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It is divided into two stages, more popularly known as two Phases. What these phases are and how you can plan for this cable car ride is what I will explain in the article below. A Gondola ride is one of the biggest attractions that Gulmarg has to offer. There are plenty of other places to see as well but Gondola is what really draws thousands of tourists here each year, both local and also from other parts of the country. During the peak tourist season, you may have to get in line and wait for hours before you will be able to board a Gondola. Not just the tourists but it is also a star attraction even for the local families of Kashmir. Gulmarg Gondola is a cable car system that ferries tourists from Gulmarg town to the top of the nearby mountains of Kongdori and Apharwat. The word Gondola is not the name of any company as some people believe. A gondola is actually a traditional, flat-bottomed rowing boat that they use to ferry passengers in Venice. The same name then got used for several other means of transport like Rail, Balloon, Airplane, Ferris wheel, etc. Like a regular lift in a building that takes you up and down between floors, a Gondola in Gulmarg is also a lift that will take you up and down a mountain. It is a word that actually means boat but is also used for all cable cars across the world. There are two phases of Gulmarg Gondola, or in simpler words, there are two stops of Gondola. Gulmarg town is the starting point of the ride and the top of Apharwat peak is the endpoint. Kungdoor is the center point in between. Let me post a picture of it. In the above picture, the spot where I have written 1 is the starting point of the Gondola ride. This is where the booking station is and the ride starts from. The entire mountain that you see in the picture is the Apharwat peak. Number 2 is the middle spot, the Kungdoor station where Phase 1 ends. A lot of people just prefer to go till this point. There are some dhabas there where you can get something to eat, relax, have fun and return. Number 3 is the finishing point of the Gondola ride, the end of Phase 2. It is the top of the Apharwat peak. If you want to go all the way to the top, you will have to buy another ticket for Phase 2. Number 4 is actually where Alpather Lake is located at the top. It is a small lake that you can trek to from the Gondola station. The gondola station is located on the main market road, at the far end of it. If you are sitting somewhere near the Maharani temple, then you are at the other end of the road and need to start walking in the other direction. So while planning a ride, the first thing you will have to do is to reach the Gondola boarding point. Depending on where you are staying in Gulmarg, you may have to do a bit of walking to get here. From Maharani temple, it is about 2 kilometers of a walk. If you did not want to walk that much, you can also hire a pony to take you there. Just ask anyone for directions and you will get pointed towards where to go. If you are here during peak tourist season then just follow the crowd. In the end, you will arrive at this building. It looks like a hotel but is actually the entry gate of Gulmarg Gondola. They have the entire setup inside including the huge waiting hall and the boarding point. I will post a few pictures again. This is the spot where you jump on the Gondola. It is inside the building. The Gondola actually continues to remain in motion and never stop. So yes, you will actually have to get in while it remains in motion. It will not halt and wait for you to get on board. The ticket counter however is outside so make sure you buy the tickets first before getting inside the building. This is the booking window. So once you have the tickets in hand, you will board the Gondola for phase 1. If you were there during the off-season, there will be no waiting time involved. I for example was there in mid-August and we were the only ones buying tickets. In tourist season though, I have heard that people had to wait in long queues both while buying tickets and then at the boarding point. Once you get on board, it will take about minutes at most and you will arrive at the Kungdoor station, the endpoint of Phase 1. Yes I know, it is too short but that is all there is to it. At Kungdoor station, you will get off the Gondola and step out. This is what will be waiting for you outside. The ride may be short but the view is what makes it all worth it. There are a lot of small tea stalls, and restaurants as well so you can step out, walk around, enjoy the vistas and have something to eat. There is also a small waterfall nearby at about 2 kilometers of walk. Do note though that it is actually a very small one and nothing too great. The 2 kilometers of the walk however is quite steep and will definitely take it out of you. A lot of people and most families travel only till Phase 1 and go back from here. If you however want to go further then you board another Gondola to the top of nearby Apharwat peak. This is Phase 2. You will have to buy tickets for both Phase 1 and 2 from the booking counter at Gulmarg only so keep that in mind. There is no booking counter at Kungdoor. For people going to Phase 2, do not step out at Kungdoor station. Get off the 1st Gondola and right next to it is the boarding point for the 2nd one. Phase 2 is also a 10 — 12 minutes ride and will bring you to the top of Apharwat peak. The