Otk Enema

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Life with Suppository
Short stories – Suppository – Enema – ABDL

Obedience Training (BDSM Fantasy + Script)

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Life with Suppository




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Please note This is a fantasy and by no means encourages or condones any behavior written below. The characters in the story play out a scenario where abusive behavior is turned into a fetish. Anyone want to act this out anyway, please make sure consent is established long before anything else.
Every week covers a different stage of age regression. I kept details around each week relatively short. However, I am planning to extend a story or two in the future.
Themes Suppository, spanking, rectal thermometer, panty pooping, diaper mess, punishment, age regression, humiliation.
My daddy has divorced and remarried a year later with a woman named Susan who had two daughters around the same age as me: Erica and Lydia. I just turned 18 at this time. The two families have moved in quickly together because daddy was in the army and he could not take care of me alone. Sometimes I did not see him for 3-4 month at a time.
From the very first moment I hated my foster mom; Susan was pretentious, fake and annoying. The way she talked to me gave me the impression that she felt the same way towards me. Her daughters (Erica and Lydia) were also very rude and mean to me so that did not help things either.
I was going through some tough time: the divorce and my biological moms moving to a foreign country utterly destroyed my chances of seeing her more than once every 2-3 years. Also, my dad’s military missions basically left me with a hateful foster mom and her two mean daughters.
Because of all this, I refused to address Susan as “mom”. I have called her on her first name instead. She hated this and regularly demanded me to call her “mom” or “mommy”.
On one Sunday afternoon – just after daddy left for a mission – I got annoyed by the girls who kept mocking me for watching a “stupid boy cartoons” and for playing “stupid games” like Tetris. The girls kept calling me names so I threw some of their dolls at them. Lydia started a “fake-cry” and ran out yelling for their mom. Susan came in mad and spanked me straight away. She grabbed me, pulled down my pants and started hitting me from behind repeatedly, calling me an “a dirty and disobedient brat”. I retreated back to the corner of the room crying.
She left the room with the girls and returned in a few minutes with all of them smiling. She told me that she has just called her doctor friend who told her that the toxins I eat are the reason for my disobedience. As a result, she had to clean me out.
I had no idea what she meant by this, however, I knew something bad will happen when she asked the girls to grab me. The two girls (Lydia was of my age – 18 years, while Erica was one 1 year older) grabbed me and pushed me on the bed. I started begging for mercy and not to be spanked again. Susan walked up to us and pulled down my pants again. I really thought I will get another spanking, instead, I felt Susan inserting something in my butt. I took me by surprise, so I cried up even louder.
The girls started giggling while Susan scorned me: “I gave you a suppository. This will clean you out in a few minutes. If you don’t hold it in, I will come and spank you again.” I kept crying for a few minutes when I started feeling the cramps kicking in. I jumped up and ran to the toilet screaming, where I have relieved myself.
When I returned from the bathroom, Susan was waiting for me still with the girls giggling. She asked me whether I have done a poop. After I said yes, she ordered the girls to hold me down again for another spanking. I broke down again crying and promised Susan to behave properly. Susan told the girls to let me go, and that I won’t have another spanking. However, she told me that next Sunday – and every Sunday from now on – I have to ask one of the girls for a suppository. I was both shocked and speechless. I decided to nod to this instead of risking another spanking.
“By the way, you are also not allowed to watch your stupid boy cartoons,” Susan told me in the end “From now on, the girls decide what you should watch and you need to watch it with them. No exceptions”.
Over the next week, the girls kept telling when and what cartoons I should watch. Their favorite one was “The princess’ castle”, which we practically watched every day instead of my cartoons. I have only wanted to watch one of my favorite shows on Wednesday, after which another argument broke out and Susan has spanked me again.
Susan has also taken away my Tetris and gave me an old Teddy Bear instead. I was afraid of spanking, but I did not want the new toy. I decided to hid it at one point and told Susan I lost it. I ended up getting a spanking for losing it.
