Orange County Dominatrix

Orange County Dominatrix


Orange County Dominatrix



disciplinary wife & mom who spanks

providing clients with skills development, life-management, real accountability & no-nonsense spankings



disciplinary wife & mom who spanks

providing clients with life-skills development, life-management, ongoing accountability, & no-nonsense spankings

So you're needing guidance, accountability, and real-life spankings?

Many people don't understand that, but

I do.

You're needing guidance, accountability, and real-life spankings?

Many people don't understand that, but

I do


I know your needs are real, and they've probably been there for a long time...

I know your needs are real, and they've probably been there for a long time...

1. relating to the management of life. 2. pertaining to one's real life, not fantasy.

1. the process of teaching & guiding. 2. to formally administer consequences to redirect and deter future behavior.

1. relating to the management of life. 2. pertaining to one's real life, not fantasy.

1. the process of teaching & guiding. 2. to formally administer consequences to redirect and deter future behavior.

a system that helps one manage their physical and emotional life through guidance and accountability to a real authority figure, who will really spank you.

So if you came here looking for a real disciplinarian to meet your real spanking needs...

So if you came here looking for a real disciplinarian to meet your real spanking needs...

An extended session for those taking the first steps in exploring their spanking needs. Session: 2 hours

A get-to-the-point session for those ready to handle our unfinished business. Not available for first-time clients Session: 30 minutes

A session that's more than just consequences, but includes learning &
personal growth Session: 1 hour

Stability packages are limited to select clients. Those selected and approved will have a program designed specifically for them, often with a flat monthly fee.

For individuals or couples seeking guidance and support as they initiate or navigate a domestic discipline relationship. Are you needing support in preparing to tell your partner about your real-life discipline needs? Did your partner recently confide in you about their deep need for discipline, and now you're trying to sort it all out? Are the two of you beginning to establish your domestic discipline relationship, but realizing you'd benefit from being able to confidently talk to a couple who is successfully living it and has plenty of wisdom and advice? As firm believers in the way a foundation of domestic discipline can lead to a happy and healthy relationship, James and I love nothing more than helping other couples exploring or navigating the domestic discipline lifestyle. Relationship consulting sessions can be by phone, and having James participate in the consultations when desired, helps bring critical insight and advice from the other side of a DD relationship.

DD Relationship Consultations

Apply Now

I am fully vaccinated, are you??

As vaccination rates increase, and in conjunction with CDC guidance, I will be considering travel again as it is safe and feasible.

Have you always been “into” spanking?

In general, what would a session with you look like? ​

Are you able to make me cry during a spanking?

How long does an actual spanking last? ​

Are you discreet? Do you have a place to meet?​

Do you have other similar disciplinarians who work with you?

Do you require a down payment or prepayment?

Have you always been “into” spanking?

So how or why did your personal experience at home and in marriage lead you to become a professional disciplinarian?

Oh… so, when you say that your services are rooted in real accountability, and very real spankings used as consequences, you actually mean it, huh?

What is the difference between a domestic disciplinarian like yourself, and a dominatrix?

Do you offer spanking sessions that are fetishized or geared more towards sexual turn-on/sexual gratification?

In general, what would a session with you look like?

Are you able to make me cry during a spanking?

How long does an actual spanking last?

Can I give you input regarding my spanking, or how does that work? Do you do roleplay and enact spanking fantasies/scenarios?

What kind of implements do you usually spank with? Will you take my preferences into account?

Will you protect my privacy? Are you discreet? Do you have a place to meet?

Do you travel for sessions or offer phone consultations / sessions?

Do you have any advice on things I could do or not do that would help get my session approved?

Will you endlessly email me back and forth to talk about my secret spanking needs?

What should I call you, and what are the expectations for how I’m expected to act during our session?

ou may refer to me as Maia or Ma’am. While our sessions and time together require a definite amount of honesty, vulnerability, and intimacy, I fully expect you to behave as respectfully as you would with any other professional you interact with. If you have questions about what is on/off the table, the best thing to do is ask. There are no stupid questions and getting them answered helps us both determine if I am the best provider to serve you. I want what is best for you and honest conversations are the best path to that outcome.

Do you require a down payment or prepayment?

Once the session is formally booked, what should I do in preparation for the session?

I think you and I have some unfinished business to take care of. Begin the process here:

Select one: An in-person session in Orange County Travel Package (I'll invest in you coming to my city) I'd like to book a session in one of your advertised cities. DD Relationship Consulting I'd like to book a phone consult with you

I am traveling to Southern California and am available between the following dates:

Please briefly answer the following initial questions which will help me get to know a little about you, and to assist me in considering your application: What is leading you to apply for a session with me?

What is your main goal or desired outcome that you hope to get out of our session(s) together if I approve your application?

