Oral na trawie

Oral na trawie


Oral na trawie
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Tłumaczenie hasła "na trawie" na niemiecki

Oprócz klasycznej wersji, są gry hokeja na forum na trawie .

Neben der klassischen Version gibt es Hockey Spiele online auf dem Rasen .

Herbata na trawie przy hotelu Brangwyn.

Wir tranken Tee auf dem Rasen des Brangwyn Hotels.

Już nie jesteśmy we wnętrzu Paula tylko na trawie w ogródku.

Ja. Wir sind nicht mehr in Paul, sondern im Gras in Ihrem Vorgarten.

Jedna osoba może toczyć się na trawie lub na ziemi.

1 Person kann auf Gras oder Rampe rollen.

Chodzić para na trawie - Stockowy materiał wideo...

Około tuzina szczeniąt śpi na trawie .

Ungefähr ein Dutzend Welpen schlafen im Gras .

50032473 - Książka na trawie pod słońcem

50032473 - Buch auf Gras unter der Sonne

Na plaży lub na trawie namioty mogą zwiększyć aktywność na polu.

Am Strand oder auf dem Rasen können die Zelte zu Ihren Feldaktivitäten beitragen.

Dostępne są również przekąski z przyjemnym miejscem do siedzenia na ławkach, stołach na tarasie lub na trawie .

Erfrischungen mit angenehmen Sitzgelegenheiten auf Bänken, Tische auf der Terrasse oder auf dem Rasen sind ebenfalls enthalten.

Boso na trawie , słuchając naszej ulubionej piosenki

Barfuss auf dem Rasen , unser Lieblingslied hören

Szczęśliwą rodzinę, leżąc na trawie #7955119

Glückliche Familie auf Gras liegend #7955119

Ośrodek narciarski \"Wodociągi\" Bedrichov w górach Izerskich oferuje jazdę na nartach na trawie .

Skigebiet \"Das Wasserwerk\" in Bedrichov im Isergebirge bietet Skifahren auf Gras .

Dzięki mocniejszej trawie doświadczysz także mniej urazów na skutek aktywności na trawie .

Als Ergebnis durch das stärkere Gras, werden Sie auch weniger Schäden durch Aktivitäten auf dem Rasen erleben.

Można je układać na trawie , żwirze, czy piasku bez używania specjalistycznego sprzętu, fachowców i dodatkowych materiałów budowlanych.

Sie können auf Gras , Kies oder Sand ohne spezielle Ausrüstung, Fachleute und zusätzliche Baumaterialien verlegt werden.

Brat i siostra, łaskotanie wzajemnie leżąc na trawie

Bruder und Schwester kitzeln einander beim liegen im Gras

Kino na trawie - proste i mnóstwo zabawy dla całej rodziny

Kino auf dem Rasen - einfach und mit viel Spaß für die ganze Familie

Naga Anikka Albrite leży na trawie w słoneczny dzień

Anikka Albrite liegt nackt auf dem Rasen und genießt den sonnigen Tag

Użyj na trawie lub na dywanie - wymaga niewielkiego montażu

Benutzung auf Gras oder auf Teppich - Benötigt kleine Montage

Na pewno nie znajdzie ich leżąc tak na trawie .

Sie ist nicht gonna sie finden, im Gras liegen wie die.

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The Hungry Steppe: Famine, Violence & the Making of Soviet Kazakhstan
Kluge Fellow Sarah Cameron analyzes a little-known episode of Stalinist social engineering, the Kazakh famine of 1930-33, which led to the death of more than 1.5 million people, a quarter of Soviet Kazakhstan's population. Using memoirs, oral history accounts, and archival documents, she explores the stories of those who lived through the famine, asking how this crisis reshaped Soviet Kazakhstan and what it meant to be Kazakh, and how the case of the Kazakh famine alters understandings of development and nation-building under Stalin. For transcript and more information, visit