vistas however will improve tremendously and you will really enjoy the natural beauty around you. There are no eating points here. If you are a bit adventurous type, then you can trek to the nearby Alpather Lake; about kilometers of walk away. Do remember though that this is another steep climb and is a bit difficult. This is the place where you catch a Gondola for Phase 2. As you can see, it is a different lift but like the previous one, this one too remains moving while you will step inside. This is where Phase 2 ends. The green building is the Gondola station. Once you step out, you can then start walking to your right for Alpather Lake, as we did. A better way of doing the trip would be that you come straight to Phase 2 from Gulmarg first. Walk around and enjoy the beauty at top of the mountain. Trek to Alpather lake if you wish to. Then on your way back, get off at Phase 1 and step out. See the meadows here, eat around and then take the Phase 1 Gondola back to Gulmarg. Good to know information is that the end of Phase 2 is not really the top of the Apharwat peak. It actually is at Kongdoori Mountain, a shoulder of nearby Apharwat Peak. The top of Apharwat is again 5 kilometers of trekking towards Alpather Lake, to your right as you will notice in the first picture I posted on this page. Standing up here, you can see the actual line of Control and Pakistan-administered Kashmir. And that is pretty much it. That is your Gulmarg Gondola ride which by the time it ends will definitely leave you wanting for more. Sitting in a small cabin at such a great height with nothing beneath for several hundred feet is quite a thrill. Views you get from the Gondola and then from Kungdoor and Apharwat will blow your mind away. There are two ways that you can buy tickets for the Gondola ride. You can either get it in person upon arriving at the counter. Or you can buy it online from the official Gondola Website. The price is the same either way and ironically enough, buying online is actually more of a hassle. Once you make payment and buy the ticket online, you will still have to get in a line at the booking counter and collect your boarding pass. Not many people know this and almost everyone ends up buying online. Due to this, often, the cash counter will only have a handful of people buying while there would be a long queue at the online counter. So my advice would be to avoid buying online and get the ticket in cash from the counter itself. You will have to get in a line anyway so why bother with the entire online thing. Without it, you will not get the tickets. The ticket price for Phase 1, from Gulmarg to Kungdoor, is Rs. The fare for the second phase, from Kungdoor to Apharwat peak is Rs. The fare of Gulmarg Gondola is different for both phases. You will be buying from the same counter but in fact, will receive two different tickets. For phase 1, you will start from Gulmarg at an altitude of 2, meters and arrive at Kungdoor station, at a height of 3, meters. For Phase 2, you will then climb up to a height of 3, meters at the top of Kongdori mountain. From here, if you are up for it, you can then trek to the top of the Apharwat peak at 4, meters. There are plenty of hotels in Gulmarg and you can easily find a hotel nearby. The entire town to be honest is not that big and no matter where you were staying, you can easily just walk to the entry point of the Gondola ride. Or else, you could just catch a Pony ride which is available here in plenty. This question actually now gets asked after the accident that claimed 7 lives including 4 tourists and 3 local guides. A tree nearby uprooted, fell on the cable, and swung it so hard that everyone inside the gondola fell out to their deaths. Yes I know that sounds scary. The fact however is that it was an unfortunate accident, but the tourist rush for gondolas is still the same. I am inclined to say that yes it is completely safe, but I know the families of the deceased will never agree to this. If snow is what you seek then the best time would be the month of February when the entire region is buried under a thick sheet of snow. For green valleys, you can visit either in April or August. I will however not recommend a Gondola ride in the months of April, May, and June because it tends to get too crowded at this time. You will end up waiting in long queues, will spend an entire day, and will get more frustrated than enjoying the ride. It is really the time for skiing and you will see plenty of skiers around. Gulmarg is known as one of the best skiing spots in our country. The Chair car is specially built to take skiers to heights with all the equipment so they could then Ski down. There will be plenty of snow and the weather too can sometimes turn unpredictable closing the ride temporarily. It will be pretty much the same deal as January except for the fact that the amount of snow would be far much greater in February. February is the best time for a winter trip to Gulmarg. The chances of a blizzard and gondola getting closed due to bad weather will also be very less. The snow would start to melt from the ground and would mostly be limited to upper areas by end of the month. Very little chance of the ride closing due to bad weather. This is when the snow in Gulmarg usually gets limited to Phase 1 or 2 of Gondola. There will be plenty of greenery around and snow will be limited to upper areas like Phase 2. The views at this time will be a mix of