Описание Природы В Рассказе Телеграмма В Telegram

Описание Природы В Рассказе Телеграмма В Telegram

Описание Природы В Рассказе Телеграмма В Telegram
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Title: Особый Мир Природы в Рассказе "Телеграмма" Антона Чехова

In the short story "Telegram" by Anton Chekhov, the natural world plays an essential role in setting the mood, shaping the characters, and driving the plot. The story, which was first published in 1886, takes place in a small Russian village during the winter season. The harsh and unforgiving winter landscape serves as a backdrop to the human emotions and interactions that unfold.

The story begins with the arrival of a telegram at the post office, which sets off a chain reaction of events. The telegram brings news of a death, and the townspeople react with a mixture of shock, sadness, and curiosity. The arrival of this news from the outside world disrupts the quiet routine of the village and serves as a reminder of the inexorable passage of time.

The natural world is present throughout the story, with the cold, snowy weather playing a significant role in the characters' lives. The villagers are huddled in their homes, trying to stay warm, and the snow-covered landscape is described as "pale and lifeless." The cold weather also affects the story's pacing, as the characters are forced to wait for news and for the arrival of the deceased person's body.

The natural world also provides a contrast to the human emotions and interactions. The villagers are initially shocked and somber upon receiving the news of the death, but as the story progresses, they begin to gossip and speculate about the details of the death. The natural world remains constant, while the human emotions and reactions are constantly shifting.

One of the most striking descriptions of nature in the story comes when the postmaster, Foma, goes out to investigate the scene of the death. He describes the snow as "soft and white, like sugar," and the trees as "bare and black against the snow." This description creates a sense of stillness and beauty in the midst of the tragedy.

Another way that nature affects the characters is through the use of animals. The story mentions several animals, including a dog, a cat, and a horse. These animals serve as reminders of the interconnectedness of all living things and the fragility of life. The horse, in particular, is described as "swaying its head, waiting for the sleigh," highlighting the dependence of humans on animals for transportation in the harsh winter conditions.

In conclusion, the natural world plays a significant role in "Telegram" by Anton Chekhov, shaping the mood, setting the scene, and driving the plot. The harsh winter landscape provides a backdrop to the human emotions and interactions, reminding us of the inexorable passage of time and the interconnectedness of all living things. The descriptions of nature in the story create a sense of stillness and beauty, contrasting with the shifting human emotions and reactions.

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