Orgasm While Riding A Horse

Orgasm While Riding A Horse


Orgasm While Riding A Horse
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> hahaha it is quite a large load of crap ..... lol it's obviously comming from a > and not only's implying that many women are not accomplished > horse riders because they can't orgasm in the i dunno he needs to > hack it off and develope a clit and give it a try and find out for himself it > sounds!
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On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 03:59:00 GMT, "bryan" < > wrote:
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On Monday, February 28, 2000 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, bryan wrote:
> You know, I get up at sun up, saddle the ol' mare, and head out for a days
> worth of punchin', cuttin' and sortin'. I don't think I've ever heard of
> such a load of ........ in my life. If this is what you're feelin' or
> thinkin' or whatever when you climb up your horse, then you need to open up
> y'er yellow pages and look under "shrink" section and book y'erself an appt.

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Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message wrote in message < >... >Subject: A canter > >As to the delicate delights of English saddles, >> >> an English saddle, eh? Interesting. >> Whenever I have subtlety suggested >> to riders that is might be possible >> to get some sexual stimulation from >> riding, I get heavily flamed 99% of the time. >> The other 1% of the time, >> they admit, for example, that the >> sitting trot and the canter are good >> for stimulation. can you add to this??? > >Those who flame you are either embarrassed, trying to keep a wonderful >secret for the pleasure of a small, initiated elite or frigid. > >Horseback riding has been giving women orgasms for centuries. And >knowledgeable men have sought the heightened instincts and abilities of >horsewomen for just as long. Serious horseback riding, for sport or >hunting, is strenuous exercise and greatly increases the muscle tone and >control of the stomach, groin, ass and inner legs. It involves forging >a physical bond and a physical understanding of a muscled, warm blooded >animal between your legs. You don't sit on a horse. To ride a horse >you have to grip it and move with it. You have to feel it and know how >it moves. The true horsewoman not only knows how to respond to the >horse but knows how to work with it, to communicate by strength and >balance, in such a way as to make the two animals, herself and the >horse, conform to each other in the midst of heavy physical activity. > >A woman who can ride well must be bold. She must mix control with >receptivity. She understands that too much control blocks the natural >power of her horse while too little control will mean the horse loses >its sense of her. > >This physical communion is at the heart of the sexuality of riding. It >is that physical communion that should be at the heart of two lovers >making love. > >And yes a canter is a lovely motion for a woman to feel the pressure of >a saddle up between her thighs. It has more of the quick, soft circular >motion that women seem to prefer when playing with themselves. I would >think that the sitting trot is more for a woman whose orgasms come more >directly and forcefully. The beast and the saddle surge more >relentlessly, irresistibly through her legs in a distinctive rise and >fall. She can allow her full weight to press from her vulva to the >saddles spine. But the truly masterful horsewoman, knows her beast and >knows her body. She will know how long her can carry her at any given >pace and how much of any pace she enjoys. And she blends these to >please herself. And the spirited beast loves to provide the stamina and >strength and rhythm for her pleasure. And if she can ride well enough >he will gallop and jump and thunder across the earth with her and end >exhausted and exhaulted and, most importantly, incredibly loyal. > >Each woman must find the way she finds most satisfying to ride, a >canter, a sitting trot or a gallup. It can be so much fun figuring out >which you like the most. > >Enough horseing around for one evening. Hope you enjoyed the ride. Did >I answer your question? > >My warmest and best, > The Gentleman > > >-- > >
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Well, I don't know about all that, but his description does make me want to go riding.... -- Fran <\__~ / \
>You know, I get up at sun up, saddle the ol' mare, and head out for a days >worth of punchin', cuttin' and sortin'. I don't think I've ever heard of >such a load of ........ in my life. If this is what you're feelin' or >thinkin' or whatever when you climb up your horse, then you need to open up >y'er yellow pages and look under "shrink" section and book y'erself an appt.
You got me cracking up in my chair...... The most stimulation I have ever gotten riding a horse was when my mare bucked me over the horn of my western saddle, at a full canter, and I ended up riding her without reins, sitting on her neck, and holding her mane. The stimulation nearly put me in the hospital, after mashing my balls on that saddle horn, but after I got her stopped, and got off, I was so "high" from adrenalin, and feeling good about staying on her throughout all of this excitement, that I forgot the pain..... I wont forget that day.... ever ..... !!!! I wont foget the pain, and I wont forget the way I rode that crazy mare, and refused to fall off. That #$^$ mare has dumped me more times than any other horse I have ever ridden, yet, she is one of my favorite horses ever, and is one fine horse.
Think I better go out to my stud barn and make sure all the boys are alone. I already know my mares are in their own paddock !!!!! :)

