Outdoor Grow

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Outdoor Grow

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Stealth Outdoor Grow Ideas for Cannabis

How to Determine Male vs. Female Marijuana

What Is the Sea of Green Growing Method?

Marijuana Mold Prevention and Proper Storage

No matter how good a grower you are, no one is immune to being caught out in the wrong place, at the wrong time. And even if growing cannabis is legal in your area, you may have other problems on your hands such as thieves and nosy neighbors. With that said, the truth is that outdoor cannabis cultivation can be an ideal scenario – if you are careful about it.
Without further ado, we’ve compiled this nifty list of stealth outdoor grow ideas for cannabis that will help keep you out of the sight and minds of people who are out to get you. At the end of every growth cycle, your drying and curing skills may be equally important to retaining that same harvest. Let’s get straight to the ideas.
First thing’s first – you’ve got to pick the safest spot for your outdoor grow.
Initially, you want to inspect any possible grow site at least three times during the week and make sure to make note of any (unwanted) visitors or passers-by.
Another technique is to thoughtfully leave a twenty-dollar bill in more than one random place around the chosen area. Put it somewhere visible yet steady so the wind doesn’t blow it away. If your notes are still there upon your return two weeks later, you know that the spot is most probably safe and free of society.
Change your perspective for a moment and cognitively look into your yard or garden from outside your growing space. Walk around outside and ensure that your cannabis plants are not able to be seen from the neighbor’s – or anyone’s view.
If you’re growing away from home, like in the woods , be sure to stay far away from any path, and do not to leave any tracks or marks when visiting your precious outdoor grow .
– You can plant your cannabis in a decorative container that makes it grow in a non-typical pattern. See more in the section below. – Greenhouse or other outdoor structures are a good way to go for outdoor growing , as they obscure the view from the inside. This option is discussed in more detail below. – It’s only logical to keep your weed plants shorter than your fence. – You can cut the tips off the leaves to make them look less like cannabis plants. – Plant all sorts of colorful flowers and other accommodating plants nearby.
– Pride of Madeira – Staghorn sumac – Jasmine – Lavender – Chrysanthemum – Coriander – Costmary
As a general rule, try to choose strains that are low on odour, such as Northern Lights, as opposed to danky, gassy strains such as Sour Diesel and Chemdawg.
Some outdoor growers prefer to use a special strain developed by Dutch Passions, the Frisian Duck. This unique cannabis plant features webbed leaves that are a result of stabilized natural deformity. The Frisian Duck is a popular choice for outdoor and greenhouse cannabis growers, as the plant gets bigger, they are harder to recognize.
You can bend you plants in ways that will make it differ from a typical “Christmas Tree” shape and you can bend them to not end up growing as tall. Low stress training can be helpful to grow marijuana plants in various shapes and sizes.
If you have decided on growing your cannabis in a greenhouse it can be a good way to help cut down on odors. An air filtration system is one way to help you minimize the smell of weed in your greenhouse cannabis garden.
Installing cameras for security can also help and scare off potential thieves. You can also share the footage with authorities if need be if someone happens to commit theft in your garden.
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Another pivotal factor is concerning the smell of a cannabis grow operation. Try to make sure the odor from your weed is kept under control. The smell of weed after the flowering phase can be overwhelming. Make sure not to forget it!
Keep your cannabis growing plans to yourself, even more so if it is in a country or place where growing weed is illegal.
There's never been a better time to start a cannabis cultivation career . Growers are in demand as more places legalize cannabis. Enroll in Cannabis Training University today to get started!
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Copyright Cannabis Training University, a subsidiary of Online Training Providers. © 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimers: Marijuana remains illegal under U.S Federal Law. It is legal by state law in various areas and in certain countries worldwide.
Cannabis Training University recommends that you review your local laws. You must be at least 18 years old to enroll at CTU.
Cannabis Training University promotes safe and ethical use of medical marijuana.
This company does not endorse illegal use of marijuana in any shape or form.
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Home › Growing › First Outdoor Grow

