Orgasm Training

Orgasm Training


Orgasm Training

Join Finishing School
...and start having orgasms whenever you want them!

You deserve to experience as much pleasure - and have as many orgasms - as you CHOOSE to have!
You deserve to have sex that is FOR YOU, instead of just letting your partner have sex WITH YOU.
If it hasn't happened already, it never will
Some women (aka YOU) just aren't capable of orgasming
You're supposed to "relax" and "just let it happen"
Get started today with 4 payments of $279 or a single payment of $999
Finishing School Sounds Great... But Does It Work?
Get started today with 4 payments of $279 or a single payment of $999
Get started today with 4 payments of $279 or a single payment of $999
Learn How To Orgasm plus Orgasm With A Partner, to guide you through, step-by-step, having powerful and reliable orgasms on your own and with your partner. Includes audio and video lessons, plus detailed workbooks.
A library of valuable orgasm-related tips, tricks, and resources beyond what’s covered in Finishing School. Think of Finishing School as your course syllabus, and the Orgasm Vault as your recommended reading.
So you can continue improving your relationship with your orgasm with new tips and techniques.
So you can learn on your own schedule and keep learning for life. Free access to all future program updates. (Priceless)
Questions Smart Women Ask Before Saying “YES!” To Finishing School™
Get started today with 4 payments of $279 or a single payment of $999
Change Your Orgasm, Change The World
You’ve never made a serious effort orgasm before, and you want to make sure you take the fastest, most effective, most fun path!

You’ve been struggling with your orgasm for months, years, or even decades, and you want to finally get a concrete, step-by-step plan for how to make it happen.

You’re ready to learn more about your body and what brings it pleasure. You’re willing to give Finishing School™ a fair shot and devote some time to yourself, knowing that you’re protected by the 30-day, risk-free Pleasure-Guaranteed Guarantee!

You know that orgasm will improve your sex life and your relationship with your partner (current or future) - making sex more enjoyable, demolishing resentment, and bringing a sense of playfulness into the bedroom.

You have a hunch that learning how to orgasm could actually have a huge effect on the rest of your life - making you more confident and more comfortable asking for what you want, and knowing that you deserve it.

You’re just so dang excited to finally experience all the glory of orgasming on your own and with a partner!

Learn How To Orgasm plus Orgasm With A Partner, to guide you through, step-by-step, having powerful and reliable orgasms on your own and with your partner. Includes audio and video lessons, plus detailed workbooks.
A library of valuable orgasm-related tips, tricks, and resources beyond what’s covered in Finishing School. Think of Finishing School as your course syllabus, and the Orgasm Vault as your recommended reading.
So you can continue improving your relationship with your orgasm with new tips and techniques.
So you can learn on your own schedule and keep learning for life. Free access to all future program updates. (Priceless)
Have A Question About Finishing School?
“I wish I never got asked the question, ‘Are you close?’ EVER AGAIN!”
As a woman who struggles with orgasm, you know that every time you agree to have sex, you find yourself back in the same anxiety-inducing situation...
“Please don’t ask,” you think to yourself. “Please don’t ask. Please don’t ask. PLEASE DON’T ASK.”
Your stomach is flipping so intensely it feels like it’s actually trying to fight its way out of your body. 
Your palms are sweating like they did when you were a teenager and your mom caught you sneaking in after curfew. 
Your mouth feels hot, dry, and paralyzed, like it’s incapable of forming a response.
You absolutely, positively, are nowhere close to orgasm.
But you don’t want your partner to know that. 
Do you fake an orgasm? Perform a couple of porn star moans and a “satisfied” sigh?
Do you tell the truth and have awkwardly honest conversation? “Well, you see, uh, the thing is, uh, funny story actually…”
It’s not like you want this to be your reality.
You know that orgasm is the key to helping you actually look forward to sex instead of secretly dreading it.
That’s why you’ve spent countless hours typing the same phrase into Google:
The links that Google serves up are always purple instead of the usual blue. 
Because you’ve clicked every link already. 
That anxiety in the pit of your stomach won’t go away no matter what because…
And you’re STILL not having orgasms!
Because what follows could EASILY be the most pivotal moment you look back on a few weeks from now when you’re having orgasms readily and easily, feeling genuinely and authentically sexy in your own skin, and being more excited about intimacy than you ever have before...
I can relate to what you’re going through, because I’ve been there too.