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A first orgasm is a frightening concept for a developing boy. When you get used to the one-tube-one-liquid construct, anything outside of that workflow is about enough to make you spill green army men all over the living room floor – and have Mom yell at you to pick them up.
And you do pick them up, except for the ones in crouching positions with machine guns because they always slip undetected under the radiator until two months they clog up the vacuum cleaner and mom screams, β€œWHAT DID I FUCKING SAY ABOUT PICKING UP YOUR GOD DAMNED ARMY MEN?”
To which you tartly reply from the bathroom, β€œCALL A DOCTOR! I THINK MY PISS CURDLED!”
Now, to be fair, in most cases the first time that semen emerges from the depths of a young man's penis, it hardly comes as a surprise. Rather, it's often the endgame of years of tireless provoking. Nonetheless, when you're so used to your dick serving one purpose that first time is sort of like finding cupcakes in a sewage canal. You never look at that sewage canal the same way again.
My first orgasm was anything but an exception to this. I was 13 and in the seventh grade, and at the time I was infatuated with this girl Elizabeth. In retrospect, I don't really understand the appeal. She was kind of mothy, and wore glasses even knowing full well the existence of contact lenses. But alas, she was the center of my 13-year-old universe. You may see where this is going.
At 13, I also loved horses. Don't judge me. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Too late.] Horses are majestic creatures, and if they could fly no one would dispute their place as the No. 1 animal on the planet. And to clear things up, I only had them pasted on three of my notebooks. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Judged, judged, judged.]
Anyway, one weekend I took the natural step of bringing my two loves together by inviting Elizabeth to ride horses with me at a ranch just outside of town. I went there almost every Saturday to ride my favorite horse, Freckles. Freckles was getting old, which made her perfect for me because when a horse has one foot in the grave, they tend to mellow out.
Elizabeth and I set off on a private trail, and I was immediately nervous. β€œBetter make a move, Ross,” my little brain repeated. So I pulled the reins a bit and sidled up closer to her horse.
It was about this time that the trail changed from dirt to gravel, and Freckles didn't like it one bit. She started to rile up and even bucked a couple times, and it took every ounce of my nonexistent upper-body strength to stay on her.
Well, the friction of my wool shorts, combined with the nerves, humidity and, yes, the horse's writhing shoulders, were enough to pop the top on my Yoplait.
I busted my first nut in front of the girl I liked, and she had nothing to do with it.Β 
I never went out with either of them again. I was too embarrassed to see Elizabeth again, and it turned out that Freckles' reaction stemmed from an undiagnosed hoof disease.
My dick and I didn't talk for weeks.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: I suspect a bit of embellishment here. So I'm taking Ross to a ranch in the valley and seeing what happens when we start cantering.]
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It seems they slightly tilt the bike seat upwards so that it gently presses against their clitoris. Once they start getting excited, they start peddaling faster. It seem that the faster they pedal the greater is the enhancement of their climax. Any truth in this, girls?
Did you notice that one of the Olympic female bike riders had a CAMEL TOE prominently displayed in her close-ups?But obviously, self masturbation via bicycle seat would be so far from her mind as to be non existant.But, why was she displaying her beautiful camel toe? Without doubt, it was not intentional. But, there you go, girls, you just never know when you're going to be showing YOUR camel toe...and not know it!
I guess that's why they wear p**** blankets. It provides a thick cover over the vagina which prevents the outer clothing at her crotch from squeezing in between her outer labias. By not wearing a p**** blanket, her bikini (et al) gets squeezed into her crack between her left and right outer labias. This is commonly known as ...a camel toe. (So, if you didn't know this before, now you do).
I have read where females orgasm while riding bicycles and horses?
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I've only ridden a horse once... so I really can't comment on that... but I didn't.. Bikes.. its never happened.. and I'd worry that if I tilted the seat and pedalled really hard.. and it is true... I'd fall off while getting my world rocked... so this is one I'll have to wait for Myth Busters to prove or bust... now motorcycles.. that gets me revving...
I have been searching the programming guide. That one is not scheduled yet for Myth Busters. Which one of us needs to write in and suggest it?
you can... I have enough ways of finding pleasure, that I don't need a bicycle...
@Update.. Most of them were.. its the uniform.. the way it is designed.
I've ridden horses my whole would take a very interesting position to get off from that. If you're sitting correctly, you shouldn't feel for the bike, I only get a sore butt from riding bikes lol
So it would be like getting off to anal sex? JK
I'm going to go get a bike right now
Let me know when you get your bike then you can tell me / us all about the experience.I'm pretty sure it is fact as I once asked a girlfriend of mine (who rode a bicycle). I asked her one night before we went to sleep if she has ever "got off " on her bike.She, at first, didn't quite comprehend the meaning of "got off". So I asked her if she has ever "blown her fuse" while riding her bike. She answered "Er, (pause) yeah".
It would be fun to see that happen.
Well I've never experienced this myself, but it could definitely be true. It makes sense, at least.
Umm no. I rode horses for years. If you're doing it right you shouldn't be rubbing yourself on the saddle. And if you did it would be painful I should think- a hard wooden saddle tree? and bikes? Really? I suppose it's possible. But Uhh?
The way I heard it, the horses were female and could only orgasm if they were riding bicycles. I think.
I have gotten turned on and wet from both of those...but never actually gotten off from it.
that sounds like odd places to get an orgasm lol

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C an you get off from riding a horse? Has anybody had an orgasm because of it?

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I read about it. Teenage female riders could get some feelings near an orgasm from riding.
Y es, I can, and have quite a few times. I'm not particularly proud of it, but was a feature of my younger days. It is not so prevalent among women and girls, as some men would like to believe and fantasize about. Seems a bit more common among men in Europe for some reason. Bit of a fetish thing.
I have, several times (I'm a guy). Equestrian eroticism is more often associated with women and girls, partly because so many more women ride horses, but mostly, I suspect, because of, as Skibum says, the fetishism around horses and riding. Most men will find a woman on horseback attractive. So the visual attraction gets transferred to what is something of a fantasy. It's not totally a myth, particularly with the young, but almost all riders will, I think, grow out of it and find it overtaken by more satisfying emotional relations with horses. I tend to think fear is the more dominant feeling towards horses, even (or especially?) among those who love them.
I suppose it depends on how you ride it! But seriously, I knew a girl in college who could get off from the vibrations of a scooter seat, so I don't see why horseback riding wouldn't work for some.
Q uite often, which is why many dudes INSISTED that women ride side saddle.
I 've orgasmed on my b/f's motorbike as we were riding.
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