Opening Up To My Mother Pt. 02

Opening Up To My Mother Pt. 02

Hello My Dear Readers...

Thank you so much for the positive response to the first part of this series. I am extremely happy to see the very genuine interest in the characters.

I have never been able to rate my own works, and I was not sure if I had met the expected standards. I just did not know if I was successful in recreating the magic of SEXTING MY MOTHER, but I did try my best. I am glad the idea is being appreciated.

I take all your feedback & comments very seriously, and I will only improve. I fully realise my submissions are delayed, and I am really grateful for the patience shown. I assure you I will try my best to complete all my pending works at the earliest.

I am happy to say that I am ready with Part 2 of this series, and this is also the longest single episode I have written so far. I really hope all of you will like it.

The central thread of the story is simple, yet is on the more complex side to type down. The base plot is of-course my favorite, but the way I wanted to include & use characters from my erotic universe, in the narrative, has made the execution a slightly difficult task...

This particular episode focuses on the time spent by Mona & Ayan in Delhi, which formed the crux of the original story, and also reveals how the mother and son started craving for each-other, in ways they never should have, and what fueled their desires.

I also have some news for you - Good & Bad.

The bad news is that this series too will have no real sex. But, I am confident that the content will make up for the lack of physical intimacy.

The good news is that I will be continuing the story of the protoganists, akin to a franchise, and the next chapter in their tale will have sex and only sex. You will hear about it soon.

The following is an immediate continuation, and reading the earlier part, may make this more exciting.

Happy Reading!!

Ayan : Mom...

Mona : Ohh Yes, Ayan...

Ayan : There is something else I need to tell you...

Mona : Say... You don't have to be shy... I want you to tell me everything!!

Ayan : I don't know what this will do to our relationship. I am worried I will give you the feeling I have been lying all along... But, I think I want you to know.

Mona : Just tell me!!

Ayan : I am sure you will understand... I only want to be in a position where we no longer need to exchange half-truths or keep details hidden.

Mona : What is it, Ayan?! You are scaring me now... Haha!!

Ayan : I had this habit of sneaking into your bedroom, when you were sleeping. And, I have tried to grope you, too...

Mona : Oh my...

Ayan : I am sorry, Mom... But, there were so many days I even wanted to mercilessly defile you.

Mona : Ohhh...

Ayan : Each time you left the door open, giving me the majestic view of your curvy thick back, as you slept, I stood right next to your bed, vigorously rubbing my cock, and satisfying my lustful cravings.

Mona : How come I never noticed!!

Ayan : I wondered the same... But my deeds only grew more sinful... Once I even masturbated looking at you, and tried to shoot my load on your covered back. I had

directed my tool straight againt your rump, but the pressure during the final release made me flicker. And, I came on your head, leaving cum sticking onto your thick black hair.

Mona : What?! Did you just make that up?? Are you really serious?!

Ayan : Yes, Mom... Please forgive me. I am sorry, but I had to tell you this!!

Mona : Hahaha... Ohh, My Son... Calm down, will you?! Just Relax, Ayan!! You know your mom well enough now. I really don't mind... Okay?! And... Do you think I have been any less wicked?!

Ayan : Mom?!

Mona : Do you have any idea how many times I frantically rubbed my pussy, standing just outside the door to your bathroom, when you were in the shower?!

Ayan : Fuck...

Mona : All the early morning visits I made to your room... All the times I came to wake you up... They were all only to have the view of your very obvious morninghood. I have relished on your hardon everyday, Ayan. I have once even slid my hand under your blanket, and went all the way upto your thighs, almost touching your bare balls.

Ayan : Fuck!! Mom!! I cannot believe that really happened. Honestly, I just did not feel your touch on my body, and I do not know how I would have reacted if I sensed it. But, what surprises me even more is the reality that we already had so many intimate moments.

Mona : And... We had all of them at home!! We have been having these for long now!!

Ayan : Exactly...

Mona : But... Was that the only time?! I mean... Was it only at home that we had these encounters?!

Ayan : What are you trying to say, Mom??

Mona : Don't you think we should talk about what happened in Delhi??

Ayan : Yes... I guess so.

Mona : We have to, Ayan... We should!!

Ayan : I know, Mom. But, before that, there is something I really want to know, and right now too.

Mona : What is it??

Ayan : Since we are going all the way, it does not really matter anymore... But... Did you seriously think we would actually have sex?! Did you believe it would be possible for a mother and son to engage themselves in the most carnal activity??

Mona : Maybe this will sound a little too cringy... But, I did!! I always thought so.

Ayan : Yeah?!

Mona : Yes, Ayan... I have firmly felt it was possible... And now, I have reasons to conclude I was right.

Ayan : Haha!!

