Orgasm Denial Fiction

Orgasm Denial Fiction


Orgasm Denial Fiction

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tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words

This is the raunchy romance story between Maza, a trans orc girl, and Fae, a non-binary human. She's a hung muscled stud and he's a tiny bubbly femboy, and their budding romance quickly takes an intense BDSM dynamic... with a twist. The massive buff green top is inexperienced, shy as hell, and a vehemently submissive masochist.
As Maza gets entangled further and further into this new and exciting relationship, she discovers wonderful things about herself and vastly expands her sexual horizons.
A bunch of short NSFW one-shots. Word count and kinks are included in the notes for each chapter.
I've written a lot of sinful shit, and I need to edit said shit because I've definitely expanded my writing style, but these bad-boys were written kinda well so... #RecycleYourOnlineFootprint!
Just to be clear - ALL of these one-shots were written by me, BUT were previously posted under different users on Tumblr.
The VIP in the panther mask promised to change Jun-ho's life if Jun-ho could satisfy him in 5 minutes. Life changes, especially those promised by a rapey rich man, aren't always positive.
Big CW: Do I have to say read the tags? Read the tags! I can't emphasize enough how dark this is. This is horror erotica. Tags will be updated as the story progresses.
There will be bondage, there will be sadism, but please don't confuse this extremely noncon fic with BDSM which is a consensual kink. There will not be incest. There are children under an unspecified threat of harm, but no child abuse of any kind will be portrayed.
The numbness always clung to him, engraved into his nerves and swirling in his blood stream. If he remained motionless too long, it seeped into his bones and his body ached with every little movement to the point he stopped and if the period of immobility stretched too long, jumpstarting a new motion was a daunting task, near impossible. So, he kept moving, enough to keep the numbness as an afterthought and easily ignored.
Bakugou made him feel like he was burning like the sun, the lukewarm touch of other people paling in comparison. He'd chase that heat as long as he could.
you give eula, ayaka, ganyu, and shenhe(in order) the time of their life
One can only live in the Kiramman house for so long before certain things make their way to the matriarch. Cassadra becomes quite eager to try this 'good girl' thing with Jinx.

"You have sex with everyone who... ugh, takes business from you?"

"No. Only cheeky, pretty thieves who need to be taught a lesson in respect."

