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If you're planning your route through Colombia right now, and pondering whether San Andres island is good for your budget and a worthwhile addition to your itinerary, then this post will hopefully give you the answers and advice you're looking for. On our first trip to Colombia, we simply couldn't afford San Andres. However, as that was part of a much longer adventure through Latin America, we had plenty other things to occupy us and give us that hit of vitamin sea. Fast forward a couple of years to our most recent South America, and we were both really keen to visit the Caribbean island which is much closer to Nicaragua than Colombia. After finding cheap last-minute flights, we were fortunate to enough to spend five nights on the island in total plus three on Providencia , and wanted to share some advice and tips to help you make the decision and plan your own trip. Here are 13 essential things to know before you visit San Andres. Due to its foundations being built on colonial power plays in the Caribbean, slavery, and a longstanding unresolved maritime dispute, things are a more complicated for this little island than you may necessarily think. Colombia and Nicaragua have been in disagreement about San Andres, and the waters which surround it, for well over a century. A treaty was eventually annulled and reneged upon in , and Nicaragua has continued to protest that the Caribbean waters should belong to them. Tensions flared dramatically in following a ruling by the International Court of Justice. This article by The Economist gives a good overview of the dispute and the ruling. Colombia has steadfastly refused to accept the judgement however, which effectively transferred over 75, square kilometres of resource-rich sea to Nicaragua, and the dispute continues. So, what does all this mean for your trip? Probably not very much - any confrontation is very very unlikely - but it does explain why an island much closer to Nicaragua and Central America, is in fact part of Colombia and South America! Cheap and direct flights to San Andres depart daily from every major Colombian city, and for most travellers, are the only means of accessing the island. Flight time is 1h 48 mins from Medellin, 2h 20 mins from Bogota, 2h from Cali, and only 1h 29 mins from Cartagena. If you fly on Fridays and weekends, or around the Christmas and Easter holidays Colombians take these very seriously , expect increased prices and demand. If you really want to cut down on cost, then consider leaving your main backpack at your hostel in the mainland! Check flight prices and availability on Skyscanner , as well as on the airline websites for the full picture before booking. Travellers should have no issue booking and paying for flights on the airline websites with non-Colombian bank cards. Unfortunately, there seem to be no boats running from the Colombian mainland to San Andres, or from Nicaragua. Lastly, proof of a return journey is mandatory for San Andres visitors. We and several others were called up to the boarding desk to show our return tickets probably because they were booked with a different airline , and this is a common requirement. For the avoidance of doubt, you will not be allowed to fly to San Andres unless you have a return flight booked and can show this as proof of departure. Doing it this way, or vice versa, will save you travel time and help you to cover more of Colombia at no extra cost. Before our trip, we were a little confused by the information available online as it seems like every airline and airport has a slightly different process or practice. Therefore, we wanted to share our own experience of paying the San Andres visitor tax in Bogota airport to make things as clear as possible for you. Once we had checked in with Avianca and passed security, we made our way to the boarding gate. Everything was a little disorganised, but they made an announcement about paying for tourists cards in Spanish tarjeta de turismo , and we joined the newly formed queue on one side of the two desks. The queue went down very slowly and, as we got closer to the flight departure time, people turning up who had missed the previous muffled announcements about the cards assumed that we were all queuing to board, and so would skip ahead to the front of the line in a panic to ask where to pay the entry tax! As we inched to the front of the queue, this process repeated itself about a dozen times. Anyway, we were able to pay for the visitor tax without any issues by bank card and received a receipt and our two tourist cards. We also highly recommend that you are carrying enough pesos with you to pay in cash in case the machine isn't available on that day or at your departure desk or with your airline, and that you try to get to the boarding gate desk in good time. Whatever happens, do NOT get on that plane without having paid and received your San Andres tourist card! Let us know your own experience in the comments with paying the San Andres visitor tax. For Colombians, San Andres offers a way to visit a holiday island in the Caribbean Sea via a relatively affordable flight and without any visa, money, or language concerns, because it's still Colombia no matter what a Nicaraguan tells you. Can you imagine if there was an island in the Mediterranean that Brits could go to without having to speak a foreign language, worry about visas thanks Brexit and eat egg, chips and cups of tea in the sunshine? Yeah, San Andres is like that, but for Colombians. Unfortunately the tap water is not suitable for consumption on San Andres. We write this not as hyper-paranoid travellers who will never drink from the tap anywhere, but as people who have travelled in Latin America for three years and have regularly used tap water as our main water source. To cut down on unnecessary plastic as much as possible, we recommend that you stock up on the really large bottles of drinking water from the supermarket and use these to fill up smaller bottles to take out for the day. Tip All travellers should try to minimise their plastic usage and footprint. This article has more advice and tips - how to travel with less plastic. On this little tropical island, there are wonderful beaches and secluded bays - of that we are in no doubt. This is where your experience of San Andres - the island - really depends upon you getting out of San Andres - the town on the island. Many travellers we've spoken to, and misinformed blogs we read before visiting, completely wrote off San Andres based on what they saw on that first afternoon between the airport and when they took the boat out to Providencia. If we hadn't taken a full day with a scooter to explore the rest of the island outside the surprisingly built-up, polluted, and congested centre, then we would have left with the very