Is there any additional information you'd like me to have as I consider your initial request?

Content & Images (c) Domestic Disciplinarian 2018. All Rights Reserved
Maybe you were raised with accountability & consequences but feel like you never outgrew the need, or didn’t get that, but long to…
Maybe the thought of getting a spanking keeps growing with a consuming intensity that you can’t explain…
Maybe you know you need to be properly disciplined to learn from your choices, and have freedom from lingering guilt…
Maybe a fantasy a role-play scenario doesn’t appeal, a chains and leather situation sounds *interesting* but definitely not you, and all you keep thinking about is that middle-aged wife and mom who spanks…
Maybe you even wonder what it would be like if she really spanked you, too…
Maybe you were raised with accountability & consequences but feel like you never outgrew the need, or didn’t get that, but long to…
Maybe the thought of getting a spanking keeps growing with a consuming intensity that you can’t explain…
Maybe you know you need to be properly disciplined to learn from your choices, and have freedom from lingering guilt…
Maybe a fantasy a role-play scenario doesn’t appeal, a chains and leather situation sounds *interesting* but definitely not you, and all you keep thinking about is that middle-aged wife and mom who spanks…
Maybe you even wonder what it would be like if she really spanked you, too…
What if… You were never meant to outgrow the need for accountability and consequences?
What if… There was someone out there who truly understood this and thought it was good, beautiful, and healthy that you can recognize it?
 What if… Having a caring but firm authority figure who spanked you wasn’t simply something you experienced or missed out on in childhood, but something you could experience right now?
What if… The option for getting your real discipline needs met didn’t require you to pretend?
What if… Your real needs didn’t have to remain a consuming thought, but could become a very real and present reality?
And what if… There really was that middle-aged wife and mom who spanked, and you found out that she had *no* problem spanking you, too?
What if… You were never meant to outgrow the need for accountability and consequences?
What if… There was someone out there who truly understood this and thought it was good, beautiful, and healthy that you can recognize it?
 What if… Having a caring but firm authority figure who spanked you wasn’t simply something you experienced or missed out on in childhood, but something you could experience right now?
What if… The option for getting your real discipline needs met didn’t require you to pretend?
What if… Your real needs didn’t have to remain a consuming thought, but could become a very real and present reality?
And what if… There really was that middle-aged wife and mom who spanked, and you found out that she had *no* problem spanking you, too?
What if… You were never meant to outgrow the need for accountability and consequences?
What if… There was someone out there who truly understood this and thought it was good, beautiful, and healthy that you can recognize it?
 What if… Having a caring but firm authority figure who spanked you wasn’t simply something you experienced or missed out on in childhood, but something you could experience right now?
What if… The option for getting your real discipline needs met didn’t require you to pretend?
What if… Your real needs didn’t have to remain a consuming thought, but could become a very real and present reality?
And what if… There really was that middle-aged wife and mom who spanked, and you found out that she had *no* problem spanking you, too?
And everything about me is absolutely real.
I am that middle-aged mom across the street whose house you wanted to play at after school because it felt welcoming and safe. I am the mom across the street who is loving and affectionate, attentive, who sets boundaries and limits for my family that come with spankings attached when not obeyed. My family is happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. I refuse to raise assholes.
I am a wife to my husband who shares those same limits, boundaries, and consequences. He is all the amazing things he was when I met him, but has also blossomed and grown because of my discipline.
I am Maia, and I am a very real mom and wife who spanks.
I believe in the necessity of drawing boundaries and setting limits.
I believe in the importance of consistently enforcing them as a reminder of my love, and their safety.
I believe in the value and benefits of a bare-bottomed spanking– something I hand out quite consistently at home.
I am a professional with many years of non-profit leadership and case management experience, helping people order their lives, plan, and problem solve.
As a professional disciplinarian, I combine my two worlds to serve the clients who work with me.
When submitted to me, we will work together to identify what needs to be uncovered, what is not working, what you need to let go of, and what needs to re-imagined. But just like at home with my family, I will absolutely be using real-life discipline and bare-bottomed spankings to hold you accountable for for your choices – something we officially refer to as Domestic Discipline:
And everything about me is absolutely real.
I am that middle-aged mom across the street who is loving, affectionate, attentive, and who sets boundaries and limits for my kids that come with spankings attached when not obeyed. My kids are happy, healthy, well-adjusted, and hopefully won’t grow up to be assholes.
I am a wife to my husband who also shares those same limits, boundaries, and same consequences– and he is all the amazing things he was when I met him, but has also grown and blossomed because of my discipline.
I am Maia, and I am a very real mom and wife who spanks.
I believe in the necessity of drawing boundaries and setting limits.
I believe in the importance of consistently enforcing them as a reminder of my love, and their safety.
I believe in the value and benefits of a bare-bottomed spanking– something I hand out quite consistently at home.