I struggled with my orgasm for over 10 years. I got asked the dreaded “Are you close?” question so. many. times. I read every article online, desperate for solutions.
But now, in a weird way, I’m actually kind of grateful for all of those awful moments of feeling like a fraud and a failure.
And even though I wish you didn’t have to feel this pain, I’m grateful that you’re going through this now too.
I know that might sound crazy, but hear me out...
These terrible moments served as a real turning point for me.
Where I finally got fed up and decided, “ENOUGH!”
And I’m guessing that you’re ready to do the same!
What’s the only difference between a woman who can have an orgasm whenever she wants one, and a woman who lies passively in bed, silently praying that her partner won’t ask the dreaded question, “Are you close?”
Following the same generic advice you always see about orgasm, which tells you to “not think about it” or “just let it happen”? Absolutely not!
Like any other skill, it takes time, practice, and patience to develop. 
AND a specific game plan for how to achieve it.
You don’t need (or even want) to be having 3-hour-long Tantric sex sessions every night. 
You just want to be able to have some nice sex on a Tuesday and enjoy it! Feeling connected to your own body, present in the moment, intimate with your partner.
Your orgasm shouldn’t be this mythical thing that never happens. 
“It’s OK, you can finish” shouldn’t be the most frequent thing you say in the bedroom.
You shouldn’t have to stare at your ceiling as your partner drifts off into a post-orgasmic haze.
And you deserve to share a few minutes of giggly, mind-blown, “DAAAAAMN that was amazing” pillow talk before you and your partner both drift off.
You think you missed the orgasm boat.
It set sail without you, and there’s just no way to get back on it. 
It is NEVER too late to learn how to orgasm!
Just like it’s never too late to learn how to play the piano, or speak Spanish, or start yoga.
There are literally millions of women your exact age (and older!) who have never had an orgasm.
I’ve spoken with women as young as 18 who feel like it’s “too late” for them to learn how to orgasm.
You’ll only miss the boat if you decide not to get on it.
When you were reading all of those articles, you kept coming across that one sentence that always puts the hairs on the back of your neck on edge…
“Some women will never be able to orgasm, so don’t get your hopes up too high.”
10% of women will never be able to orgasm.
And you’re pretty convinced that you’re that 1 in 10.
There is ZERO scientific proof that certain women are incapable of orgasm.
That damn 10% number includes women who have never even tried to have an orgasm.
Does that mean I’m physiologically incapable of speaking French?
Not putting in the effort is not the same thing as not being capable. 
You need to know that there is absolutely zero proof that you will not be able to orgasm. 
If you put time and effort into it, you WILL have orgasms.
After all, that’s the only orgasm advice you ever read online and in magazines.
“Just relax! Maybe have a glass of wine?”
“Just let it happen! Stop being a control freak.”
And I’m sorry you’ve had to waste your time with them.
(It’s not your fault. After all, these articles have seemed like the only “resource” available to you.)
But “relaxing” and “just letting it happen” isn’t good advice for ANYTHING in life that you want to have. 
If you want a new job, would you ever think all you have to do is relax and let it happen?
If you want to buy a house, would you ever think all you have to do is relax and let it happen?
You don’t just sit around passively, waiting for those things to fall into your lap like magic.
If you want a job, you MAKE IT HAPPEN. 
You take active steps to update your resume, research companies and positions, run mock interviews with a friend, and put together an interview outfit that gives you killer confidence.
So why should orgasm be any different?
If you want an orgasm, you MAKE IT HAPPEN.
When you’re in the moment, sometimes it feels like your brain is your worst enemy.
Thinking about needing to grab more tomatoes at Whole Foods, and needing to make a grooming appointment for your pup instead of the reality that you or your partner are touching your naked body in that very moment.
I know it can feel like your brain is holding onto control with a vice-like grip, refusing to let you topple over the edge into pleasure. 
It really and truly feels like orgasm is just a mental thing. 
And that what you need to do is just stop thinking about orgasm.
Orgasm is just as much about the physical as it is about the mental.
You have to explore actual physical techniques to reach orgasm.
It’s the sensation of hands, mouths, toys, or skin on your body that creates an orgasm.
What’s going on in your head plays a role.