Last Updated On 16 August 2022 Bob ILGM
How Long Does it Take to Grow Weed?
ILGM White Widow Autoflower Beginner Grow
Autoflower life cycle week by week with pictures
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There’s nothing like the power of the sun when it comes to growing marijuana ! Aside from the fact that it’s free, keep in mind that marijuana and all the other plants have evolved under the sun. When it comes to growing cannabis outside , it’s important to use a place that offers a lot of sunlight.
Outdoor growers prefer south-facing locations. It’s also best to stay away from places with plenty of trees and other vegetation which may hinder sunlight from reaching your plants.
And finally, all cannabis strains follow a certain life cycle. It’s best to start growing in the spring so that as the summer solstice ends, the female plants won’t be bothered by receiving less sunlight because they are expected to grow less and put more energy into flowers.
This grow journal follows cultivating ILGM cannabis seeds outdoors.
This grow journal started with the germination of 1 seed each of ILGM’s Amnesia Haze, Northern Lights, and Blueberry last June 4 th . All three germinated and were placed in small peat pots.
Here are some photos of the little ones in soil. Just dirt for now.
They all popped up. One of them still had the shell on her but it came off easily but the membrane is still on it. The T5 light will soon be installed just in time to get them into the dome and get the humidity up.
Moved them into the dome and they’re now under the new T5 unit. Still not sure when to move them outside.
Since this will be a stealth grow, they might be put into the ground in a 5-gallon bucket with a bunch of holes in it. The other plants in the regular garden should conceal the cannabis plants.
In the meantime, here they are in their new temporary homes until they get bigger.
5 days after germination. Took off the dome to let them get some fresh air. You can’t see it in these photos but the roots on two of the plants are starting to peak out of the bottom. It seems these 3-gallon pots are doing their job.
After plenty of consideration, the ladies were finally transplanted into their finally homes: 5-gallon buckets. They’ll spend a couple of weeks indoors before they’re introduced to some natural light. And of course, a bunch of holes were cut into the pots.
They’re 2 weeks from germination and had to switch over to the 4-inch T5 to be able to fit all 3 buckets under the light.
All plants are approximately 2 inches tall and are working on their 3 rd set of true leaves. Been lightly misting the soil only when needed and spraying around the base of the plant to get water into the soil.
The Amnesia Haze has looked sickly ever since it popped out of the shell but has been progressively getting better and is still growing so it should come into it nicely. The Amnesia Haze is the one in the white bucket.
All three plants are on their 3 rd node and working in their 4 th . They’re only 2.5 weeks old today!
3 and a half weeks since they busted out of the soil. All seems well. The Amnesia Haze has greened up and started to grow well. The Blueberry and the Northern Lights are slightly bigger than the Amnesia Haze though.
Have not given them any nutrients yet but they’ll start getting brought outside to get accustomed to the sunlight.
28 days from sprouting. Decided today was the day to FIM these girls. All have 5 nodes now and they’re working on their 6 th . Been introducing them to sunlight to help them get accustomed to the outdoors. They haven’t been fed yet but they’ll be getting some Verm veg tomorrow and will water them with pH 5.8 and 6.0 water with a little CalMag and some photosynthesis plus.
Shouldn’t be long now until they start to flower.
All seems well with the ladies. Started giving them some nutrients, Verm Veg, some CalMag and watered in with pH 5.8 water with some photosynthesis plus.
The Amnesia Haze in the white bucket has already started to flower so not sure how she will yield since she is so small.
Finally moved the autos outdoors last week and they have already grown quite a bit!
The main stalk on the Northern Lights is really fat and seems a little hollow. The stem is very flexible but it’s strange because the lower part of the step up to the cotyledon is woody like it normally is. The Blueberry is similar but it didn’t stretch as much so it isn’t as noticeable as the Northern Lights.
The plants are healthy and none of them are showing any signs of damage. They’re all starting to flower as well.
Here are the ladies 7.5 weeks after popping from the soil. They have been given Verm Bloom by Vermicrop Organics the last couple of weeks. Buds are starting to get bigger now and all seems to be well with them. No signs of deficiency except for a few bug bites here and there on one of them.
The first two photos on the left are of the Blueberry autos and the other two are photos of the Northern Lights. The latter seems to be a lot more sativa-dominant based on the growth pattern.
Some of the calyxes on the Blueberry are enormous! Just look at them!
These are the calyxes on the Northern Lights.
Both plants are doing well into full flower and the buds are getting stronger too. They still have a month or so to go to put on some serious weight. The colas are the size of a grown man’s forearm.
It’s 9 weeks since they popped out of the soil. The Northern Lights is also starting to bulk up a bit. Seems like the Northern Lights is behind the Blueberry as far as trichome production and development. They’re being fed with Verm Bloom by Vermicrop Organics along with CalMag and photosynthesis plus. The Northern Lights seems to be drinking a lot more than the Blueberry and both are looking better and healthier every day.
Here are a couple of Blueberry auto photos.
This photo is a testament to how resilient cannabis can be. This chute accidentally broke when it was being positioned outwards away from the main stem. It was barely being held by a thin piece of stem so it had to be taped up and a few weeks later, it had a nice little bud forming.
11 weeks since sprout and approximately 6 weeks since the first signs of flower. Both plants are looking healthy. The Northern Lights has some yellowing in lower leaves but they’re normal during flowering and obviously nothing to worry about.
The Blueberry is showing the Blueberry traits of Blueberry traits with some purple leaves and buds starting to darken up as well. The colder nights over the past week seem to be helping out with the colors.
These are pictures of the Blueberry autoflower on the top row followed by photos of the Northern Lights below.
You can see the cold nights are really bringing out the best of the Blueberry auto.
The plants should be ready for harvest this weekend. With the way the sun is rising, the light doesn’t hit the plants until noon or so. They smell fantastic!
Grower: Jmesser80 Location: USA Yield: NA Seeds: Amnesia Haze , Northern Lights , and Blueberry
Unfortunately, the grow journal ended without details of the harvest but it’s safe to say this may have been quite a productive harvest. They can produce approximately 25 ounces per plant after all.
What do you think about outdoor grows ?
Bob knows a thing or two about growing at home. He's not as experienced as Robert, but he has a knack for keeping his gardens incognito. Bob also loves writing about how other people grow their crops and has extensive knowledge on anything you might need to have a successful grow in your own home....
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Best Outdoor Grow Setup for Cannabis 2022
Last Updated: August 25, 2022 By Joshua Mezher