green and white. The weather will also be pleasant will moderately warm days and cold nights. It is not really a good time because visiting in May means hours of waiting in lines. A Gondola ride of just about 20 to 25 minutes will see you spending the entire day waiting in line to get on a lift. But in terms of visiting Gulmarg with family, it is also one of the best times. June sees a bit of a dry season in Gulmarg. Greenery will be limited just to the golf course and the views will not be that great. But with that being said, the weather at this time will be just about perfect. The monsoon season hits the region by the end of June. It will start to be less crowded in July. It will start raining in July and if the weather turned bad, the ride may be closed temporarily. The Gondola accident that killed 7 people in Gulmarg happened towards the end of June. This is the month when the ride is the least crowded. When I was there in August, we were the only ones buying tickets. As a matter of fact, we were the only tourists in the entire Gulmarg I think. There was hardly anyone around. It is one of the best times to enjoy a Gondola ride. The weather will not be that bad and the views will be lush green. If you were in luck, phase 2 may even receive some snow towards the end of the month. Autumn is here and the vistas will turn more Orange. However, It tends to get a little crowded again in October. The weather will get colder with a high chance of a light spell of snow. There will not be much snow but the weather will be too cold. It is a good time to plan a budget trip to Gulmarg. December will again be a dry month, same as November, except for the fact that after Mid-December, it can snow in Gulmarg anytime. Mentioned below are some other tips that can be of help in planning a gondola ride in Gulmarg. The entire town of Gulmarg is infested with guides and pony owners. You cannot walk here meters without a pony owner offering you a ride. The same is the case with guides. The moment you enter a hotel, they will be waiting for you there. There are two problems basically. The first is that they have absolutely nothing to offer. For the Gondola ride as well, a guide will just tag along, walk with you and charge you money for it. There is no huge history here that they can tell you. No hidden place that only the guide will know about. He will just be walking with you and that is pretty much it. The second problem is that they ask for way too much money. But I am not going to pay Rs. These guys will lie between their teeth; telling tall tales about places they can show you, viewpoints that only they know about. The truth however is that they got nothing. This one guide asked me Rs. I realized later on that there was no need for a guide. You just need to stay walking to your right from the Gondola station and you will reach the lake anyway which even I did on my own. If I had paid him Rs. And then they have the audacity to even argue and fight with you. There have been incidents of fights between tourists and guides here because they asked for too much money and lied about what they were going to offer. The tourist, unaware of the reality, agreed only to realize later on that he was being cheated and getting overcharged. When they refused to pay the agreed amount, it resulted in all the guides ganging up on the tourist. My advice is to avoid them at all costs. They will be all around at the booking counter but just ignore them. The only time when you can hire a guide is if you are there during peak tourist season. When it gets too crowded, they can then go stand in the queue on your behalf and arrange the ticket. I have heard that they can even manage to let you bypass other waiting tourists and get your ride done quicker. But this again is a hassle for the tourist who refused to pay money; because then he is going to have to wait even longer because guides will keep breaking the queue and bring people to the front. The Gondola ride remains open throughout the year except for the times when the weather is a bit extreme; especially during winter and monsoon season. If it is snowing a bit too much or raining with high winds then the ride is closed for safety reasons. Frozen Lake is what the guides call it; even in the months of July and August. The fact is that this lake is frozen only in winter; not in summer. In order to get to the lake, after you arrive at the Phase 2 Gondola station, just start walking to your right and you will get there. The fun fact is that there is actually a motorable road up here to the lake that Army uses. Just keep walking to your right on the road and it will bring you to the lake. The tickets for Gulmarg Gondola can be booked at the online portal. I have found this portal to be non-operational a lot of times. If the link tells that the website is down, it means that the portal is down and you will have to check back later. But as I mentioned previously in the post, it is better to buy tickets from the counter only. I hope the information above on planning a ride on Gulmarg Gondola was of help. