful for increasing the level of difficulty of outdoor workouts when you can’t access heavy weights.
Sprints, overhead throws, box jumps, clapping push-ups, jumping pull-ups.
As they say, ‘If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
Mobility training actively engages your muscles at their most stretched out position. This tells your brain, “Hey! Don’t forget we need to be able to move this muscle in this position.”
Since mobility training isn’t as intense as the previously-mentioned types of workout, you can do it as an active rest day or as part of your warm-up.
Do a few rounds of this 50-second routine. You won’t look as smooth as this guy, but with regular body brushing you’ll get there (or close).
Tip: Brush your body like you brush your teeth. Just like you take a few minutes out of each day to brush your teeth every day and prevent them from getting sore and decaying, spend a few minutes brushing your body with a mobility routine for the same reason.
Steady-state training is any form of exercise where you’re maintaining a constant, high heart rate for twenty minutes or more. It improves your cardiovascular system.
Jogging, hiking, cycling, or rowing.
Playing outdoor sports basketball, tennis, beach volleyball, and soccer counts as a workout.
Now that you’ve got a tasty outdoor workout in front of you, it’s time to dig in and get sweaty.
Nobody likes warming up, but it’s a necessary evil. It enables you to perform better in your workout (and therefore get better results) and reduces your injury risk.
Keep in mind that it’s called a warm -up, not a tepid-up . If you’re not warm to the point of breaking a sweat, you’re not ready to start working out.
Try three-to-five minutes of continuous animal movements like crab walking, frog jumping, and bear-crawling. Go forward, backward, and side-to-side.
Doing such unusual movements in public feels embarrassing at first. You’ll get used to it. Learning to care less about what others think is one of the bonus benefits of working out outside .
Prioritize good form over speed or strength to get stronger and fitter faster and avoid injury setbacks.
Maintaining good form is deceptively hard, especially when you’re pushing hard and don’t have mirrors to watch yourself, so don’t expect perfection. Do your best and try to do a bit better every workout.
Do a slower-paced version of your warm-up to cool down.
If you want to do some static stretching (which is of questionable usefulness other than it feels good and gives you bragging rights for being bendy) this is the time to do it.
Getting fit doesn’t stop once you’ve finished your workout. It comes from the workout-life balance of a fitness lifestyle .
Sleep, eat, and recover right to get the most out of your hard work and get ideas and inspiration for your next workout from experts.
If you have to choose between sleeping better and exercising better, choose sleep. It’s more important.
Here’s an excerpt from Why We Sleep , the book that opened my eyes on the incredible importance of shut-eye:
“It enhances your memory and makes you more creative. It makes you look more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. It protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and the flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes. You’ll even feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious.”
As you’ve probably heard a million times already, your diet plays a much bigger role in affecting your weight than exercise.
If you’re struggling to eat healthily, here’s an unconventional suggestion: Focus on controlling when you eat instead of what you eat.
First, cut off all snacks. Limit yourself to three feeding periods a day. Second, when you’ve cut your snack addiction, cut back to just two meals a day. Then, try not eating at all. Every once in a while, do an extended fast.
Not convinced about fasting? Maybe our benefits of prolonged fasting (and disadvantages) , my story about what to expect from a 3-day fast if you’ve never fasted before, and the fasting tips we learned the hard way will convince you.
To improve recovery between workouts get your blood flowing through your muscles by walking, not sitting too long on your couch and desk, and incorporating a daily mobility routine .
And learn to listen to signs of your body telling you when it’s ready to work out again and when it isn’t. If you’re not performing as well as you had in a previous workout, that’s a sign your body might not have fully rested and recovered. In those cases, you might want to try a different type of workout.
As is the case with nutrition, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for exercise. Everyone’s got their own tastes and everyone’s body responds differently to specific exercises and routines. So use trial and error (and creativity) to find the outdoor workout plan that works best for you.
If you have any questions about anything in this natural outdoor workout guide, let us know in the comments . We’d love to hear from you!
The Unconventional Route's mission is to make it conventional to be unconventional.
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Great workout ideas, Chris! This pandemic has taken a toll on people’s physical and mental health. It is important to engage in physical activities now that the stay at home order is being gradually lifted. Anyways, outdoor exercises are much safer than indoor gyms.
Yeah, it’s been refreshing to see more people than ever working out outside these days. I hope they keep it up even as pandemic-related restrictions and risks go down.
Subscribe to Consider This to get one new rut-unsticking idea every 14 days. 