Mona : What about you, Ayan?? Did you think this would all turn true someday??

Ayan : Well... Mom... I was never really sure about it. I thoroughly enjoyed the effect my wants had on me, yet I always assumed this was a just forbidden fantasy. I liked the taboo-filled pleasures associated with the idea... However, I was not fully convinced there was a genuine chance. But, there was also this one instance, during a train journey, last year, that really got me thinking...

Mona : Train journey?? Last year?! We did not go on a train journey last year, Ayan.

Ayan : No, Mom. This does not have you in the scene. It was an intriuging experience I had, that made me think.

Mona : What was it?? Tell me...

Ayan : I don't know how I should put it in words. I am still not sure it really took place. It was early in the morning that this incident happened... I was very sleepy, and I could also never really confirm the event... But, now, since you and I exist, I feel even they exist. Hehehe...

Mona : Ayan!! Haha... What?! What are you even trying to say?? What happened to you?!

Ayan : They were very sexually charged is what I felt!!

Mona : What?! Who are you talking about?? Why the lack of clarity!! And, why are you taking so much time to type?? Just tell me what happened!! You don't have to think twice before telling me things, Ayan!!

Ayan : I know, Mom. I am sorry, I just got distracted.

Mona : You are sexting your mother, and you still get distracted?!

Ayan : I was just playing the visuals in my mind.

Mona : Ayan... Is this something... I mean... Did you do something that you should not have?? Did you cause someone hurt??

Ayan : No, Mom. That is not what I am trying to say. I am just trying to describe the scenario in the best possible way. Sometimes it's just not easy to type what you have in your mind.

Mona : Haha... Lol!! Stop struggling to be a master of erotica. I already know what my son is capable of... Just tell me what happened, in simple words!!

Ayan : Haha... Fine!!

Mona : Begin!!

Ayan : Okay... So, this was just after my Lab Exams. I was not planning to come home that very day, initially - I wanted to hangout with friends.

Mona : Okay...

Ayan : Also, this was two weeks after I broke up with Viveka, but I had already started seeing Tiya. I really wanted to spend some time with her, and we were supposed to meet the next day...

Mona : Aaha... I am delighted you are bringing in all your girls... Would love to know what you did with each of them, in detail!!

Ayan : Why?? Why?! Why!!

Mona : Hahaha!! To make sure I give you more than those young bitches could!!

Ayan : Mom, please!! Not that again!!

Mona : Haha!! Tell me what happened in the train...

Ayan : Yeah... But, Tiya had to be at her father's ancestral house, and so the plan was cancelled. I was upset, and did not want to stay in the hostel, feeling dejected. It was a last minute decision, but I just got myself in the very next available train back home. It was a Special Train travelling through Goa - I had never taken it before, and did not even know when I would reach home. But still, just boarded it anyway.

Mona : This is so boring, Ayan. Why do you have to spoil the mood?? You do realise I have been turned on since we started texting. Why are you wasting time explaing all these unwanted stuff?!

Ayan : I have been thinking about this for a long time... I just feel a little messed up, Mom!! I do not even know if this is interesting anymore.

Mona : Please!! I was only trying to get the details from you as fast as possible. I am certainly enjoying this, Ayan. Don't Stop!! Just take a deep breath, and tell me what happened.

Ayan : Okay... So... I am very sure I heard the guy in the adjacent compartment address the lady with him as his mother - I did hear him call her MOM clearly, when I was taking a stroll. But, on my way back, I am almost convinced I saw him fondling her tits, with a lot of passion... She still lay on her berth, but was wide awake, and she was finding pleasure in it!!

Mona : What?! Haha!! Impossible!!

Ayan : I know!! I mean, I just don't know if this really was the case... I couldn't believe it either. I also wasn't fully sure if they were a couple, or really a mother-son pair. The two looked very compatible. He was mauling her tankers!! I saw them indulge!!

Mona : Ayan... That must not have happened!!

Ayan : I think it did, Mom...

Mona : Maybe, you just felt it!! You already told me you were very sleepy and tired. Nobody would do something so sleazy in the open, however empty the space is - Definitely not a mother and son!!

Ayan : Hhmm... Maybe you are right... Maybe it's just because I always had it at the back of my mind, but always remained doubtful, and I now feel confident about it since you and I have confessed our feelings for each-other.

Mona : That has to be the reason, Ayan.

Ayan : But, do you think there are many other mothers and sons out there, who are in the same vereneal territory as we are in?? Who really do it!!

Mona : Hahaha!! Ohh, Ayan!! What happened to you?? Have you just lost the plot?? What exactly is it?? Or... Are you a little too exicted about stuffing your Mummy, that your sanity is extinct?! Lol!!

Ayan : Just tell me, Mom... I want to know...