These exact same articles that hype up how amazing orgasm is, also tell you not to focus on it or make it a goal.
They tell you that if you get too focused on orgasm, it will ensure that it won’t happen.
So you try not focusing on it. Just like you’ve tried relaxing and letting it happen. 
How are you supposed to forget that you desperately want to experience an orgasm?
Your desire to have an orgasm is a GOOD thing, not a bad one!
It’s silly to try to pretend that you don’t want an orgasm, or to force yourself to not think about orgasm in the moment.
Rather than driving yourself crazy trying to not think about the very thing you want so badly, we need to harness that goal-driven energy, and use it to your benefit!
Yes, it’s bad for you to get obsessive about a goal if you’re not willing to take any action on it.
Just like it would be bad for you to decide you want to be on the New York Times bestseller list, but then not make any effort to, you know, write a dang book.
There are so many women who have given up on the dream of orgasm. 
Now let’s take that energy that you have and put it to good use!
But what most women don’t realize is that the process of discovering your orgasm can also help you:
Fall in love with your body, and feel wildly confident in your own skin.
Be focused and present in the moment , and able to soak up every bit of pleasure.
Feel fully confident receiving your partner’s attention. 
Know what you want - both inside and outside of the bedroom - and not be afraid to ask for it. 
Know, 100%, without a doubt, that you deserve ALL of this . 
YES, these outcomes are totally within reach for you!
But they DO depend on taking a step-by-step approach.
An approach that teaches you how to demolish your blockages, open yourself up to pleasure, and hone in on the technique that will work for your unique body. 
An approach that I developed and tested on myself to learn how to orgasm after 10 years of struggling.
An approach that you’ll excitedly point back to the next time your partner asks, “Are you close?”, and you’re able to tell them EXACTLY what your body needs to experience peak pleasure.
This is not another one of those oh-so-disappointing articles you’ve read online.
Finishing School™ is a complete system, featuring easy-to-follow, step-by-step trai nings, techniques, and exercises giving you a crystal clear roadmap to pleasure. 
Finishing School’s organized, step-by-step system will show you:
 "Wow wow wow! I was super nervous about signing up for Finishing School, but so glad I did! It's also really nice knowing that you have Vanessa on your side and with you every step of the way. She really knows how to make you feel good about yourself, and make you feel worth it."
I'm Vanessa Marin, a sex therapist and writer specializing in helping you take your sex life from ordinary to extraordinary!
You probably haven’t met a sex therapist before, right? 
So let me reassure you that I know my stuff...
I have bachelor's degrees in human sexuality and sociology from Brown University, and a master’s degree in counseling psychology. I’m also a licensed psychotherapist. 
I've been working in the sex therapy field since 2002 and have been featured by The New York Times, O: The Oprah Magazine, Real Simple, and many more. 
Buzzfeed even called me “The Orgasm Whisperer”!
I’ve struggled with my own orgasm challenges too…
Finishing School™ is personal for me, because I so deeply understand what you’re feeling right now. I dealt with so much shame, frustration, anxiety, and hopelessness. 
Spoiler alert! I eventually figured out how to have orgasms on my own and with a partner, whenever I wanted them.
And I turned my own journey into a step-by-step system to teach other women to have orgasms too!
I am deeply honored, humbled, and awestruck by the work I get to do, and I would love for you to be the next Finishing School™ success story!
"For women who are thinking about taking Finishing School and you're not really sure, what I would say is do it! Do it. Prioritize yourself. Know that more is possible. Be courageous and embrace life fully with lots of faith. Finishing School helps you feel that way and you will be supported the whole time in your journey. No matter how long it takes, you will orgasm and you will really enjoy it.”
“Finishing School for me has been one of the best things I've ever done. It's proven to me that what I thought was true, which was that I was broken as a woman that I wasn't going to be able to have an orgasm because there was something fundamentally wrong, it's showing me that that's not true. And it's showing me that I can do it with a lot of support from Vanessa and her team and the other ladies who went to school. I'm single and I did this on my own, I did it for me. And that was really, really, really empowering.”
