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Priority Area 1: Prevention of new infections. Strategic issues. ?Having not achieved the overall decrease in the number of new infections as envisaged in an earlier plan. ?Having information showing that a certain % of a target group (e.g. 15-49) remain uninfected and there is an opportunity to take measures to. An operational plan is an annual work plan. It describes short-term business strategies; it explains how a strategic plan will be put into operation (or what portion of a strategic plan will be addressed) during a given operational period (fiscal year). An operational plan is the basis for and justification of an annual operating The 2016–2017 Operational Plan and Budget provides details on how the organization will make use of its financial and human resources in order to successfully complete its priority initiatives. The activities outlined in this document have been informed by consultation, planning and evaluation over the last year, and Contents. Introduction and background. 4. Reviewing our strategic plan. 8. Our operational plan for 2016/17. 12. Our approach to workforce planning. 16. Our approach to activity planning. 22. Our approach to financial planning. 24. Our priorities for 2016/17. 28. Statement on membership and elections. 34 While the OPP is flexible enough to adapt itself to each service user's needs, there is no such thing as “Army OPP”. There is one authoritative CF reference for the OPP: CFJP 5.0 The Canadian Forces Operational Planning. Process. The rationale underlying the OPP is broadly shared by Canada's allies: the five stages of the 3-1. CHAPTER 3: OPERATIONAL PLANNING. I. > Introduction1. It is essential that all aviation operations be planned with the utmost consideration given to safety and operational efficiency. Missions can be accomplished safely and efficiently, provided that a high degree of pre-planning, risk analysis, and management is Wh an operation is carried out by a company or an institution for any purpose, it is important to have all the parts of the operation planned and sorted out so that the goals of the operation are reached on the time that was set. When a company decides to take on a project or task, proper planning and execution is required. 24 Apr 2014 STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONAL PLAN. 5. The Balanced Scorecard and Our Planning Process. Revisiting our Balanced Scorecard through 2012 and 2013 had a significant impact on our management practices. Our Scorecard now is the filter through which we consider priorities and objectives, identify SP Chapter 5 Strategic planning: transforming priorities into plans. OP Chapter 6 Operational planning: transforming plans into action. C. Chapter 7 Estimating cost implications of a national health policy, strategy or plan. B. Chapter 8 Budgeting for health. ME Chapter 9 Monitoring, evaluation and review of national health

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