Orgie Pics

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Orgie Pics

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I don't know what the hell this is, but I thought it might make an interesting shot. At the Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.
Im sooooooo horny looking for cocks!
I am dripping AF if u are half as horni! IM me. I wanna get all my holes filled tonight.
When the male is ready to mate, the sperm is transferred from the opening of the primary genital on the 9th segment close to the end part of the abdomen to the subsidiary genitalia situated on the segment 3 and 2, which is close to the base of its abdomen. In the beginning of the process, the male holds the female with his claspers on the back of the female’s head, while the female twists her abdomen forwards and downwards to collect the sperm from the secondary genitalia of the male Damselfly. This specific position is referred as “wheel” or “heart”, and the termed used when they indulge in this process is “to be in cop”.
The female Damselflies, when ready to deposit eggs, hover around the water body to find suitable habitat for egg laying. Some also lay eggs inside the tissue of plants. For laying eggs in the water, the female Damselflies may submerge under the water for at least 30 minutes, and at intervals, climb on the aquatic plant’s stem. During this period, the male guards the female and the eggs from other rival male Damselflies.
Something in b/w, I thought it makes it more dramatic.
This is the second picture, on my stream, taken from the same spot, my veranda.
The difference is the 1st was taken January 2015, this one was taken November 2016.
You choose which one you like best.
Two pairs of firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus) copulating on a tree trunk.
Dwie pary kowali bezskrzydłych (Pyrrhocoris apterus) kopulujących na pniu drzewa.
With activities all around us at the orgy we bond as lovers and a couple
all credits and copyrights belong to the artist Julios Plutonian Treves, please welcome him at support him @
I write this with a heavy heart. The last couple of years have found me with a progressively debilitating spinal column and joint problems. If it were just me, I would never ask, but I have 2 young daughters that look to me for support, so I have to swallow my pride...
If you are in a position to help, I have setup an account to accept donations, even as small as the price of a coffee. Or, I also have PayPal. Anything would be greatly appreciated. See my "About" page on Flickr for the link. Thank you.
Thanks for your visit, FAVs, and comments, I truly appreciate it!
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This image may not be reproduced or used in any form whatsoever without my express written permission.
Fruit tree blossoms - Las Garzas - Cartoon Natural - TS2 LR
Too many goddamn flowers in a single place. There should be a law against this. Damn spring, making me take pictures of flowers. I'll take a picture of a dead animal soon to reassert whatever vestiges of manliness I may have remaining.
Press L and then F11 for a large view -
an absolute must to fully enjoy this picture!
Banded Demoiselle double mating wheel
German: Gebänderte Prachtlibelle , doppeltes Paarungsrad
Odonata - Zygoptera - Calopterygidae - Calopteryx -
Calopteryx splendens | (Harris, 1780)
available light | manual focusing & exposure | handheld (IS on)
Lens EXIF written with ExifMixer | ExifTool
If you have amazing shots done with any kind of Canon lens (LTM, FL, FD or EF) on a SONY E-mount camera please share them in my group .: Canon lenses on SONY E-mount cameras :.
If you have amazing shots of dragonflies or damselflies please head over to my group .: Dragonfly & Damselfly Addicts :. ( with odonata picture reference guide ) and share them. Thank you :-)
...dedicated to the master of stripes ...
Mana from heaven for ants - Black and White BW - TS2 - LR
Thanks for your visit, FAVs, and comments, I truly appreciate it!
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This image may not be reproduced or used in any form whatsoever without my express written permission.
Mosses in their reproductive cycle after a recent rain. Small sexual structures known as archegonium (female structures that produce eggs) or antheridium (male structure that produces sperm cells).
There were about 20 of these little tent caterpillar nests on this one bush.
Here is a link to more info and a photo of an adult moth:
The things I see while shopping at thrift stores
Spinus tristis, the American Goldfinch, chowing down.
Over the last few days, I have uploaded some old photographs (most of them from 2006-2010) that had been mistakenly left out while I was re-uploading all those old photos from 2006-2020, which I have been doing for most of this year (2021) in order to catch up. I expect I will soon be finished with these few left over oldies.