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section below and I will be happy to answer. You can also follow me on Instagram and chat with me live or subscribe to my YouTube channel and ask a question there. Not much to write about me really except for that I love to travel around whenever I can and to wherever I can. This blog is just a small attempt to share my travel experiences with the world. Hope you like it!!! Hi Vargis , Amazingly written and well described blog , I could read from a comment that Gondola Ride needs to be booked Online , which has become mandatory?? Would you have any idea whether it needs to be done online or you can directly buy it from counter there. Hello Mr. Khan, firstly many thanks for your detailed blogs on various aspects of Kashmir travel. It is extremely useful for anyone planning a trip here. I would like to add my experience basis my visit to Gulmarg from nd April. There are no more physical selling of tickets over the counter. Since I did not book online tickets reading your and several other bloggers advice, I could not eventually ride the Gondola, as tickets were all sold out by the time I came to know of this development. This is a very recent development started about weeks back. I thought of letting you and others who follow your blog know so that they can plan their trip better. Thank you so much Mr. Banerjee for making me aware of this situation. I will find out about the latest booking details and update the article accordingly. Hi Vargis, let me know where does a driver drops us in Gulmarg and how to proceed to the gondola ride, we have purchased online tickets, but your information about collecting boarding passes is a matter of concern, any way your information is wonderfully useful. Tkts online book karna chaiye ya vaha jaake? Or phase-2 ja sakte hai is time pe. Hi Vargis I just wanted to ask a few things. Due to any bad weather conditions or due to some other reason, if the cable ride doesnot operate. So will the tickets be refundable? And if I reach gulmarg by 12pm, then will I be able to cover both the phases? Hi Ayushi — I am guessing you are asking about online booking. The answer is yes, if the ride was canceled, then the money will be refunded. Yes, to your second question as well. You can cover both phases if you reach there by 12 noon. Hi Vargis, Loved this write up with required information, thanks for sharing your knowledge and travel expereience. Thanks a lot Mr. Vargis Khan for ur detailed information about Gulmarg Gondala ride! Is it necessary to carry boots?. We r planning to travel in the second week of Nov as it is too costly to hire there. First of all is it necessary at all? Hi Harman , same question is by me. I am not able to get website for gulmarg gondoa online booking. Did du got anyhelp or answer for your question from anywhere. Hi Vargis, thanks for sharing this beautiful yet informative article. Please let me know 1 Is there any parking lot for private car parking near gondola base station at Gulmarg? Is it safe to park there? Hi Vargis, Thanks for the blog and info. Also Phase 2 open and worth visiting around 15 Dec? Hi Prasham — Yes you can cover the distance in 5 hours but reaching that late is not advised. Yes, both phases will be open on 15th Dec. I need some help to plan my trip. My Return tickers are booked and main station is Jammu. I will be visiting Vaishno Devi first and then I havent decided about any plans. I mean after reaching phase two and coming out of the gondola, will there be pony rides available to go to Alpathar lake or will i have to get a pony ride service before phase one gondola near the ticket counter or something? I definitely do not want to trek, so pony ride is the only option for me. This is off-season and if there was an ongoing snowfall, you may not even be able to trek to the lake. There are no ponies from Phase 2. Trekking is the only way. Pony owners are also the tourist guides there. Thanks Vargis for sharing your experience, it gonna help a lot of tourists who plan to visit kashmir I need some more information from your side while visiting kashmir. Tell me about transport as we are heading by train. Do we really need to take a private cab during all the journey or can we take sharing cab. How much it will cost either way for 2 persons. It will be very helpful if u drop ur reply. Private cab is the best choice Deepak. It will cost about 2k per day. Shared cabs are not a regular thing and Buses are infrequent. Hi Vargis, Thanks for all the valuable crisp information. Could you please help me with below queries, as I will be visiting in second week of September. Generally how long does it take from Srinagar to Gulmarg only for gondola and back in a same day? As early as possible. Any time in the day is OK really since you are not staying in Gulmarg. Buy on the spot. Even if you buy online, you will still have to get in the line so no point really. Not at all. It was a tough walk even for us. It will take an entire day. Very useful and I can say a complete article that can guide anybody for the purpose. One of thee non commercialized blog I had seen for helping travel geeks. Thanks Vargis for sharing all the details about Gondola ride. It has indeed been very helpful and warded off all my apprehensions regarding the ride. Would appreciate if you could answer some of my queries Is it ok if I take only one ride?. Say phase 2 I am planning to go in mid June? Will I get to see snow during this time? What time should I reach the booking counter for Gondola? You cannot go to Phase 2 without riding Phase 1 first. Mid June is good No Before Hi Varghis. I wanted some clarification on the cost of gondola ride. Then for coming down also, do we have to pay the same amount again? Which means total for a person? So is that time appropriate? We