Our Values

Our Values


Languages: Deutsch

crowdwisely.org's eight values are Co-Individuality, Outcome, Collaboration, Relevance, Empathy, Agility, Transparency, and Emergence, and together they spell the power to CO-CREATE we intend to distribute to everyone.


Collective Individuality

  • The collective cannot exist without the individual and viceversa.


  • Your freedom ends where the freedom of another begins.
  • Being free means saying "no" to something without bearing any negative consequences.
  • Freedom to choose.
  • Freedom to do activity in a fun manner.
  • Freedom to learn how the activity works, and evolve it in creative ways.
  • Freedom to teach and distribute the knowledge to anyone.
  • Freedom to improve the activity, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.


  • Everything starts with one person: you.

Personal Agency

  • Ownership for your successes and lessons learned.
  • Digital Autonomy
  • Privacy

  Personal data is private by default. Shared by choice. Never sold to anyone. Ever.

  • Self-Reliance


  • We cannot go at it alone.
  • Openness
  • Decentralization

The Wisdom of Crowds

  • The crowd is wise.
  • Build a new bridge to outgrow the old.
  • Contribute in any way you can.

Real, Digital, Augmented

  • "Prefer the real before the digital if you cannot augment and merge both."


  • Make goals measurable.
  • SMART goals.
  • Public  Objective and Key Results (OKRs)
  • "In both settings, outcomes matter. Unproductive effort is never a good thing. It’s critical to reward not just effort but learning and progress, and to emphasize the processes that yield these things, such as seeking help from others, trying new strategies, and capitalizing on setbacks to move forward effectively." ~Carol Dweck
  • Efficiency, Effectiveness


  • Say thanks at the correct time
  • Create something together and expand what already exists
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Negative feedback is 1-1
  • Communicate feedback effectively
  • Get to know each other
  • Say sorry as soon as possible
  • Contribute in which ever way possible.


  • We do things, because we think it matters.
  • Because we believe it provides value to other human beings.
  • Makes life more enjoyable.
  • Measure effort and results.
  • Eventual Verifiability


  • Because caring for others is an inborn characteristic of humans.
  • We feel the pain and gain of one another. In one form or another.
  • Neutrality
  • Social Responsibility
  • Because anything worth doing, has consequences and risks to be accounted for. It is not easy to decide.
  • Best to decide together. It balances the load off an individual's back.
  • Gratitude
  • Sophrosyne
  • Nonviolent Communication


  • Accept Uncertainty

Fail fast

Receive feedback gratefully

  • Self-organising Teams

  Each team acts autonomously. Help on call-out.

  • Participative


  • Transparent internal processes
  • Semi-transparent external processes
  • Coordinator decisions should be transparent to team members
  • Open Collective


  • Growth Mindset

Nerd is a compliment.

  • Learn anything, because all can be learned.
  • Mistakes are an opportunity for growth, for trying something new.
  • Serendipity
  • Equanimity
  • Dynamic Equilibrium
  • Fun

Work hard, have fun, make history.

Because everything worth doing is usually fun.

Learning happens when we have fun.

  • Sustainability
  • Accessibility

Provide goods and services at cost with a donation recommendation as a bonus.

Access, not trade.

Making things so that everyone can enjoy them.

This is about doing. Just doing. And how we can remove all obstacles to do what we enjoy most. Without blocking access to it by the purse.

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