In the meantime, I do my best to caption them as best I can, given the time that has elapsed, and the fact that most of them have ben stripped of part or all of their EXIF.
And because I need to upload those older photos in the morning, I will also keep uploading daily 3 or 4 of my 2021 shots in the late afternoon or evening. Once again, as I have said this before, my apologies for such a tremendous rhythm, and my renewed and very sincere thanks to the people who have been kind enough to follow up and keep visiting all over this crazy year that has been spent catching up on 15 previous years of photographic activity...
When the male is ready to mate, the sperm is transferred from the opening of the primary genital on the 9th segment close to the end part of the abdomen to the subsidiary genitalia situated on the segment 3 and 2, which is close to the base of its abdomen. In the beginning of the process, the male holds the female with his claspers on the back of the female’s head, while the female twists her abdomen forwards and downwards to collect the sperm from the secondary genitalia of the male Damselfly. This specific position is referred as “wheel” or “heart”, and the termed used when they indulge in this process is “to be in cop”.
The female Damselflies, when ready to deposit eggs, hover around the water body to find suitable habitat for egg laying. Some also lay eggs inside the tissue of plants. For laying eggs in the water, the female Damselflies may submerge under the water for at least 30 minutes, and at intervals, climb on the aquatic plant’s stem. During this period, the male guards the female and the eggs from other rival male Damselflies.
House of Pain – The Rouge Tattoo @Mainstore
This Tattoo was updated for EvoX. Its got two Versions Fresh, and Healed.
Orgy Time – Hidded Passions – The Bearded Guy
M.M Shape (with personal tweaks) – Kitana
“All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites.”

Orgy Bed, releasing at Fameshed X tomorrow.
Accommodates from two up to six avatars at once - individual menus for each # of users.
Of course it includes many of the memorable, exclusive N4RS animations.
Ideal for clubs, parties and private areas in your home.
These recently dig up onions were lying in the heat of the glasshouse.They offered a photo opportunity,drying in the sunshine, wonderful detail,textures and colour. They did remind me of the crowded beaches,people lying head to toe,soaking up the summer sun,wilting and peeling in the excessive heat.
There are actually 4 moths on this one scabious flower. Thanks to my friend Helen for this find, she has eagle eyes!
Orgy Bed, releasing at Fameshed X tomorrow.
Accommodates from two up to six avatars at once - individual menus for each # of users.
Of course it includes many of the memorable, exclusive N4RS animations.
Ideal for clubs, parties and private areas in your home.

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821 stock photos on the topic orgy are available for licensing. Or start a new search to discover more pictures at IMAGO.
Sailors at a drunken orgy. Mezzotint by W. Ward, 1807, after J.C. Ibbetson, 1802. Copyright: xpiemagsx
The Big Orgy from The Complete Works of BÃ ranger 1836 J. J. Grandville. The Big Orgy from The Complete Works of BÃ ranger. Oeuvres completes de BÃ ranger. 1836. Wood engraving. Fournier & Perrotin (French). Henry Isidore Chevauchet (French). Prints Copyright: xpiemagsx Metbot-142777
India vaccinates 3.8 million teens in new COVID-19 inoculation push A healthcare worker fills a syringe with a dose of the COVAXIN coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine manufactured by Bharat Biotech, during a vaccination drive orgy for children aged 15-18 years in Srinagar-Kashmir. India started vaccinating children aged 15 to 18 against the coronavirus on Monday as it expands its inoculation effort to protect the world s largest adolescent population. Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir India Copyright: SajadxHameed
India vaccinates 3.8 million teens in new COVID-19 inoculation push A healthcare worker fills a syringe with a dose of the COVAXIN coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine manufactured by Bharat Biotech, during a vaccination drive orgy for children aged 15-18 years in Srinagar-Kashmir. India started vaccinating children aged 15 to 18 against the coronavirus on Monday as it expands its inoculation effort to protect the world s largest adolescent population. Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir India Copyright: SajadxHameed