same impressions. That being said, there are most definitely still some great traveller spots in San Andres where it does look and feel like a little island in the Caribbean - you just have to get out of the centre and find them! However, increased migration to and from the Colombian mainland is thought to have changed this in the last decade - and our limited experience very much confirmed this. On the island, we spoke Spanish primarily and it definitely felt like the dominant language. In Providencia , the neighbouring island, we spoke English with almost everyone. Given so many Colombian tourists arrive in San Andres, it's not a surprise that it has become the lingua franca. If you've come from south or central Colombia, then elements of San Andres will definitely feel pricey. By comparison, excellent private doubles in hostels in the Coffee Triangle and Bogota were in the 70, - 95, COP range. However, if you've come from the much more expensive northern Caribbean coastline of Colombia i. Cartagena or Palomino then its prices actually won't come as too much of a shock. So, San Andres is more expensive than elsewhere in Colombia for some things - particularly accommodation - but is not an entirely unaffordable destination for travellers if you do it right. The good news is that there are a few hostels in San Andres with fairly priced dorms and private rooms, they just sell out fast! Republica Dorms start at 45, - check availability. For various other day-to-day costs, like beers and groceries, San Andres is little more expensive than the mainland but not too much to be concerned about. You can absolutely still have a great time here on a bit of a budget, just make sure you get the big ticket items sorted and budgeted for in advance. There are large shopping centres all over town and many take the opportunity to stock up on booze and other goods. The internet is pretty bad across San Andres. We found that if we really, really needed to use the internet even we had a few days off , we were much better giving up on the painfully slow connection at our guest house and instead using the 3G on our phone with a local Claro SIM card, which had a strong reception right across the island. The biggest question for most travellers planning their trip to San Andres is, unfortunately, whether they should leave it straight away and go onward to Providencia. As we mentioned earlier, we think that San Andres has earned a little bit of a bad reputation amongst South America backpackers. It is definitely not the island paradise which we found on Providencia, but it's still a really accessible island in the middle of the Caribbean with a few excellent beaches, several spots of perfect clear water, and sunshine. And so, like we were, you may be faced with the dilemma of whether your travel budget can extend to visiting one or both of these islands. Indeed, you may be wandering if you should only come to San Andres in order to go straight to Providencia. So, to save you some of the trouble, we'll talk you through some of the conversations and research that you'll inevitably come across:. Providencia is so much better than San Andres Not entirely wrong, because Providencia is has so little tourism or development in comparison, and is just uniquely special. However, that specialness unfortunately means San Andres is given a hard deal by virtue of an impossible comparison. Chocolate cake isn't as good as sticky toffee pudding, but give me chocolate cake when I want a dessert and I'll still be pretty damn happy. Will you prefer Providencia to San Andres? Providencia is damn expensive to get to We really stretched our budget to go to Providencia for just two nights, and we have absolutely no regrets in doing so. And so, if you want a few nights affordable instead on a Caribbean island, San Andres will become the only and best option. At the end of the day, the choice really is yours and yours alone. If you are planning on visiting both San Andres and Providencia, then read our Providencia guide coming soon! Rainy season is from June to November, but that usually only entails a few hours of rain each day. Outside of that, San Andres tends to receive pretty great weather all year round, with an average temperature 26 - 27 degrees celsius. We visited in February, during the December - May dry season, and had perfect weather throughout. The most popular way to do this is with a rented golf cart. You can rent them all over the city centre from rental companies, with prices starting at , COP per day. We opted to rent a scooter instead for 70, COP. Alternatively, there is a very regular public bus which circumnavigates the island. It will bring you into and out of the town centre, plus directly to some of the best beaches in San Andres. Just hop on and hop off - but be aware that it can get really packed at certain times of day, so if you want to get on at a popular beach, you may have to wait for a few to pass. Tickets cost 2, COP, and correct change is always preferable. However, do bear in mind that they are more expensive than elsewhere in Colombia and any price should be discussed before you agree on the journey. Read our guide to San Andres for more advice on renting, and for ideas on the best beaches to visit with your rented wheels. Please note that some links on our site are affiliate links. If you choose to purchase through these links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. By using these you are directly supporting Along Dusty Roads to remain an independent travel blog, and to provide you with free content to help you travel more, and travel better. How To Get To San Andres Cheap and direct flights to San Andres depart daily from every major Colombian city, and for most travellers, are the only means of accessing the island. Colombians Bloody Love It For Colombians, San Andres offers a way to visit a holiday island in the Caribbean Sea via a relatively affordable flight and without any visa, money, or language concerns, because it's still Colombia no matter what a Nicaraguan tells you. But It Still Has Great Beaches That being said, there are most definitely still some great traveller spots in San Andres where it does look and feel like a little island in the Caribbean - you just have to get out of the centre and find them! The Internet is pretty crappy The internet is pretty bad across San Andres. Should I Go to Providencia Too? So, to save you some of the trouble, we'll talk you through some of the conversations and research that you'll inevitably come across: Providencia is so much better than San Andres Not entirely wrong, because Providencia is has so little tourism or development in comparison, and is just uniquely special. Bus, Motorbike…Golfcart? Get Ready for Colombia. The 6 Best Day Trips from Cartagena.

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