Orange tesla

Orange tesla

Orange tesla

Orange tesla

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How to Preload for best experience, and Postload to prevent hangover. Staying hydrated is very important when dancing, drink water to prevent Heatstroke , and replenish your electrolytes with salty snacks! If you are on any of these, but not limited to, medications, it is wise to stop taking them for a few weeks before ingesting MDMA. Buy a test kit! Places with free lab testing! ReagentTesting - dedicated to providing accurate information about testing drugs. They are both CPs presses. The true thread that you want to check for official CP statements is over on Darknet Heroes League forum. Both pictures were taken by CP, the man himself. Which is clearly why it has the same background. Honestly I was looking forward to it just being the new kind of press to just differentiate it. Thanks for the clarification. What is the difference between the two. I got the first photo from my good source for past 4 years. No difference other than one was pressed a month before the other one. Definitely going to pick them up if I come across any here: The new CP tesla I got look like the first photo with a in-press for the tesla logo, not like the second photo which is outpress like the originals. I have not personally but I gave some to friends that went Coachella weekend one and they said it was amazing. Some were experienced with MDMA and some took it for the first time. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Know what it is you are ingesting! No talking about where to buy or get hold of MDMA or other illegal drugs. No selling or other customer baiting. No asking for advice on how to sell drugs. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. MDMA submitted 1 year ago by fratagascar. Want to add to the discussion? The second picture that looks like the old Tesla but with CP is his latest batch. I feel dumb now. Doesnt make sense to make them different! I got some but Im not sure if they are like the older ones? Do u have picture?

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Orange tesla

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