India vaccinates 3.8 million teens in new COVID-19 inoculation push A healthcare worker fills a syringe with a dose of the COVAXIN coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine manufactured by Bharat Biotech, during a vaccination drive orgy for children aged 15-18 years in Srinagar-Kashmir. India started vaccinating children aged 15 to 18 against the coronavirus on Monday as it expands its inoculation effort to protect the world s largest adolescent population. Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir India Copyright: SajadxHameed
October 31, 2021, HONG KONG, CHINA: Citizens are being stopped by the cordon line outside Lam Kwai Fong where annual orgy on the Halloween Night take place.Officers from HK Custom Department are mobilized for policing on the Holloween night as citizens are stopped by cordon line in order to control crowds in the commercial district in Central.Hong Kong celebrate second Halloween under the NATIONAL SECURITY LAW which was introduced June last year.Oct-31,2021Hong Kong.ZUMA HONG KONG CHINA - ZUMAl137 20211031_zap_l137_007 Copyright: xLiauxChung-renx
During the 10th and 11th centuries CE the Chandella Kings of central India, scions of a powerful Rajput clan who claimed the moon as their direct ancestor, built a total of 85 temples to the glory of God, the creation, and the Hindu pantheon. The Chandellas were devout Hindus. Eclipsed by the Mughal conquest, the rise of rival dynasties, and the passage of time, the temples languished in the harsh sun and monsoon rains of central India, gradually becoming lost in the jungle. At the time of their re-discovery in 1839, they were so completely overgrown that T. S. Burt, their founder, thought no more than seven temples had survived. Happily this proved far from the case, for when the undergrowth was hacked back and the complex resto xCPAxMediaxCo.xLtd.x Copyright: xDavidxHenleyx
During the 10th and 11th centuries CE the Chandella Kings of central India, scions of a powerful Rajput clan who claimed the moon as their direct ancestor, built a total of 85 temples to the glory of God, the creation, and the Hindu pantheon. The Chandellas were devout Hindus. Eclipsed by the Mughal conquest, the rise of rival dynasties, and the passage of time, the temples languished in the harsh sun and monsoon rains of central India, gradually becoming lost in the jungle. At the time of their re-discovery in 1839, they were so completely overgrown that T. S. Burt, their founder, thought no more than seven temples had survived. Happily this proved far from the case, for when the undergrowth was hacked back and the complex resto xCPAxMediaxCo.xLtd.x Copyright: xDavidxHenleyx
Protest gegen das Anti-LGBT-Gesetz in Ungarn Die Ungarische Regierung verbietet mit dem Anti-LGBT-Gesetz die positive Darstellung von Homosexualität, Transsexualität und Geschlechtsumwandlungen vor Kindern. Am Vorabend vor der Verabschiedung des Gesetzes kommt es zu einer großen Demonstration der Opposition gegen das Gesetz. Das Schild an der Wand bezieht sich auf den ehemaligen Europaabgeordneten der Fidez-Partei Jozsef Szajer, der an einer homosexuellen Orgie teilgenommen haben soll. Jozsef Szajer liebt doch auch nur. Budapest, Ungarn, 14.06.2021 *** Protest against the Anti LGBT Law in Hungary The Hungarian government bans the positive portrayal of homosexuality, transsexuality and gender reassignment in front of children with the An Copyright: JOKER MartinxFejer xest&ost JOKER210614901416
demonstration for gays equal rights, Budapest, Hungary UNGARN, 14.06.2021, Budapest V. Bezirk. Demonstration neben dem Parlament gegen das Paedophilie-Gesetz der Orban-Regierung, in das nach russischem Vorbild Passagen gegen die Propagierung von Homosexualitaet eingefügt worden sind. -Tafel: Szajer liebt doch auch nur . Der ehemalige Fidesz EP-Gruppenfuehrer Jozsef Szajer war in Bruessel Teilnehmer einer schwulen Orgie. Demonstration beside the parliament building against the Orban government s new law on paedophilia which has been amended to contain Russian style passages against the propagation of homosexuality . Text: Szajer too is just in love . The former Fidesz EP group leader Jozsef Szajer took part in a Brussels gay Copyright: MartinxFejer Fejer21061416
Wall Mural, The Orgy , Painted by Diego Rivera, 1928, Secretariate of Education Building, Mexico City, Mexico xagefotostockx xRichardxMaschmeyerx Editorial Use Only Fine Art XA5-3023962