Archeology: Scythian Ladies in Ukraine, National Museum of History of Ukraine 2014
VIDEO LINK = Unique Archeology of Ukraine: Acient Sculptures of Scythian Ladies at National Museum of History of Ukraine in Kiev, Ukraine 2014. Entomologist Dr Victor Fursov is telling the story near the statues of stony Scythian Ladies near the National Museum of History of Ukraine, in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. VIDEO WAS RECORDED: 30.11.2014, the city of Kiev, the capital of UKRAINE. Recorded by Victor Fursov, Entomologist in Ukraine. ОРИГИНАЛЬНОЕ ВИДЕО ЗАПИСАНО: 30.11.2014, г.Киев, столица УКРАИНЫ. Original Video was recorded by Victor Fursov, Entomologist in Ukraine. Explicit written and oral permission for recording and uploading this unique Video was received from interviewed persons (lecturers). We express them a great acknowledgement for this permission. Entomologist Dr Victor Fursov is telling the story near the statues of Scythian Ladies near the National Museum of History of Ukraine, in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА МОЙ ВИДЕО-КАНАЛ! УСПЕХОВ! WELCOME TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY VIDEO CHANNEL: WELCOME TO MY FACEBOOK: 61705 Fursov Tells Story Scythian Ladies Kiev History Museum 438 Unique Archeology in Ukraine: Acient Sculptures of Scythian Ladies at National Museum of History of Ukraine in Kiev, Ukraine 2014 VIDEO LINK =

Usk Rural Life Museum Audio Visual
Sample from AV programmes

Мұхтар Əуезовтың бейнесі | Kazakh poet and writer Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961).
Mukhtar Omarkhanuli Auezov Kazakh writer, a social activist, a Doctor of Philology, a professor and honored academic of the Soviet Union (1946). He was born on September 28, 1897 in the old town of Semeyin Kaskabulak, where he spent all his childhood. He grew up under the spiritual influence of the poet Abai. His father and grandfather Omarkhan Auez both highly revered the poet, a neighbor and friend of the family. His grandfather was a storyteller of folk tales, and taught his grandson to read and write; he also instilled within Mukhtar a love of literature, and the poetry of Abai. Auezov was born into a nomadic family from what is today Abay District, in East Kazakhstan Province. His grandfather taught him to read and write. Auezov was then educated at the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary and Leningrad State University. Auezov is best known for his plays. The first play he authored was Enlik-Kebek, a story of two young lovers which bears a great resemblance to Romeo and Juliet. He authored more than twenty plays which dealt with issues relevant to Socialism in Kazakhstan. After writing plays, Auezov changed his focus to writing novels. Two novels – Abay and The Path of Abay – dealing with the life of Kazakh poet Abay Qunanbayuli were the product of the last twenty years of his life.[2] Auezov's other projects included drawing and translating literature into the Kazakh language. Some translations made by him include Nikolai Gogol's The Government Inspector and Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. Mukhtar first studied in Kaskabulak, then later a Muslim madrasa in Semipalatinsk. At age of eleven he moved to a nearby, five year grammar school. Mukhtar was extremely diligent and curious student who was respected by classmates and teachers. His father Omarkhan died in 1900, and his mother Nurzhamal in 1912. The young Mukhtar was raised by his uncle Kasymbek and his grandfather Auez and grandmother Dinas. In 1907, after a year of study in the madrasa, he was sent to the large Russianschool in Semipalatinsk. Mukhtar Auezov attended the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Seminary after graduating from the City College. In the 1912–1913 academic year, Mukhtar finished the first seminary class with an award, and went on to complete his studies at the Semipalatinsk Seminary in 1919. Around this time he began his acquaintance with Russian and other foreign classics of literature. At the same time Auezov wrotes short stories, poems and articles that began to be published. The young Auezov, according to the testimonies of the pedagogues, was marked for his impeccable attention, extraordinary gifts, slim build and aristocratic slef-belief. He was an extraordinary sportsman and represented “Yarysh F C”, which at the time was the best football team in the city.[3] Mukhtar Auezov joined the faculty of a large state school, and he also worked holding various positions in the local government in Semipalatinsk with the Kazakh Central Executive Committee and in Orenburg. In the summer of 1917 year Auezov married a 15-year-old girl named Raihan. Together they had a daughter born in 1918 who they named Mugamilya (she lived until 2009), and a year later in 1919 a son (who died in infancy). In 1920 Auezov divorced. In 1928 Mukhtar Auezov graduated from the Philological Faculty of Leningrad State University, and completed his PhD at the University of Tashkent. During the 1930s his fruitful activities as a professional writer began to take off. He traveled around the world, meeting new people, and exploring life. Mukhtar Auezov died during an operation in Moscow on 27 June 1961. He was buried in the Central Cemetery, Almaty on his grave there stands a bust created by Yevgeny Vuchetich. After his death in 1961, the Government of the Republic Kazakhstan decided to perpetuate the name of the writer. The Institute of Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences, was renamed as the Auezov Institute of Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences, Kazakh State Academic Drama Theatre also bears his name, and a literary memorial museum is na

Geography Now! MICRONESIA (Federated states)
Ahhh, I love island nations, they're like reverse-oases of land in the middle of a water-desert. Check out ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, #432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: Twitter: Instagram: Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN includin Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: Europe: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.

