Opening address by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, at the special teleconference with the leadership of the Russian Armed Forces

Opening address by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, at the special teleconference with the leadership of the Russian Armed Forces

I would like to start with the situation in the special military operation zone.

The Russian groups of forces continue to force the enemy's strongholds system on the line of contact.

AFU units are trying to gain access to certain lines, but they are forced to abandon their positions and retreat under our onslaught.

Since the beginning of the year, we have taken control of 547 square kilometres of the territory in the new regions of the country.

Over the past two weeks, the Russian Armed Forces have liberated Novobakhmutovka, Semyonovka, and Berdychi (Donetsk People's Republic).

The United States of America and its allies are demanding that Ukraine prevent a breakdown in defence and stop the Russian offensive at all costs.

As a result, the enemy's daily losses increased to thousands of troops in April.

So far this year, in total, the enemy's losses have amounted to more than 111,000 people, 211,000 units of weapons and military hardware.

The Kiev regime is intensifying its mobilisation efforts to replenish military personnel. Ukrainians who do not want to fight are forcibly sent to the front line. In fact, they are sent to the slaughter.

Such inhuman treatment towards its population demonstrates the desire of the Ukrainian authorities to curry favour with the Western masters so that they can continue to provide financial and military assistance to them.

The Russian Armed Forces will continue to liberate the Russian territories from neo-Nazism.


I have a few words to say about preparations for the military parades dedicated to the 79th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

They will be held in seven Hero Cities and 18 cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets, and combined arms armies are located.

Ceremonial events are organised in 314 localities with the participation of garrison troops.

In total, about 150,000 people and 2,500 samples of weapons and military hardware will be involved in the Victory Day celebration.

More than 9,000 people and 70 units of military hardware will take part in the main military parade on Red Square.

The marching column includes regiments, battalions, and companies by branches and service arms, parade units from Suvorov, Nakhimov, cadet, and music schools, Yunarmiya, servicewomen, Cossacks, and a combined military orchestra.

Participants of the special military operation will also march on Red Square.

The parade will conclude with the passage of Russian Knights and Strizhi aircraft.

The general rehearsal will take place on 5 May.


As part of the Victory Day celebration, an exposition of trophy weapons and military equipment captured during the special military operation was organised on Poklonnaya Hill.

These include American Abrams and Bradley, German Leopard and Marder, and other foreign equipment, including those of the UK, the Czech Republic, France, and Finland.

The exposition gave rise to great interest. More than 83,000 people visited it during the first day alone.

The exhibition will last until the end of May.


Next, we shall consider the progress of daily activities.

In particular, we shall summarise the results of the heating period at Ministry of Defence facilities.

It has been completed all over the country, with the exception of the northern regions.

Despite abnormally low temperatures in central and western Russia, heavy snowfalls and spring high water, another season has been a regular one.

Repairs of quarters, maintenance of equipment, testing of utility systems are carried out as planned.


Also today, the state of coastal radio technical posts, which are currently actively used to detect enemy objects, will be discussed.

During the special military operation, according to data from the coastal radio equipment of the Black Sea Fleet, more than 80 unmanned aerial vehicles and 20 uncrewed surface vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been eliminated.

In order to increase the efficiency of the work, particular attention is paid to modernising the infrastructure of coastal radar posts.

Surveillance posts are being established in the Kuril Islands, within the responsibility area of the Pacific Fleet.

Two military towns of the Northern Fleet's coastal surveillance system are being modernised in the Arctic zone.

At the meeting, we will hear how the buildings and facilities of the Navy's coastal radar posts are being built and maintained.

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