Allegory on the consequences of excesses in wine, woman and play Allegorie auf die Folgen der Ausschweifungen in Wein, Weib und Spiel, 1510, historisch, C:CC5historical, digital improved reproduction of an original from the 19th century digitale Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, Originaldatum nicht bekannt
Common Frog (Rana temporaria) adults, group in orgy during breeding season, underwater in montane pool, Italy, April xFLPAx xFLPA EmanuelexBiggix FHR-20125-00443-857
Orgy, symbolic and satirical copper engraving by w. hacht, 1578 xUniversalxImagesxGroupx xBildagentur-onlinex xUIGx UIG-1011-05-1f-495073
A beautiful decorative flower bed with an orgy of multicolored small flowers xYAYxMicrox xYAYxMicrox ESY-049571499
Llama orgy, Cordillera Real, Bolivia. xagefotostockx xDavexStamboulisx T76-3345472
The two philosophers, the Roman Orgy, vintage engraving., 13.10.2020, Copyright: xMorphartx Panthermedia27475873
Sensual couple loving each other in a bed. xFotosearchxLBRFx xfxquadrox Model Released ESY-052403118
A cartoon depicting a drunken orgy on St. Patrick s Day. Illustrated by George Cruikshank (1792-1878) a British caricaturist and book illustrator. Dated 19th century PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxONLY 917_05_WHA_136_0591
Wechsel-Orgie: Martin Schmidt (Trainer FC Augsburg, re.) wechselt in der 2. Halbzeit fast die komplette Mannschaft aus; Testspiel FC Augsburg - Galatasaray S.K; Trainingslager Bad Häring, *** Change orgy Martin Schmidt coach FC Augsburg, re changes in the 2 half almost the entire team from test match FC Augsburg Galatasaray S K training camp Bad Häring,
The two philosophers, the Roman Orgy, vintage engraving. xFotosearchxLBRFx xCSP_Morphartx Property Released ESY-024790852
Angela Sarafyan, Lake Bell, Jason Sudeikis & Tyler Labine Poster Characters: Willow Talbott, Alison Cohen, Eric, Mike McCrudden Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director: Alex Gregory & Peter Huyck 29 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: MaryxEvansxAFxArchivexSamuelxGoldwynxFilms 13055835 EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Movie Poster Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director: Alex Gregory & Peter Huyck 29 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: MaryxEvansxAFxArchivexSamuelxGoldwynxFilms 13055836 EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Leslie Bibb Characters: Kelly Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director: Alex Gregory & Peter Huyck 29 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: MaryxEvansxAFxArchivexSamuelxGoldwynxFilms 13054859 EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Tyler Labine Characters: Mike McCrudden Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director: Alex Gregory & Peter Huyck 29 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: MaryxEvansxAFxArchivexSamuelxGoldwynxFilms 13054858 EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Angela Sarafyan Characters: Willow Talbott Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director: Alex Gregory & Peter Huyck 29 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: MaryxEvansxAFxArchivexSamuelxGoldwynxFilms 13054857 EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Angela Sarafyan Characters: Willow Talbott Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director: Alex Gregory & Peter Huyck 29 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: MaryxEvansxAFxArchivexSamuelxGoldwynxFilms 13054854 EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Jason Sudeikis & Tyler Labine Characters: Eric, Mike McCrudden Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director: Alex Gregory & Peter Huyck 29 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: MaryxEvansxAFxArchivexSamuelxGoldwynxFilms 13054855 EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Lake Bell, Tyler Labine & Jason Sudeikis Characters: Alison Cohen, Mike McCrudden, Eric Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director: Alex Gregory & Peter Huyck 29 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: MaryxEvansxAFxArchivexSamuelxGoldwynxFilms 13054856 EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Jason Sudeikis Characters: Eric Film: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) Director:
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