Orgasm On A Bike

Orgasm On A Bike


Orgasm On A Bike
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Can your bike saddle give you an orgasm? Should you pop that saddle sore? We've got answers.
Cycling is a fairly intimate sport. Not in the sense that we’re bumping and touching other riders (though that does happen ), but in the sense that we ride in form-fitting Lycra, we don’t wear underwear while on the bike, and the entire activity is spent with a narrow saddle between your legs. It can get... well, personal at times.
That means there’s often a lot of stuff cyclists aren’t comfortable talking about, whether with a friend, a fellow cyclist, or a coach. And it’s not a good thing.
“As a physical therapist, but also as a bike fitter and someone who teaches bike fit, teasing out a lot of those unmentionables is something that we do a lot of,” says Greg Robidoux, executive director of the Serotta International Cycling Institute . Especially for women, in a male-dominated sport where most bike shop staff and most bike fitters are male, the topic of crotch health can be awkward.
But that’s just one area we shy away from asking questions about—there are plenty of others. We’ve rounded up six questions you’ve probably never Googled, let alone talked to your riding partner about.
For men, where to position a heart rate monitor strap is straightforward: across the chest. For women, the answer might not be so obvious. Margot Clyne, professional cyclist with team Twenty20, spent years wearing her own HRM incorrectly.
“My dad got me a heart rate monitor around early high school," Clyne says. "I asked him how to wear it as a woman, and he was clearly uncomfortable. ‘Errrmm put it over?’ he responded. And I wore my HR monitor over my boobs like that for years. Unsurprisingly, the monitor never worked consistently. When another female cyclist explained to me this summer that I was doing it wrong, my mind was blown.”
For the record, your heart rate monitor should go underneath the breasts, snug along the bra strap line .
As a cyclist, you don’t want a wild, unbridled mane of pubic hair because it can trap sweat and odor , or add additional saddle sore-causing friction. But perhaps counterintuitively, you also don’t want to razor or wax it all off, either. “Get some clippers, clip that back,” cycling coach and former professional cyclist Giana Roberge advises. “It’ll be more comfortable.” Pubic hair provides a light barrier against chamois-area friction, and also helps with wicking sweat away from the skin. Heading into 2016, Team Great Britain studied this issue extensively with the team's female track athletes , and issued a moratorium on waxing and shaving. The result: Their Olympic squad hadn’t seen a saddle sore for six months.
(Are you a spandex-clad weekend warrior or do you roll with pretty urban hipsters? Find your scene in Bike Tribes , a hilarious field guide to North American cyclists, published by Rodale.)
If you’re not riding more than eight hours a week, you might be inclined to opt for a more comfortable, squishy saddle. Avoid the temptation. “A saddle should feel supportive and comfortable,” says Alyssa Reyna, a certified fit specialist with Mike’s Bikes of Sacramento. “I like to give the example of a ballerina: If a ballerina is dancing on their toes for a prolonged period of time, they're not going to want to do that on a soft squishy surface where eventually they'll ‘sink’ into that surface and lose support. The same rules apply for saddles—the more we are propped up on our pelvis the less likely we are to sink in and sit on soft tissue.” Prolonged sitting on soft tissue may eventually lead to issues like pain, chafing, and saddle sores.
These 5 Stabilizing Exercises Will Keep You Strong in the Saddle:
There is no right or wrong way to apply chamois cream, but there are some things you should keep in mind if you decide to start lubing up before a ride. First, should you apply to your skin or your shorts? This is up to personal preference and the type of chamois cream you’re using (a waxier consistency may be easier to swipe onto your skin than your shorts). Second, you’ve likely decided to start using chamois cream because of friction, discomfort, or saddle sores. You want to apply the cream to any trouble areas. Lastly, it’s better to use too little chamois cream than too much. According to Steve Mathews, the inventor of Chamois Butt’r and head of Paceline Products, you only need to apply a quarter-size dollop , max—otherwise you may actually risk increasing uncomfortable chamois-area friction.
Saddle sores come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but often mild saddle sores may appear as a small pustule or boil. Which begs the question... should you drain it? “You’re introducing the potential for problems when you start lancing things, especially when you lance them yourself,” Robidoux says. That risk—for additional pain and even infection—goes up enormously if you do so right before going on a ride. But if you’ve got to take care of it yourself, Robidoux has this advice: "Probably the best way is if you allow something to drain, let it heal, and then get back on the bike.” Regardless, you’ll want to make sure the area is properly cleaned and has time to air out before you slip on a chamois again. As for less invasive remedies, many cyclists turn to antibiotic cream, witch hazel, tea tree oil, and hydrocortisone creams as over-the-counter remedies for pain relief and speedier healing.
Short answer: Yes. In 2012 the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University, conducted a survey of 370 women who reported either exercise-induced orgasms or exercise-induced pleasure. While most (45 percent) reported their first experience was related to doing core exercises, 19 percent said the experience was linked to biking or spinning. However, it might be something that some folks are wired for, and some aren’t: In the study, many of the women anecdotally reported that they’d experienced exercise-related pleasure even as young as age 7 or 8.