Thief Childe tries to steal the Gnosis from infamous crime lord, Zhongli. His plans don't go accordingly.
Been celebrating my 3k follower milestone over on Tumblr with blurb requests so I'll just throw them all in here in a collective work
This is a wild collection of fluff, smut, anything that was requested in my inbox so make sure to check each chapter for content warnings
If you'd like to check out my Tumblr I am @spiderrrling over there and my requests are always open!
Felix looks up at Hyunjin where he’s kneeling between his legs under the table. His lips are parted, tongue peeking out. It’s clear what he wants and he whines softly — not really audible — because he’s still being ignored as Hyunjin keeps drawing on the table above him. He hears the relaxing music — they both like indie bands but Felix would rather they could be talking to each other or that their mouths could be otherwise occupied. Hyunjin is talking to Stays, though, ignoring Felix completely. The only way that Felix knows he’s not forgotten is that he can see that Hyunjin is half-hard as he carries on.
Evelyne Dubois finishes off her Shield training with Clint Barton and Natasha Romanov, starting an amazing friendship and a story of falling in love.
My OFC learns she likes kinky stuff, falls in love with Natasha, they date, have cute and fluffy and smutty moments, and there's plot that happens around them as they love each other.
Luz's reckless behavior made her a victim of tentacle molestation. After the incident, the side effects include a belly full of eggs and libido as high as the moon. Unfortunately for her, another side effect is the incapacity to cum, no matter how hard she tries. Frustrated, she knows Eda is the only one that can help her.
In short: Everyone fucked up everything.
The time is the Dark Middle Ages, even with Voldemort defeated, the Wizarding world is still a place where Omegas are seen as properties. Couldn’t sleep, Harry came across ‘The Slytherin Wall of Sluts’ that changed the rest of his life, but the cog wheel of destiny may have started to move long before that. Twelve years later, he was confronted with the presents of destiny, and struggled to deal with the mess. However, every step he took seemed to be another mistake.
WARNING: 1. English is NOT the author’s first language; 2. Dark worldview and everyone fucked up everything; 3. You might not like this story even if you like my last; 4. It was my idea originally, then Mika and I discussed it, and we decided to do two different versions of it after we wrote the first chapter together. So if you came across her story, keep in mind that neither plagiarised the other.
You're a good student at the top of your university class and the vice president of your student-led club. A shiny toy on the top shelf of your social circle. Hanma likes toys he can break. Slowly but surely, you begin to spiral into a twisted situation that is entirely out of your control, putting your life and the lives of the people around you at stake.
Or, Hanma takes an interest in the University of Tokyo's resident good girl.
Hanma pinches your cheeks together, forcing your gaze from the closed door. You stare back with a hollow fear, eyes wide as an owl’s. You don’t feel his hand on your cheeks. You don’t feel anything right now.
“Thank you.” It’s quiet, muffled in your ears by the sound of your terror.
Hanma smiles down at you with that eery and unfamiliar smile. “You’re such a good girl. Don’t worry,” he soothes, pulling your face back into the lapel of his jacket, “I’ll protect you.”
Unfortunate thief Simon picks the wrong person to rob, and makes a deal to save his life. He thought he would only be selling himself for the night, but it turns out to be for good. He is taken to a gated community where the residents can use him at will; and they do, repeatedly. He is used and abused, and slowly but surely loses himself.
Or: A man who didn't know what he was getting into is subjected to the dark whims of some very bad people. This is just pure, unadulterated filth.
Part 1 of 6 of “Charles/Erik Camp Fuckbuddies"
The mornings were unusually hotter as Summer came along, and if there was anything as annoying as the clothes sticking to Charles’ skin during his camp activities - it was a hard-on , hands down. 
He didn’t know how long he was standing in the sun for, watching mutuals pass by in their swimwear and smiles, drinking lemonade and watermelon alike. He wasn’t turned on by them, per se, but there was one particular camp attendee he hated the most - 
He was top of his academic classes, joined robotics for fun, and was currently on a free ride through Bard University. But people like Erik weren’t excited when it came to college, it just occupied his time....
It didn’t help that Erik was attractive; amazing facial bone structure, pretty eyes, good body, and a seductive, charming voice. He was a tease. 
A malicious wizard grew bored after his world domination and goes back in time to redo his life . But this time, he plans to be horny and impulsive. On his way he meets various creatures to subjugate and bend to his desires. But will they remain simply his slaves is the question.
Note: i made this for fun and it's full of sometimes weird sex scenes so be warn
Adrien thinks everyone forgot about him on his birthday, and by everyone— he means the only person who ever remembers it anyway, Marinette.
You and Bucky fuck for the very first time in his office at the company’s building.
Aster Lionette was just starting his shift at the club he works for, having already done his first striptease on stage. Afer he was done with that, his boss informed him that there was someone requesting a dance from him, with a warning, 'Be careful with this one'. Aster, never one to fear when working, marched right in. To his shock and slight trepidation, he'd walked right into the hands of Matai Arashi, notorious crime boss.
This series/fic is a collaboration between myself and my friend ThePeoplesHero . It’s both based on a Mob/Mafia setting in general, but also set in a more modern Eorzea that somewhat mirrors the modern world. You’ll find references and lyrics to modern music, and the addition of guns/knives when appropriate.
This overall series is going to have a bit of a darker tone, both for Aster and Matai themselves, as well as the background cast of characters, mostly dealing with friend’s OCs and the occasional NPC. I encourage everyone to always read the tags for each piece and take note of them, for each fic within this series will be slightly different than the others.
Steve loves Natasha. Natasha loves Steve.
So naturally Steve submits to whatever Natasha wants.
Each chapter will be titled after the main element of their “playtime”. Skip around if you want, there’s not really a sequence. :-)

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Ironically, it is usually the male partner who brings up the topic of erotic male tease and denial. If you are not familiar, Erotic Tease and Denial is when one partner, usually the female, does not allow the other partner to orgasm during sexual intimacy.
So your husband asked you to deny him. What is wrong with him?
First off, you need to know...

My very worst fear and quite possibly biggest fantasy have finally come true. Sir and I have been discussing his long-term goals for me, and he wanted to know my preferences so he could perhaps take them into consideration in his decision if he so chose to. The topic we were to discuss? Denial. Orgasm denial. Permanent orgasm denial. He wants to know if I li...

