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Orgasm Gif

15 HOT Internet GIFs That Will Make You Orgasm Instantly
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By Nicole Weaver — Written on Jul 22, 2016
We see GIFs online every day that make us laugh or help us express our emotions. But they can also be helpful for when you get in the mood. Sure there are videos, but you might be surprised about how effective sexy GIFs can be .
We previously showed you the hottest sex GIFs from movies . And movies are a great source thanks to hot sex scenes. But they aren't the only ways to find hot graphics. There are other videos that aren't so mainstream that can get the job done.
Feel weird about looking at sexy GIFs? You shouldn't! According to a study from Marie Claire , out of 3,000 women surveyed, 31 percent said they watch porn every week, 30 percent say they watch it a few times a month, and ten percent watch it daily. The study also found that one in three women watch porn at least once a week .
It all makes sense due to the growing access of technology. You can find porn and basically take it with you everywhere you go . Along with the growing access, there's also the innovative technology changing how people watch it. There are additional perks to watching it other than pleasure.
According to the same study, 17 percent of women watch it to get a better understanding of what their partner likes . Turns out, porn can really bring couples together. According to another study published in Scientific American , couples who were honest about watching porn with each other also reported lower levels of distress.
A majority of porn is watched from your average internet search at 90 percent, according to Marie Claire’s study. However, there are a lot of women that up on other platforms to get their fill. To be exact, 33 percent go to Tumblr for image searches .
Don't want to miss out any longer ? Here are the hottest NSFW GIFs out there.
1. You don't have to be a fan of The Vampire Diaries to see how hot these two are.
3. This is yet another reason to watch Empire.
4. Can you tell why Lip is our favorite on Shameless ?
5. For those who are more into leather...
6. Make sure you always yes to Dean Winchester from Supernatural .
7. Shower sex is always the hottest sex.
8. We just can't get enough of this sexy foreplay.
9. This position doesn't look bad at all...
10. Well, that's is one way to get clean...
11. This is one feisty couple who can't get enough of each other.
12. Sense8 's orgy scene is pretty unforgettable.
​13. Taking off a bra is one of the hardest things for men to learn.
14. For those of us interested in having some fun in the office...
15. And we are, of course, forever grateful for this scene from Orange is the New Black.
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