Save Money - No Tent Needed

Organic Cannabis Soil Recipe

Avoid Common Mistakes

Grow with the Sun

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Many first-time and even experienced growers are under the impression that growing weed is a very costly and complicated process. Lucky for you, this is not necessarily true. Weed lovers can rest assured that it can easily be grown in your garden like any other plant. Just look at growing marijuana like you would any plant in your garden. 
However, marijuana may be the ultimate plant. It’s a great addition to anyone’s life and has a long history of meaningful relationships with humans. Unlike other plants, it is easy to install a growing setup anywhere and comes in many different aromas and colors. It also treats numerous ailments and is relaxing to the mind at the same time. 
Growing marijuana is easier than you think. Once you get your seedlings started, growing outdoors is simple. You can let nature take its course so long as the conditions are right. You won’t need to study up much beforehand. Healthy weed can be grown both indoors and outdoors, with little to no experience. 
It also doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, it’s easy to use a cheap grow setup when growing weed. When growing outdoors, you don’t need as much equipment, so you don’t have to worry about things like researching how to make cheap grow lights or set up tents. 
Growing cannabis outdoors doesn’t require as much as growing it indoors. When growing outside, the rain and sunlight naturally provide the environment you need to grow a healthy cannabis plant.
Even though you need fewer supplies, you’ll need a few things to ensure that your cannabis plant grows happily and healthily.
All good outdoor growing setups start with healthy cannabis seeds. They should be relatively young, firm, and dark in color. Most outdoor growers choose to start with cannabis seeds rather than clones. There are various seeds to choose from, like auto-flowering, feminized, photoperiod, and regular ones.
A massive factor when choosing which types of seeds to use is your climate zone. Whether you’re in a warmer or colder climate, you’ll want to research the strains you wish to grow to ensure they’re compatible.
Growing cannabis clones (young cannabis plants) is another way to start growing outdoors without worrying about germinating seeds. Instead, you’ll start with a young, healthy cannabis plant, but outdoor clone growing requires some special considerations.
One mistake many outdoor growers make is taking their clones outside too early. Another common mistake is using too big pots. Ideally, you won’t move your clones outside until they’re strong, hardy, and about four feet tall.
A significant part of having the best outdoor grow setup for your cannabis is the growing media you use for the plant. You can grow outdoor cannabis directly in the ground, with a hydroponic setup, or in a growing pot and soil. Growing weed in soil is easier and more affordable, but using hydroponics can produce plants that grow faster.
The soil you choose for your cannabis should be full of organic matter and allow for proper drainage so that you don’t have to deal with root rot. Many outdoor cannabis growers will dig a hole and then add fertile soil. If you’re using existing soil, you’ll want to test it to check the pH levels and ensure there are no contaminants. You’ll also be able to see what fertilizers your soil needs.
Other outdoor cannabis growers choose to grow their plants in a pot, which gives them control over the soil and makes it easy to move them. For pots, you can use premade soil to improve the overall nutritional quality of your grow media. Living and super soils come with organic ingredients mixed in to help your cannabis plant grow its best. If you want to learn how to mix your own super soil, join our ongoing Summer Grow Class Series ! 
While you can grow your cannabis directly in the ground, many growers prefer to use pots or other containers for their plants. Ideally, the pot you choose should offer enough room for root growth without being too large.
Commonly used outdoor cannabis plant containers include:
5-gallon pots are great for small and medium cannabis plants, and 10-gallon pots (or ideally larger like 35-gallon pots ) are necessary to grow larger plants. The bigger the pot, the bigger the plant, and eventually, more pot at th
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