are on our way to do Gandola and really the whole right up is so so helpful. Love the simplicity of your writing and clear to point without making any long long stories. Thanks for sharing much helpful. Only if possible you can answer this. We would be reaching Gandola possibly by 2pm so should we do one phase today and one phase tomorrow since tomorrow also we have to leave Gulmarg by pm our hotel is close to Gandola or if no choice and we can do only one phase which one should we do Phase 1 or Phase 2? Thank you. Thanks Jyoti. Reaching 2 is fine, you should do both Phase 1 and 2. And you cannot go to Phase 2 without going for Phase 1. Thanks a lot for sharing your views. Could you please let me know if it is worth doing Gandola in the month of August since we will be seven family members. Need your help. I have purchased tickets for phase 2 only. Do I have to have phase 1 gondola tickets in order to reach phase 2 or can it be done via road. Am tripping on December 23rd so need a quick response please. There is no road leading there to the Phase 2 boarding point. I went to gulmarg in april and felt like a harassment by the guides and pony owners… I was aware that one doesnt need a guide so never took one…but they torcher u like hell…it took us three hours to reach phase 1 with 1. Thanks Ritu and yes, I completely agree on the guides and the pony owners part. They are actually a nuisance for tourists. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Top Posts. How to Plan a Trip to Leh Ladakh. How to Plan a Trip to Spiti Valley How to Plan a Trip to Kashmir — Srinagar Leh Highway Status — Zojila Pass Road Status and Condition — Chandratal Status — Chandratal Lake Road. Kinnaur Valley Road Status — Manali Leh Highway Status — Khan September 24, Quick Navigation. Instagram post Chale the jis ki taraf, Wo nishaan khatam hua Safa. Ever wondered how a Pashmina Shawl is made? Or wh. Kaun puchhta hai Pinjre mein band Parindo ko, Yaad. He wanted my shoe Traveling - It leaves you speechless, then turns y. Load More Follow on Instagram. Khan Not much to write about me really except for that I love to travel around whenever I can and to wherever I can. Related Articles. November 27, Srinagar Leh Highway Status — November 27, Sarita October 6, - am Hi Vargis , Amazingly written and well described blog , I could read from a comment that Gondola Ride needs to be booked Online , which has become mandatory?? Arko Banerjee April 22, - am Hello Mr. Khan April 24, - am Thank you so much Mr. Regards Rakesh. Dr Latif Shaikh May 3, - am Hi Vargis, let me know where does a driver drops us in Gulmarg and how to proceed to the gondola ride, we have purchased online tickets, but your information about collecting boarding passes is a matter of concern, any way your information is wonderfully useful. Ayushi March 21, - pm Hi Vargis I just wanted to ask a few things. Khan March 27, - am Hi Ayushi — I am guessing you are asking about online booking. Edward Voyages Tours and Travels Chennai February 25, - am Hi Vargis, Loved this write up with required information, thanks for sharing your knowledge and travel expereience. Khan February 26, - am Thank you Edward!!! Thanks for so details. Khan February 22, - am Thank you for taking the time to drop a note. Vanisri Balajee October 31, - am Thanks a lot Mr. Pls help me how to booked gondolaride booking. Nitin Jain February 13, - pm Hi Harman , same question is by me. Suman Chakraborty October 10, - pm Hi Vargis, thanks for sharing this beautiful yet informative article. Prasham September 2, - am Hi Vargis, Thanks for the blog and info. Khan September 7, - pm Hi Prasham — Yes you can cover the distance in 5 hours but reaching that late is not advised. Hemant Trivedi November 15, - pm Hi Vargis, I have seen your responses and really impressed by your help which you are doing. Khan July 27, - pm 1. Deepak July 16, - pm Thanks Vargis for sharing your experience, it gonna help a lot of tourists who plan to visit kashmir I need some more information from your side while visiting kashmir. Khan July 16, - pm Private cab is the best choice Deepak. Sneha July 5, - am Hi Vargis, Thanks for all the valuable crisp information. Many thanks in advance for your reply. Khan July 5, - pm Hi Sneha, 1. Sowmya T. June 20, - pm Thanks a lot Mr. Khan June 20, - pm Thank you so much for taking the time to drop a note Sowmya. Khan June 17, - pm Thanks Nishad. Rashmi Pastaria June 3, - am Thanks Vargis for sharing all the details about Gondola ride. Rashmi Pastaria June 14, - am Much thanks. Khan June 14, - pm You are welcome!!! Khan May 27, - pm Hi Utkarsh — No, is for both ways. Jyoti singh May 19, - am We are on our way to do Gandola and really the whole right up is so so helpful. Khan May 19, - am Thanks Jyoti. Rajat Pratap Singh July 20, - pm Thanks a lot for sharing your views. Further could you please suggest a scenic place to stay in Gulmarg. Khan December 17, - pm yes you will have to buy tickets for Phase 1 as well. Ritu Markar September 26, - am I went to gulmarg in april and felt like a harassment by the guides and pony owners… I was aware that one doesnt need a guide so never took one…but they torcher u like hell…it took us three hours to reach phase 1 with 1. Khan September 26, - pm Thanks Ritu and yes, I completely agree on the guides and the pony owners part. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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