I am a professional with many years of non-profit leadership and case management experience, helping people order their lives, plan, and problem solve.
As a professional disciplinarian, I combine my two worlds to serve the clients who work with me.
Like my professional world, I will help you improve the areas of your life that need to be addressed. But just like at home with my husband and kids, I will absolutely be using real-life bare-bottomed spankings to hold you accountable for choices– something that we officially refer to as Domestic Discipline:
1. Relating to the management of life.
1. The process of teaching and guiding.
2. To formally administer consequences to deter future behavior.
A system of life-management where one receives guidance and accountability from a real authority figure who will really spank you.
I can assure you, the consequence you have coming will be an authentic, bare-bottomed, disciplinary spanking…
And it won’t be the first one I’ve given out this week.
My role as a professional disciplinarian is an extension of the real-life head of household who spanks. What I offer is exclusively rooted in true discipline and accountability.
Specific services offered are limited to:
-Reflective consequences (corner time, writing assignments, etc.)
-Life-skills development, goal setting, problem solving
-Behavior change planning, implementation & accountability
-DD Relationship Consulting for couples or individuals
-Phone consultations/phone sessions
While I have great respect for and support providers who offer sexual-related services, this is beyond the scope of my services. I am compassionately aware that this need for discipline often intersects with desire and I encourage conversations with new clients to explore this and determine together if I am the best provider to meet their needs. This kind of safe and honest exploration has often led to powerful self-discoveries which I love facilitating.
However, any inappropriate references, sexual comments, or attempt to self-pleasure during sessions will be considered non-consensual and result in a termination of the session with no refund or possibility of future sessions. I want you to have a happy ending, just not with me.
Services that fall outside of traditional discipline , such as:
BDSM, fetish related services, kink, humiliation/degradation, non-traditional punishments, fantasy, role-play (outside of the context described in the FAQs), age play, requests for costumes, and or requests for sexy/revealing clothing.
You will refer to me as Maia or Ma’am. Any request to call you anything other than your name will be denied. You might be a Daddy, but you’re not my daddy. I have no tolerance for challenges to my authority or established power dynamics. I will call you by your name, period.
My role as a professional disciplinarian is an extension of the real-life disciplinary wife and mom who spanks. What I offer is exclusively rooted in true discipline and accountability.
Specific services offered are limited to:
-Reflective consequences (corner time, writing assignments, etc.)
-Life-skills development, goal setting, problem solving
-Behavior change planning, implementation & accountability
-DD Relationship Consulting for couples or individuals
-Phone consultations/phone sessions
Anything sexual in nature : any sexual request, inappropriate sexual comments, or attempt to self-pleasure will result in the session being immediately terminated with no refund and no possibility of future sessions. 
Services that fall outside of traditional discipline , such as:
BDSM type services (think nontraditional punishments, hot wax, foot worship, fetish services etc.)
Fantasy, role play (other than the context I describe in the FAQs), age play, requests for costumes, sexy or revealing clothing, etc.
Requests to degrade, humiliate you, or refer to you as anything other than your name. You might be a daddy, but you’re not my daddy. I will call you by your name, period.
Requests to call me anything other than Maia or Ma’am. Do not refer to me as “mommy” or any form thereof.
While having boundaries and discipline in your life can foster emotional safety and spur personal growth, the glue that makes the formula work has always been consistency .
Domestic Discipline is one of those tools that works best when it is applied consistently over time. Old behavior patterns do not change overnight, and long-term goals cannot be reached in a day. 
The Stability track is selective where only a few clients are in one at any given time. It involves longer term commitment which gives us time to begin focusing on goals or behavior changes we've agreed to. During this time you will have signed a Domestic Discipline contract with me, which means that while I am investing in helping your move closer to your goals, I will also be free to spank you as I see fit in order to help get you there.
For those who take the courageous step to invest in themselves, I am willing to invest back in you- both in going the extra mile to help you improve your life, and by crafting a stability package just for you.
I am a wife and mother who lives and works in Orange County, California.
In addition to having more than 16 years of parenting under my belt, I am a professional with 10+ years of case management, crisis intervention, and direct service provision experience to marginalized people and communities in the OC.
Protecting your privacy is one of my highest concerns. You can expect the same degree of professional privacy and protection from me that you’d experience from a medical professional or lawyer. In fact, part of the intake process will include us both signing a mutual confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement, which will legally protect both our privacy.
Interestingly enough, I haven’t always been interested in spanking.
I was a single mom who was navigating parenting for the first time on my own and it fell into my lap, so to speak. My older boys were teens by this point and had asked for spanking as an alternative to
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