I decided to be obedient from that point on and maybe by Sunday I can watch my cartoons again. It did not work out that way: on Sunday afternoon, the girls sat me down to watch another one of theirs, “Bella and the Wonder Ponies”. While watching it, Susan entered the room and asked the girls to hold me down again. I protested and started crying, but the two girls were too strong for me to get out of the situation. I got another suppository forced inside me, while the girls giggled and Susan scorned me.
“Next Sunday, you WILL have to ask for a suppository or this will happen again.” Susan declared “Now, hold it until you can go to the toilet”.
On the Sunday of the second week, I have asked for the suppository at the lunch table. Susan smiled and took me to my room afterward. The girls appeared a few minutes later, when I was lying on my bed with my pants pulled down. Susan told the girls they have to watch her giving me one so that they can do it starting from the next week.
This time, getting a suppository did not hurt. I had to hold it in for 5 minutes before Susan told me that I can visit the toilet. The urge to do a mess wasn’t that hard as last week, so when I pushed, only the suppository slid out. Susan got mad again, told me to lay back on the bed. After this, she handed Erica a suppository and asked her to insert it in my butt.
Erica slid it in with a massive grin on her face. Susan asked me to stand in the corner of the bathroom until the medicine takes its effect. After only a minute of standing, I was begging her to let me go to the toilet. She made me stand for another minute. When she saw that a small piece of poop dropped on the floor where I was standing, she let me sit on the toilet finally.
On the third week, I told Susan I have pooped twice already in school: once on Tuesday and once on Friday. She shook her head and told me I still have to ask for a suppository. I obliged and asked for it while we were watching the morning cartoons in our pajamas on Sunday. The girls picked the Bella cartoon again, which I hated. So I decided I might as well ask for the suppository at the same time as watching something this terrible.
Susan asked me to lay on my back. She reached under my waist, grabbed my pajama pants and pulled it up along my underwear so that my bum was facing the girls. She applied some lube to my butt-hole herself and then handed the suppository to Erica again.
Susan sat down with us watching the TV show. 10 minutes later when I had to go, I jumped out and started rushing to the toilet. Susan however, stopped me suddenly and pulled me back to the front of the TV. Before I opened my mouth she told me: “You have pushed it out last week into the toilet bowl. I don’t want this to happen this week, so I need you to let it out in your pajamas.” I was startled by the claim and begged her to let me out, but she refused.
“Have you not noticed that I gave you a padded brief yesterday evening? I need you to poop right in there.”
“Oh, I think he is already doing it!” shouted Lydia. Erica and she both burst out laughing while watching me mess myself.
Monday morning, Susan told me that she thought I lied when I told her that I have pooped at school the last week. She ordered me not to poop during school time at all. She has also asked the girls (namely Lydia, since she was attending the same classes as I) to escort me each time I was going out and make sure I have only peed.
After being forced to poop my pants on Sunday, I did not talk back at all. However, just the day after I had to live through one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. When I have asked my teacher to let me out to the toilet during one of the classes, Lydia stood up as well and started walking with me. The teacher had no idea why this is happening and questioned her. She answered her very loudly so everyone can hear it “He is sick. We have to go to the toilet together so that I can ensure that he has pooped or not.” The whole class started frantically laughing and I ran out crying. Lydia still followed me.
On Sunday Susan hosted some people over for lunch. She has asked me to take some of the plates to the kitchen. I was afraid of the spanking (the suppository was inevitable so I did not mind that anymore) so I did it. While doing so, I heard her explaining to the guests how much more disciplined I got recently. She even told them this happened because of the suppositories. I got some funny looks, which made me super embarrassed.
After the lunch, Susan stepped next to me, knelt down and told me how proud she is of me. She took a suppository out from her pocket and handed it to Lydia. Then she pulled down my pants, grabbed my ass cheeks with her hands and pulled them gently apart. Lydia pushed the suppository up my bum, which hurt me a little. “Now, be a good boy and mess yourself.”
