Orijin Finance - Blockchain network that issues new tokens on BinanceSmartChain (BSC)

Orijin Finance - Blockchain network that issues new tokens on BinanceSmartChain (BSC)


Why is new crypt being released all the time? Is the old token really incompatible with something. It turned out that there was always a flaw in the previous one. The Origin Token wanted to show that its coin would be the best on the market, and made a strong argument. Sales begin in two weeks, on June 4. And anyone can buy coins at a low price. And if a cryptocurrency is released on an exchange, then its price will go up significantly. This is a big plus, being the first to buy something new.

What are the new Origin tokens?

Orijin Finance is a token and cross-chain trading platform supported by the cross-chain Defi. Pre-sale will start soon, have time to buy coins at the best price. Provide liquidity via Binance Chain, Ethereum, and Solana. Access leading ILO cross-chain token projects from one platform. We are very proud to offer a best-in-class user interface (UI) that makes implementing cross-chaining capital easy.

What blockchain is working?

The token runs on the Binance blockchain. Today it is one of the most popular blockchains for creating new tokens. This is because it is very fast and has the lowest transaction fees. It surpasses the Ethereum Network in several ways, and may catch up with it from time to time. The Origin token already has its own contract address on bscsan - 0x00089e7d29c29e9b289a02f68f0fdb45d33066f0. Follow the link and learn how many coin holders, rich lists, transactions and other actions. Everything is transparent, any information is tracked on the blockchain. This is the advantage, of the banking system, where everything is hidden from people's eyes.

Make money from ORIJIN:

Place a bet and earn on Origin. Earn 5% of all transaction fees and place bets on our platform to generate revenue. We call it double wages! We charge a 4% transaction tax, which is then allocated to holders and members. Prizes are distributed proportionally. When a trader sells an Orijin token, we tax the transaction at a rate of 5%, which is then used to buy BNB on the market and is paired with the Orijin token to create additional liquidity, thereby ensuring a stable price cap for each transaction.

Token functionality:

The ORIJIN token provides transparent incentives between users, token holders and the team. We have ensured that the ORIJIN coin has a strong fundamental value which will add value to investors over time. Just keep the ORIJIN token in your wallet and receive a stake reward for every transaction that occurs under our smart contract.

Development team:

Orijin Finance only has competent and professional programmers in its team. To verify this, you can visit their official website. And look how it's done in a professional and modern way. The site is the face of the company, and you should always pay attention to it. If the site has complex elements, beautiful graphics, mobile adaptability, then the team is definitely interested in promoting the product. Which will enter the market in the coming weeks.

  • Title: Orijin Finance
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
  • Total coins: 1,000,000,000,000,000 (Quadrillion)
  • Token Symbol: ORIGIN
  • Network Type: BEP-20
  • BSC Contract: 0x00089e7d29c29e9b289a02f68f0fdb45d33066f0


Username : Wildansaputra

Forum Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2591839

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