"I looked forward to the lesson every single week. There were some lessons that were SO transformative. You WILL get there. There is a community, a tribe of women who have not had orgasms. They have learned how, we have all learned how. ”
"I have had an AWESOME experience. I feel like I am helping to eradicate the guilt and shame surrounding female masturbation and I am passing that legacy on to my daughter so that she doesn't feel guilt or shame.”
“Since starting the course with Vanessa I have become much more comfortable with my body. I have learnt to show my body love and be kind to it in the way I would be towards a partner. I have acknowledged my mental blockages and have been taught ways to deal with them healthily. The course is very easy to follow and allows you to work at your own pace. I’m glad I took the leap and I look forward to continuing the practices I've been taught.”
“Signing up for Finishing School was a leap, but I am so glad I did. Just three weeks in and already I feel miles ahead of where I started. Already I feel a deeper bodily awareness and more alive to opportunities to nurture my own pleasure. I realize now that my sexual fulfillment isn’t going to happen out of nowhere; but it also isn’t an unsolvable mystery."
"Learning how to orgasm is just the tip of the iceberg. Throughout the program you'll learn how to truly make yourself a priority and listen to your body. In my experience, it gave me the format and resources to explore new and unexpected ways to feel pleasure. In doing so, you gain more confidence. Vanessa does a great job at compiling countless tools to expand your mind, dig deeper and open up new channels for pleasure. Just do it, you're worth it!"
“Vanessa’s lessons have reassured me that I’m *not* broken, that learning about myself is a process, and that I should treat myself with the same kindness I show to others.”
“We come to this place for so many different reasons and from so many different backgrounds. Vanessa understands and allows for each of us to do this work in our own time and at our own pace, while steadfastly supporting us in her knowledge that we are all capable of reaching orgasm and finding satisfaction in our sex lives. After our very first communication, in response to my concerns, Vanessa told me 'I can promise you that your body is not broken', and it was such a relief to hear that from the expert! For some of us, this journey is not a quick one, but Vanessa will never give up on us, and she helps us have the confidence and motivation to not give up on ourselves.”
“I started Finishing School because I knew that sex could be a lot better. I've always felt like something was missing and I felt a lot of shame asking for what I wanted. Finishing School gave me permission to take as long as I need to reach an orgasm, and to be able to ask my partner to slow down and to meet me on my level. I considered myself to be educated about female anatomy, but Vanessa explained it in a way that made me feel a lot better about needing specific kinds of stimulation, that I'm not inadequate, and that my body does exactly what it was designed to do. 
I am already feeling a huge difference in the way I think and approach sex with my partner. Vanessa had me trying a bunch of new methods to reach orgasm and changing things up, and varying the methods when I'm by myself has made it a lot easier to receive pleasure from my partner. There is so much to unpack in this course, I am excited to keep going.“
“This workshop was so much more than just learning how to orgasm. It forced me to think about my sexuality, explore my fears, and demand more for myself in the bedroom. Vanessa was responsive and supportive throughout the process. It was also empowering to learn how to get myself in the mood and mindset to engage with my body instead of relying on another person. Finally, even if I ever did gather the courage to shop for lube or a vibrator, I would not have known what to get, so I was so grateful that they came with the course (and they are both great!).”
"Finishing School was packed full of useful information, presented in a way that was friendly and comfortable. It is worth the time, effort, and money because I am worth it."
“I HIGHLY recommend Finishing School for any woman that is struggling with her orgasm. This course has helped me initiate so many conversations with my friends and sisters about orgasms and break the taboo of not discussing it. Vanessa helped me understand my body better and feel more comfortable communicating with my partner. You will not regret this investment in yourself. There is so much knowledge and comfort in this course!!”
"Through the exercises in Finishing School, I’ve been able to work through my negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about sex and masturbation. I’ve been able to connect with my body in a more loving, compassionate, and understanding way than ever before."
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