Mid-week, Susan told me that she does not trust me pooping at home either. Because of this, she started locking the toilet doors. She gave one key to the girls to share and one kept for herself. She wanted me to tell her or the girls when I needed to do a number 1 or number 2, so they can open the door for me. To demonstrate, she asked me to repeat what she taught me.
“Susan, I would like to go to the toilet, please.” I have asked her.
“First of all it is not ‘Susan’ but ‘mom’ and second of all: ask the girls!” Susan yelled at me.
“Lydia and Erica, I would like to go to the toilet, please.” I told my foster-siblings and still refusing to call Susan ‘mom’.
However, when the next day I asked the girls – now for real – for the keys, they have hesitated and started searching the house for them. I could not hold it back and pissed myself.
This was probably the worst week among all.
Susan told me that she had a better idea: she wanted me to start wearing diapers which were cheaper to buy for her than the specially padded briefs. I was being diapered during the week every day. On Monday and Tuesday, Susan put the diapers on me, from Wednesday, she has started asking the girls to do it.
I cried and tried resisting every single time that week. As a result, I got spanked about 4 times. I have also taken the diaper to school, where I tried hiding it as much as possible. Being afraid of Lydia telling everyone, I have barely gone to the toilet. As a result, I have pissed myself a little at times, but none of my teachers have fortunately noticed.
On Sunday, I was laying on the bed, bare naked, my legs in the air. Susan was holding my legs, while my sisters were putting the diaper on me. I started crying harder than ever asking Susan to let me wear normal briefs instead of diapers. “Please, Susan, please, can I wear panties?” Susan said nothing to me, while the girls kept packaging me in silently. “Please… oh, please. Mommy, please.” This was the first time I called her mommy and she did let out a positive-sounding sigh.
“Okay, I think you were the diapers enough. From tomorrow, you can wear normal underwear again.”. I was relieved to hear this. I made sure to mess the diaper properly that Sunday.
On Monday, I was given normal underwear. The same afternoon, Susan has surprised me with a potty. She told me that she is proud of my progress and instead of pooping in the diapers or pants I can just use the potty now. I got a big tab of chocolate as a reward which I finished eating in less than 5 minutes. Later, she has also told me that from now on, I can’t enter the bathroom for the toilet. Instead, I have to use the potty for both number 1 and 2.
During the last week, I have an accidentally broken glass when helping to pack, but mom did not spank me for it. Instead, mom found the hidden teddy bear and asked me not to let it go while I’m at home. “I will spank you every time I see you without that bear.”
On Sunday, they placed the potty in the middle of the room, they asked me to get naked completely and sit on the potty while holding the teddy bear. I could not go to the toilet, so Susan has asked the girls to walk up to me and give me a suppository. After they have inserted it, I had to sit there for another 5 minutes before releasing.
On Monday, as a consequence of me breaking the glass the week before, Susan told me that she felt I was not quite ready for proper drinking glasses. She handed me a plastic baby bottle. Every day I have used that to drink at home. I was also not allowed to take off the top, so I had to suck on it.
On Saturday, she has woken us up with great news: we are getting out of the house today! After breakfast, she told us that she has organized a hike. 30 minutes drive away there was a hiking trail that led to a lookout point. She wanted to take us there.
For the road, she prepared a bottle of sweet tasting smoothie for me. During the trip, she told me to drink the smoothie, because “it will go-off otherwise”. I obliged and emptied it before arriving at the hiking trail.
To get to the lookout point we had to walk for about an hour both ways. About 45 minutes in, my tummy started cramping badly. I stopped and told everyone that I have to go to the toilet. “Hold it back!” Susan has told me, grabbed my hand and started pulling me with them. In about a minute explosive diarrhea hit me. This was probably the result of whatever it was in the smoothie.