Subscribe to Consider This to get one original, thought-provoking, rut-unsticking idea every 2 weeks. 
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Last Updated: May 19, 2022 by Chris
Natural outdoor workout equipment Improvised outdoor workout equipment Man-made outdoor workout equipment Toys to bring with you
Circuit training High-intensity interval training (HIIT) Challenges Strength training Plyometric training Mobility training Steady-state training Recreational sports
HIIT Tips: Use a free app like Interval Timer ( iOS , Android ). Ideas and motivation : For exciting science of HIIT, read The One-Minute Workout: Science Shows a Way to Get Fit That’s Smarter, Faster, Shorter by Martin Gibala or listen to him explain his findings and recommendations on a podcast .
Challenge Workout Tips: Keep Count: It’s easy to lose count when doing a challenge so use pebbles, write in the dirt, or make a note on your phone to keep track. Record: Keep track of your results in a journal or your phone’s note app so you remember what you have to beat next time.
Tips: Focus on form. You’ll get stronger faster and avoid injury by doing fewer reps of lower weight with good form. Do 3 to 5 sets of each exercise to work your muscles enough but not too much. Rest between sets. Give your muscles ample time to recover (1 to 5 minutes depending on intensity). For time-efficiency, consider “super setting”—alternating between exercises that target separate muscle groups. Vary the number of repetitions for best overall fitness gains. Do heavy weight and low repetitions (1-to-4) some days, medium weight and reps (5-to-8), and low weight and high reps (8-to-12 or more).
Tips: Don’t jump right into them. Only get into plyometric exercises once you can do the underlying strength movement very easily and with perfect form. For example, be able to do 30 lunges before trying jumping lunges and be able to do 30 push-ups before doing clapping push-ups. Start your workout with them. When you combine strength training and plyometrics in a workout (which is common), always start with plyos because they are the most demanding on your body. This reduces injury risk. Lots of rest, fewer reps. Your muscles won’t feel as sore or tired from plyometric training as they do from weight lifting, but your nervous system, tendons, and bones are feeling it. Be sure to rest at least two minutes between sets and don’t do repetitions to failure. Don’t do plyometrics on cement. Save your joints by only doing them on soft surfaces like grass or dirt. Also see our post on Why and How You Should Start Sprint Training .
Tips: Don’t push too hard. Counterintuitively, if you push yourself too hard, you’ll get less aerobic benefits. Try to stay at a point where you’re huffing and puffing but can still talk in full sentences while exercising. Don’t exclusively train aerobically. For some reason, runners and cyclists are the most susceptible to believing that just running or cycling is enough to stay fit. That’s like eating only veggies to have a healthy diet. Balance your fitness routine with strength, mobility, and interval training as well.
Tip: Don’t be too recreational. Push yourself physically during drills and games, even if many others are half-assing, to get even the most fitness benefits from your time.
Tips: Jog to your outdoor workout spot . You’ll already be partly warmed up by the time you get there. Don’t static stretch. Stay in constant motion during your warm-up by bending, extending, and swinging your body parts in extended ranges of motion.
Tips: Bring a friend for conversation, to help with technique, and even to use as a weight. See our favorite partner workout exercises . Film yourself to correct your form. You may think you’re moving as gracefully as a ballerina but actually looking like a drunk dancer.
Sleep right Eat right Recover right More natural workout resources
Do You Want to Get Thought-Provoked?
Get Your FREE Unconventional Route Starter Pack
Includes 7 days of challenges, rut-avoiding exercises, fresh-thinking inspiration, and much more!
Check your inbox for the first part of the starter pack.

2022 © The Unconventional Route All Rights Reserved
Working out at the gym is the processed food diet of exercise.
Gym machines are like nutritional supplements. They isolate certain movements your body “needs” in ways that don’t exist in real life. And for workouts, we’re expected to pick the right supplements, blend them together into a workout, and swallow it.
No wonder so many people dislike going to the gym. And no wonder Kim and I and a growing community have ditched the gym to go back to a whole food diet of exercise: natural movements done in nature.
In this outdoor workout guide, we’ll give you a recipe for doing the same.
Here are our favorite types of outdoor workout equipment and environments, ideas for exercises, and toys to bring with you.
Spice up your outdoor training with these toys:
If you can’t go outside but still want to get a workout it, see our post, Strength Training At Home: To Get Stronger, Get Creative .
Once you’ve found the outdoor workout equipment to use as ingredients, it’s time to pick a recipe that combines them
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