It seems they slightly tilt the bike seat upwards so that it gently presses against their clitoris. Once they start getting excited, they start peddaling faster. It seem that the faster they pedal the greater is the enhancement of their climax. Any truth in this, girls?
Did you notice that one of the Olympic female bike riders had a CAMEL TOE prominently displayed in her close-ups?But obviously, self masturbation via bicycle seat would be so far from her mind as to be non existant.But, why was she displaying her beautiful camel toe? Without doubt, it was not intentional. But, there you go, girls, you just never know when you're going to be showing YOUR camel toe...and not know it!
I guess that's why they wear p**** blankets. It provides a thick cover over the vagina which prevents the outer clothing at her crotch from squeezing in between her outer labias. By not wearing a p**** blanket, her bikini (et al) gets squeezed into her crack between her left and right outer labias. This is commonly known as ...a camel toe. (So, if you didn't know this before, now you do).
I have read where females orgasm while riding bicycles and horses?
I've only ridden a horse once... so I really can't comment on that... but I didn't.. Bikes.. its never happened.. and I'd worry that if I tilted the seat and pedalled really hard.. and it is true... I'd fall off while getting my world rocked... so this is one I'll have to wait for Myth Busters to prove or bust... now motorcycles.. that gets me revving...
I've ridden horses my whole would take a very interesting position to get off from that. If you're sitting correctly, you shouldn't feel for the bike, I only get a sore butt from riding bikes lol
I'm going to go get a bike right now
Well I've never experienced this myself, but it could definitely be true. It makes sense, at least.
Umm no. I rode horses for years. If you're doing it right you shouldn't be rubbing yourself on the saddle. And if you did it would be painful I should think- a hard wooden saddle tree? and bikes? Really? I suppose it's possible. But Uhh?
The way I heard it, the horses were female and could only orgasm if they were riding bicycles. I think.
I have gotten turned on and wet from both of those...but never actually gotten off from it.
that sounds like odd places to get an orgasm lol
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I have been searching the programming guide. That one is not scheduled yet for Myth Busters. Which one of us needs to write in and suggest it?
you can... I have enough ways of finding pleasure, that I don't need a bicycle...
@Update.. Most of them were.. its the uniform.. the way it is designed.
So it would be like getting off to anal sex? JK
Let me know when you get your bike then you can tell me / us all about the experience.I'm pretty sure it is fact as I once asked a girlfriend of mine (who rode a bicycle). I asked her one night before we went to sleep if she has ever "got off " on her bike.She, at first, didn't quite comprehend the meaning of "got off". So I asked her if she has ever "blown her fuse" while riding her bike. She answered "Er, (pause) yeah".
It would be fun to see that happen.

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0:19 / 2:37 • Watch full video Live

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