Outdate Context Issue of iOS Client in Telegram Translations Platform

Outdate Context Issue of iOS Client in Telegram Translations Platform


标题:Telegram 翻译平台中的原文过时问题

This article will be written in both Chinese and English for understanding.

As we found now, the Screenshot #3577, #3561, and #3559 of iOS client in the official Telegram Translations Platform is not match to the current original English strings. Up to 20 strings is influenced in these screenshots and have already cause problems.

到目前为止,我们发现 Telegram 官方翻译平台的 iOS 客户端截图 #3577、#3561 和 #3559 与现有英文原文不符。这些截图影响到将近 20 个常用界面文案,并且已经造成问题。

Screenshot #3577
Screenshot #3561
Screenshot #3559

In these screenshots, notification of messages/media sent to group chat are displayed like this:

And the original strings are given like so in the translations platform. Most translators translated like so with no doubt.



However, the notification strings now are different from how they looked like on the screenshot offered in official translation platform. The group name is displayed above the message/media detail, as a title of the notification, and group name is no long displayed in the content of notification, like this:


So, if you apply translations made from the original strings offered in official translations platform to the latest iOS client, it will cause duplicate information in notifications. Group name will displayed twice in notifications like this:

所以,如果你按照官方翻译平台提供的原文进行翻译并将其应用到最新的 iOS 客户端,将会引起通知消息的信息冗余。通知中的群组名称将被显示两次,像这样:

That's not OK, and when we try to fix the problem from official translations platform the error displayed as all token offered must be used in translated suggestions, the the picture below. So the only way can fix this problem is that Telegram official fix these and other potential out-of-date issues ASAP.

这样的情况并不 OK,但是当我们尝试在翻译平台提交翻译建议去除重复群组名称时,翻译平台给出了下图错误,意指所有提供变量都必须在翻译版本中使用。所以解决此问题的唯一方法是 Telegram 尽快修复这些已发现的和其他潜在的原文过时问题。

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