Liquid poop filled up my underwear, escaped it through the legs then rolled down my pants, turning everything under my waist brown. “Can we go home, please!” I cried loudly, but Susan was just standing there with my two sisters looking horrified. “No, we have to do the lookout” she answered, “You should have gone in the morning, this is your fault.”
“But please… mommy please, please mommy” I repeated, but mom wasn’t impressed. “Look, the lookout is just there, let’s quickly go up, the girls want to see it!” she told me with some weird kindness in her voice. I kept crying quietly. Initially, the others did not mind, but when we reached the lookout point, the girls have probably started smelling my mess too. “Ah mom, this stinks so much! Could you change him?”
“I am afraid, not darling. We have some water and a spare towel in the car. We will do it there.” Susan has reassured them. She has also noticed some strangers standing around, grimacing and told them that “I was sick”.
We spent only about 5 minutes at the lookout when Susan had enough of the girls complaining and we head back to the car. I was devastated and everyone is looking at me.
At the car, she made me take off my pants. Then she took out a bottle of water and poured it all over my bum and legs. Afterward, she placed a towel around me and told me to sit in the car. The girls spent a few minutes debating who should sit next to me on the way back.
This was probably the only Sunday, I did not get a suppository.
On Tuesday morning, I felt really sick. Susan decided to keep all of us at home.
Susan has measured my temperature several times during the day and told me that it does not indicate fever. However, when she touched my forehead, she felt I was crazy feverish. She gave me some pills first, but I remained sick and shivering.
“For some reason measuring your temperature isn’t working. I need to take your temperature rectally. Turn around and pull down your pants.”
“Ah, please mommy no! Please, mommy, I love you mommy, please don’t do it.” I begged, which made her smile and soften up. She sat next to me and explained that I have to have my temperature taken rectally, otherwise I will end up in the hospital. After a few minutes of convincing, I let her insert the thermometer and take my temperature from behind.
The rectal thermometer did show that I have a fever. Susan has asked me to lay still and disappeared for a minute. When she returned, she had a suppository in her hand. “This will reduce your fever.” She told me while gently putting it inside me. I got one more medication before going to bed.
The next day Susan woke me up with another painkiller suppository – I was still half asleep when she gave it to me. After this we had breakfast and she took me to the doctor. At the doctor, she explained that I was puking out every pill she gave me and she was not sure what to give me.
“But I did not puke” I claimed front of the doctor to which Susan looked at me embarrassed.
“Ah he isn’t feeling right doctor, she slept through the whole day. He was puking while he was asleep.” Susan told the doctor while giving me an angry side look.
In the end, she achieved what she set out to the doctor prescribed me even more suppositories against puking and fever.
When we got home, she took my pants off and spanked me very hard. “I am sorry mommy, I am so sorry.” I cried, learning that I should not speak when other adults are near us next time. After getting multiple suppositories, I started feeling better the following day.
On Sunday, Susan told me that from now on, she will take my temperature rectally every week. I have also received a glycerin suppository afterward. I was very constipated that Sunday and messed myself in 2 minutes.
On Monday afternoon, Susan has “surprised” me with a small skirt. She told me that I should wear the skirt instead of the pants since it is much harder to make the skirt dirty.
A new wave of embarrassment stuck me as she put the skirt on me. When I was standing in front of her and my giggling sisters, she made a final remark that devastated me for the next few days “I always preferred having girls than boys. Now you are one of my girls.”
During the week, I have also noticed that I started enjoying the cartoon the girls were watching. I picked a character I liked in the Bella cartoon and named the teddy bear after her “Lily”. Lily, me and the other girls were watching the cartoons together from that point.
On Sunday, I was put on a skirt right in the morning along with some pink top and a blue padded brief. When I have asked for the suppository, mom put me on her lap facing down, lifted my skirt up and pressed a suppository inside me with relative ease. She followed this up with a rectal thermometer. By the time we finished, I really had to go.
I was getting used to the skirt very fast this week. I have regularly danced around spinning and enjoying the skirt floating.
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