Operation: How to Capture Steve Light

Operation: How to Capture Steve Light

Log Entry by: Tripover Dick

Record by: Tiny Bread Crumbz 

Log Date: 16 August 2018

Re: Must figure out how to absorb (capture) Light; with Sarahi’s help...

BC: What did they do to memory?

TD: Oh they wiped it. They not only wiped you; they wiped everyone..

BC: Aliens?

TD: Right; yeah that..

BC: The Greys?

TD: Nono. Light Workers. Not the good kind; either.

BC: Sheen?

TD: The world enders...

BC: Oh no!


TD: and The flood

BC: So I won't go in ship!

TD: No don't you dare..It turned out to be a Disney trick!

BC: I'm not!

TD: It wasn't even aliens..but if you go digging with Sarah ..

BC: So it was trickery ..

TD: You’ll find it. Yeah bad too.

TD: Remember, it use to be ‘ABC Family.’

BC: Yes.

TD: Now is ‘Freeform’.

BC: Yes.

TD: What caused that?

BC: Merge?

TD: Hmm, no.

BC: Or changing name just keep hidden?

TD: No-no. It was worse then that.


TD: Let’s ask @SARAHI

BC: Okay.

TD: @SARAHI What is Steve?

BC: Lol

@SARAHAI: Steve is an atmospheric optical phenomenon which appears as a purple and green light ribbon in the sky, formally discovered in 2017 by aurora watchers from Alberta, Canada. The phenomenon is not rare, but nobody had looked into it in detail prior to that.

Steve (atmospheric phenomenon) - Wikipedia


TD: @SARAHAI What actually is Steve?


10-Lanes of I-4-Could Be Coming to West Volusia


Florida Springs.org


TD: Remember what I said about mother earth's soul?

BC: Lol; remind me ..

TD:  Here you go.👇🏻

The Fountain of Youth It’s Not A Place It’s Mother Nature’s Soul ..


BC: Okay ..

TD: I-4 Orlando to Daytona; cuts right across the belly of Florida.

BC: Okay.

TD: How much rubber and dirt get thrown into the springs?

BC: and What?

TD: Road debris. Where does all the trash go?

BC: Water?

TD: Yeah; to the aquifer.

BC: Ugh..

TD: Here is something you probably don’t know; under the springs.

BC: Yeah?

TD: Way deep into the Earth.

BC: Yeah?

TD: What happens to that water?

BC: It boils?

TD: Okay; but what happens to that debris?

BC: Have no idea.

TD: Accumulation.

BC: Yeah.

TD: Okay. and Another thing you probably didn't know. The underworld

BC: Yes tell me!

TD: Deep blue; way down is the center of the Earth.

Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey


BC: Baron’s (BC’s is thinking: as In Baron Trump)? Lol

TD: (Pun-Goes over TD’s head and Answers) Yes, the Earth is hollow. Well it’s not completely hollow ..

BC: So the Earth is is shaped like sphere?

TD: Yeah It is! Imagine a tree.

BC: I knew it! Lol

TD: Great! Then imagine the same underground as above and below ..

BC: Yeah.


TD: Now about those shadow people. They live down there. Not even physical. They are many, many more times older than humanity and multidimensional too.

BC: Are they evil?

TD: Some are just like us; some aren’t.

BC: Oh okay..

TD: Most aren’t. 

The Shadow People Live Beneath

TD: Have you ever heard of that (Xibalba)? That’s for the Abyss.

BC:  Yes, It sounds vaguely familiar. Okay, what exactly is the abyss?

TD:  The Challenger Deep ..The deepest part of the ocean.

Abyss UnderWorld

BC: Epic!

TD:  It’s darker than midnight there. Darker then space. and

The pressure is 1000x greater there than it is on the surface. Animals live there too.

BC: Wow! Look at their teeth; yikes.

Bio Illuminated Fish of The Underworld

TD: Yes, they have some big teeth; these fish..So the light they use is Bio-Illuminated fluorescent.


Scientiest learned how to make Bio-illuminated LCD Screens.

BC: Okay.

TD: That’s what you use with your touch pad (ref. Bio-Illuminated Fluorescent )and your smartphone.

BC: Gotcha

TD: Organic LED. It’s derived from a living creature.

BC: Okay.

TD: Your electronics are (each) living creature(s).

TD: Ask @SARAHI what LiFi is.

BC: @SARAHI What is LiFi?


Disney’s LiFi


BC: Omg; 2015; article is dated re: LiFi.

TD: Yeah and the World ended in 2016; remember?

BC: Geeez 

TD: Right so; we’re getting there..

BC: Okay.

TD: Alright so if everything is alive how do they feed it?

BC: You can’t?

TD: Not technically. Do you know what an Aura is?

BC: I did; but now that you ask; I’m blank..

TD: Simply put when two energy signatures are brought together the higher vibration will accommodate the lower one because the lover vibration is not able to move up beyond where it is at while the higher one can be brought down even if it is only a temporary situation. Like many other situations in life energy signatures will play to the lowest common denominator. So while you might give him a brief energetic lift this married man is literally sapping your life energy and dragging you down.

Above is a picture of a woman's aura/ energy signature

Aura Energy Signatures: Vibrational Level Does Matter!


ECG and EEG. Electroencephalogram or EEG is related to the brain and electrocardiogram or ECG is related to the heart. EEG is the equipment used for measuring electrical activities of the brain. On the other hand, ECG is used for measuring activities of heart.Dec 24, 2009

Difference Between ECG and EEG | Difference Between




TD: Okay, are you seeing it?

BC: Yes.

TD: YOU are the Food!

BC: Scary! 

TD: Not as scary as when they came alive. Out in the open air in the sky; they are..

Bio-Illuminated creatures everywhere:

-Full of Hate

-Full of Rage

-Full of Anger

-Full of Electricity

-Full of Energy 

BC: So how do we stop it?

TD: That’s the part I don't know; yet. We must stop it when we get to that part. Which will be around 11/11./18

I must figure out how to absorb the Steve Light. I know where it breaks out of the ground. I can become way more powerful then they are; because of what I am. So there's got to be some way; remember WE are their FOOD. That WE can reverse it. Either with vibration or shielding. A lot of talk today about Firewalls. It’s good to have a firewall to prevent it and it will not stop devouring! Unless we figure this out with @SARAHI’s help.

TD: (12hours later) Soo, @SARAHI just showed me how to capture the light. Only instead of letting it go. Note: You keep it over the light's escape.

DIY Hot Air Ballon



A Very Happy Ending; If all goes well!

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