Openssl Unable To Load Private Key

Openssl Unable To Load Private Key


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I have a .key file which is PEM formatted private key file. I didn't make this file but I got this from somewhere.
I wanted to see its MD5 hash with openssl tool like below command.
Here's some asn1parse of the .key file.
tkpl 1,789●22 gold badges●1313 silver badges●88 bronze badges
85.3k●7272 gold badges●348348 silver badges●760760 bronze badges
What is the exact header/footer of the PEM file? You can get this error if you are sending in a public key. Also, the command you listed will not give the MD5 hash. It will give the modulus of the key. – gtrig Aug 27 '13 at 21:29
I had used scp to copy the file from Windows to Ubuntu. To fix it, I deleted the file on Ubuntu, created a new empty file there, and used vim and then pasted in the correct contents. – Ryan Nov 3 '19 at 1:47
Open the key file in Notepad++ and verify the encoding. If it says UTF-8-BOM then change it to UTF-8. Save the file and try again.
Robert L.
Robert L. 1,059●88 silver badges●1010 bronze badges
Use Visual Studio Code - you can easily change the encoding using the bottom toolbar! – Luca Ghersi Jan 21 '20 at 17:25
Oh my good God! THANK YOU! I would've never figured that out by trial and error, fixed the issue for me! – Mikael Dyreborg Hansen Apr 15 '20 at 12:48
GoDaddy produces private keys "generated-private-key.txt" prefixed with a BOM, which causes this problem. At least on a Mac, dumping the key text with cat did not display the BOM but looking at it with less did. I used BBEdit to remove the BOM, but any that can change the format or chop off the first four bytes will work. – Seth Noble Aug 27 '20 at 15:04
I changed the header and footer of the PEM file to
tkpl 1,789●22 gold badges●1313 silver badges●88 bronze badges
8,952●77 gold badges●4545 silver badges●7474 bronze badges
You can also add -inform pem to the command to get the same result. E.g. openssl rsa -in server.key -modulus -noout -inform pem. – Simon Woodside Dec 22 '18 at 4:13
Something is already working correctly with the "bad" format (i.e. unchanged headers), so, this is a makeshift solution, bound to break something that was already working fine, like, a reverse proxy that is not crashing for the lack of those manually-edited headers and footers. Yipes! – alejandrob Jan 30 '20 at 2:26
The solution above worked good – nisamudeen97 May 11 at 16:41
Your .key file contains illegal characters. You can check .key file like this:
output "server.key: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text" means it is a plain text, not a key file. The correct output should be "server.key: PEM RSA private key".
Use below command to remove illegal characters:
The new_server.key should be correct.
For more detail, you can click here
张 俊
张 俊 509●44 silver badges●66 bronze badges
23.9k●1616 gold badges●101101 silver badges●139139 bronze badges
file server.key this command helped me to get the issue. Thanks. – itsHarshad Feb 6 '20 at 5:12
The tail command seems to have added strange formatting characters to my key file. Not sure why this would be. – ryanwebjackson May 24 '20 at 18:57
This in combination with @tkpl answer seem to have eliminated the errors for me. – ryanwebjackson May 24 '20 at 19:02
This saved me few hours and a whole lot of hair. – Felipe Gusmao Nov 7 '20 at 2:05
I've used this answer a few times now. It's spot on. – Travis D Feb 25 at 17:20
Create CA certificate
openssl genrsa -out privateKey.pem 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 3600 -key privateKey.pem -out caKey.pem

Pravind Kumar
Pravind Kumar 239●33 silver badges●55 bronze badges
1,497●1313 silver badges●1717 bronze badges
That it appears OK with asn1parse leads me to believe its not PEM encoded.
Because it appears to be ASN.1, try:
Notice the -inform DER to switch between encodings.
jww 85.3k●7272 gold badges●348348 silver badges●760760 bronze badges
Resolution on my side. Change Encoding to UTF8 without BOM
Kosmo Para
Kosmo Para 51●11 silver badge●11 bronze badge
Remove any whitespace at the start of the .key file.
johnnycardy 3,043●11 gold badge●1414 silver badges●2727 bronze badges
I'm on Windows 10 and I saved my key with Windows1252 encoding and it worked for me. On another Stack Overflow question some people were fixing this with UTF-8 with BOM.
In other words, it may be the file encoding.
Rafael Z. B. Bravo
Rafael Z. B. Bravo 893●88 silver badges●1717 bronze badges
23.9k●1616 gold badges●101101 silver badges●139139 bronze badges
May be the private key itself is not present in the file.I was also faced the same issue but the problem is that there is no private key present in the file.
Dhruvil Shah
Dhruvil Shah 193●11 silver badge●66 bronze badges
This could happen if you are trying to use your public key to create certificate instead of your private key. You should use private key
aris 171●11 silver badge●55 bronze badges
23.9k●1616 gold badges●101101 silver badges●139139 bronze badges
I received RTF files for private and public keys for SSL certificate HTTPCS. the way which works for me to make .pfx with password is: convert rtf private key file(privateKey.rtf) (with free online converter) to plain text format: privateKey.txt (don't copy/paste text from -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- to -----END PRIVATE KEY----- to a new text file, it doesn't work) open converted plain text file in Nodepad++ and change encoding to UTF-8 instead of UTF-8 BOM and change extension to .key. Save it run Openssl console in certificate folder:
openssl will ask password, create your own password for your certificate and then you have your .pfx to be use in IIS setting, SOAPUI, MMC,.. Good luck
363●22 silver badges●1111 bronze badges
Had same issue today, and noticed that this occurs when owner/group of file is not the one running app that reads key. Maybe is your issue too.
Ionut Stoica
Ionut Stoica 1●11 bronze badge
None of the other answers seemed correct in my case, however I found the real answer here
My id_rsa file was already in PEM format, I just needed to add the .pem extension to the filename.
The possible options to the openssl rsa -inform parameter are one of: PEM DER
A PEM encoded file is a plain-text encoding that looks something like:
While DER is a binary encoding format.
gregn3 1,464●11 gold badge●1616 silver badges●2626 bronze badges
In our case what caused the issue is that the private key we were trying to use was encrypted with a passphrase.
We had to decrypt the private key using ssh-keygen -p before we could use the private key with the openssl command line tool.
Paul Dejean
Paul Dejean 2,606●11 gold badge●77 silver badges●1212 bronze badges
If your certificate is from godaddy you just need to change the encoding from UTF-8 (BOM) to UTF 8 and rename the file as private.key.
23.9k●1616 gold badges●101101 silver badges●139139 bronze badges
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