Note: this is a story, fiction. None of the facts are correct, and all the names are false, invented. So enjoy!
(Re-posted with the above clarification, and links deleted).
Nocturnal Anal Stimulation in Orgasm-Denial Relationships - A Study
Willsoin,D.E., Arangji,T.F - UCNYCE - Dept...

I thumbed through one of those glossy movie magazines as I waited for my slave to be prepared at Dominie House - known to its exclusive membership as "Dom House", of course.
I was only reading it because the magazine had an interview with me, and was in the form of one of those Question and Answer things. The last question read: "And tell our readers, Linda...

"I hope you enjoyed that orgasm, slave," my Lord says quietly, "You will not have another until next Sunday, over a week away."
"Why, my Lord?"I ask, my voice a tad too high, a little scared.
"Because you were such a slut last night. Because it pleases me. Because you will be in agony. All. Week. Long."
It isn't the first time we'd played this game. I'd...

She was fucking Gorgeous! You met her on your 21st birthday. She was in a skimpy dress. You were in a tight-fitting tux. You have a 8-inch cock and when she felt it rub against her back side she had to have it inside of her! From that day on, she fell in love with you and your sexual deviance and your willingness to be her partner in her wildest sex fantasie...

My daughter Samantha is a true, natural sociopath. She doesn't know right from wrong, she only cares about herself and what she wants. By the time we figured out how she was manipulating her family, her teachers, her "friends", it was too late for my marriage.
Her mother and I had her committed to an institution where she couldn't do any more harm,...

It was my orientation day at the museum. An exciting day, to be sure.
I guess I should explain. I'm an exhibitionist. I get off on other people looking at my body and watching me get off. Heck, I get wet just thinking about it. I discovered this in school on a dare and eventually I became a cam girl. Being a cam girl is fun, don't get me wrong. I mean, I si...

It's nearly two thirty in the morning. Suzi is in the kitchen warming up my coffee. I have tomorrow off of work and I'm planning to stay up as long as I can and see how far I can push my experiment.
I'm very excited about a new possibility for us in terms of games. Since she introduced me to a few of the websites that deal with female orgasm denial, I've be...

"I would so love to slap your balls. We need to try to do a call where we slap the cum right out of them. I really really would love to try that."
Although the email was very straightforward – 33 words – its unmistakably enthusiastic tone blew my mind.
It was about midnight as I read the email, and I was having a hard time sleeping. I hadn't come for abo...

I laid there shaking and sweating, filling the room with the stench of my utter desperation.
"Let's do something extra special to celebrate your year of denial," he said. "It'll be fun," he said, and I went along with it.
Who am I kidding? Like I had any choice in the matter. Sir always tells me my input matters and may impact his decisions for better or w...

Risk/Reward: a simple game of hypnotic edging denial and bliss
Warning: playing this game can be risky, it has been known to drive even the most prudish girls mad with lust. Play at your own risk.
To play the game you need a simple countdown timer with a buzzer and a pair of hypnotically enchanted panties. If you don't yet have the latter please read the u...

It had been a week now since my Master told me an orgasm will only be granted to me once a year from now on. It didn't exactly come as the biggest surprise--that's how long I had to wait for three of my last four.
But actually hearing him confirm it has done something to me. I've been overflowing with both desperate horniness and ebullient happiness. Nothi...

I have a fantasy about self-denial; call it a recurring nightmare .....
A woman (let's call her 'Julia', if only because that's a lovely name) has an extremely high libido and is constantly looking for ways to achieve ever more intense feelings of sensual and sexual fulfilment.
Over many years she perfects her technique of orgasm...

I looked at the alarm clock. 12:47. So over 45 minutes that I'd been trying to sleep with no success. My Master hadn't come to bed yet. I had a bedtime but he was allowed to stay up as late as he wanted. I thought this was rather unfair, but I didn't make the rules.
Sleep seemed out of reach for the time being, and I was getting a little hungry. So I got up...

Please note: the following is FICTION. There is no such company and no such products.
Men, are you frustrated because your wife or girlfriend is no longer the person she used to be? Perhaps she has gained weight or let herself go? Maybe she doesn't give you the appreciation and respect you deserve, or has terrible mood swings, or has a tendency to n...

Author Note: This arc begins with "A Cure for Loneliness" where our heroine gets her guy. It continues with "Helping a Friend's Loneliness" where she makes things better for herself and for a friend she meets along the way. For some reason, there's more in my mind to write for pun'kin, so here we go for anyone that might still interested...

Over the last ten days my master has been edg
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