Analysis & Curation of American Travelers' Visual Documents on Central Asian Nomadic Culture
Saule Satayeva discussed her archival research related to American travelers who illuminated Kazakh Nomadic culture through their visual documents from 1876-1937. Speaker Biography: Saule Satayeva is vice director of the Kazakh Central State Archive of Cinema/Photo Documents. For transcript and more information, visit

Marie Brawner Malone History Pt2
Part 2 continues the oral history of Eva Marie Malone-Brawner who talks about growing up during the Great Depression era in Grand Saline, Texas.

History Talks: Willoughby & Chippawa 2015
An oral history pilot project by the Niagara Falls Museums. Produced in 2015, this interview was intended to capture some of the stories of Willoughby & Chippawa, communities within the City of Niagara Falls. We sat down with Emma Chambers, Don Ede and Gary Gunning to discuss their memories. To access the entire footage of the interview (or the written transcription), please contact the Niagara Falls Museums.

Interview with Gil Stein
Oriental Institute Oral History Project Interview with Gil Stein, Professor of Archaeology and former Director of the Oriental Institute Research Archives of the Oriental Institute April 17th, 2018 Hosts: Anne Flannery, Foy Scalf Audio, Visual, and Technical Support: Knut Boehmer 00:00:00 – Introduction 00:01:31 – Early Education and Influences 00:03:45 – University Education and Influences 00:06:46 – Harvey Weiss and Great Man Theory of History 00:10:08 - Fred Donner and cultural relativism and how cultures work 00:11:24 - Importance of anthropology to archaeology 00:15:33 – Franz Boas and the four-field approach to anthropology 00:22:47 – Reasons for being drawn to study Iran, Middle East 00:24:30 – How U Penn shaped intellectual identity 00:28:23 – Braidwoods’ Amuq Site Report and importance of reading preliminary site reports 00:35:46 – Experience in American southwest 00:38:07 – Mary Voigt and stratigraphic excavation in Turkey 00:50:28 – Visit to Robert and Linda Braidwood in Hyde Park 00:40:02 – Job market and early publications 00:48:10 – Reputation of OI and decision to go to Penn for graduate school 00:51:51 – Decision to come to OI for Director position 00:57:54 – Development of post-doctoral program and culture at OI 01:03:52 - The Integrated Database Project 01:07:33 – Commitment to cultural heritage preservation and training of native conservators

Thomas Mason's Interview
Thomas (Thom) Mason is the President and CEO of Triad National Security, LLC and the director designate of Los Alamos National Laboratory. A condensed matter physicist, he previously served as the director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory from 2007-2017, and as Senior Vice President for Global Laboratory Operations at Battelle. In this interview, Mason describes some of the major scientific projects at Oak Ridge from the Manhattan Project to today, including the Spallation Neutron Source, nuclear reactor development, scientific computing, and nuclear nonproliferation efforts. He also explains why he believes that the science done at universities and national laboratories creates “a fertile ground” for innovation. For the full transcript:

Kyrgyzstan Celebrates Its History With Epic Poem
The Manas epic has been at the heart of Kyrgyz culture for centuries. It returned to its birthplace to be performed again after winning recognition by UNESCO.
Originally published at -

Moi polscy rodzice. Relacja Adama Han-Górskiego
Adam Han-Górski urodził się w 1940 r. we Lwowie w żydowskiej rodzinie Hahnów. Podczas okupacji niemieckiej wraz ze swoimi dziadkami trafił do getta – najpierw w Jaworowie, następnie w Krakowie. W 1942 r. dwuletnim chłopcem zaopiekowała się dawna znajoma Hahnów ze Lwowa, Katarzyna (Kazia) Chytry. Kobieta razem ze swoim późniejszym mężem, Janem Witzem, ukrywała Adama do końca wojny, kiedy wrócili jego rodzice, ocalali z Zagłady w Związku Radzieckim. Po wojnie Adam Han-Górski został światowej sławy skrzypkiem. Prezentujemy jego relację z kolekcji historii mówionej Muzeum Historii Żydów P
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