Mona : I don't know, Ayan...

Ayan : You say you don't know, only when there is something that you want to tell me!!

Mona : Well... I wasn't thinking about it. But, when I find you so obsessed, I am forced to wonder... I am however a little startled that they did it in public, regardless of the fact they are really mother and son.

Ayan : You wouldn't do something like that with me, outside our house?!

Mona : Ayan... I want to... You know that!! I want to be taken by you in ways no woman has ever been fucked... But, I am not sure about being adventurous in public...

Ayan : Are you worried about what people will think??

Mona : To an extent - Yes!! But, we wouldn't be here if we cared about what people would think!!

Ayan : Still... Are you bothered about what people will think if we get caught?!

Mona : There will be things said, Ayan... There will be comments passed even if we just sit together. You can imagine the scenario if we are caught sharing intimacy.

Ayan : There is nothing they can do to us, Mom... They may not like it, but it is just a matter of us ignoring them. Let them express their hatred. Everything will be fine... I can protect you!!

Mona : I know that, Ayan. That is why I am so sure about you.

Ayan : Why are you worried about what people dislike, then??

Mona : Well... I won't mind if they were genuinely disliking all public displays of affection. I may even respect them...

Ayan : What you are you trying to say, Mom?!

Mona : Haha!!

Ayan : Why does this all of a sudden look like zero sexting and a little too much preaching on social norms??

Mona : Hahaha!! No... No!! You started it!!

Ayan : Hehe... But, what were you trying to say?? Were you referring to any of yo

ur unpleasant experiences?? Maybe some of the lewd gestures you were subjected to, or verbal abuses?!

Mona : I wasn't pointing to anything in particular. But, I did have this horrible ordeal, when I once went to the Flower Market, alone... A group of men, most probably in their late fourties, flashed their poles at me, with one among them even asking me to suck him off, right there!!

Ayan : What?! This really happened?! I am so sorry, Mom...

Mona : It is okay... I was shaken, but it hasn't broken me. What is however funny is that they turned out to be members of a group formed to ensure safety of women in the city. And, they had also assaulted a young girl who was being walked to her house by her boyfriend, just the day before. You get it, don't you?! The thing is they may fake values, but they fake disgust even more. They are using these sitautions to their advantage, to fulfill their deep unhealthy needs. These men are just a bunch of goons who love exploiting the female sex, caught in vulnerable situations... That is the shameful morality of these losers.

Ayan : How big were their cocks, Mom?! I guess not as huge as you would have liked them!!

Mona : What?! You dirty creep!! Did you just ask that to your mother?! What perfect timing, too!!

Ayan : Haha!! Mom!! It is unfortuante that you had to go through the humiliation, but they just fell for your thick curves, Mom... They just cannot be blamed. Hahaha!! However, everything you said is right on the money!!

Mona : Haha!! I don't know where this is going. I think you have lost it!! You sound concerned, and at the same time you are also sexting me... What the... Hehehe... Whatever... But, yeah... See, I don't mind if they sincerely hate something... I just don't want random men to call me a whore, and declare my son a mother fucker, because we got touchy in public - Especially, when that fellow is a punk, in reality, who has already jerked off watching us exchange love.

Ayan : Lol!! Hahaha... Mom... I did not know there was an active feminist in you... Particularly after our very "normal" conversation. Hehehe!!

Mona : I maybe a submissive mature for my son, but there is a feminist hiding in me. I decide who fucks me, and I had the guts to chose you!! Haha!! See... It's just that I don't want a bad episode in public with you, Ayan. I only need the pure satisfcation the touch of your warm young body will give me.

Ayan : The random men watching may not complain if you give them enough!! I mean, if you do the needful!!

Mona : Haha!! Oh, Ayan!! That is a possibility!! Lol...

Ayan : Maybe, you are already doing it!! Hehe!!

Mona : Lol!! Well, it did cross my mind, multiple times, over the last few months, that I should be an exhibitionist tease, and teach your Dad a lesson. But, since I have you now, I don't think anybody else deserve my enticing assets. I don't think I need to give them a chance... Yet!! Haha!! I think I should stick to being a naughty horny mom indoors, for the time being, keeping myself locked with my loving boy!!

Ayan : That is great news... For your son!! Lucky Kid!! Hehehe...

Mona : I just want to enjoy the moments with you to the fullest, not having to worry about being judged!!

Ayan : Haha... I get that, Mom... But, the two I saw in the train - The suspected mother and son, definitely did not mind any of it.

Mona : This is so... Ayan!! You seem to be hooked onto them. By choosing to glorify them, you have caused your unsatisfied Mummy to dry up!! Lol...

Ayan : They got me very curious, Mom... Hehe!!

Mona : I think I get that, My Dear Son. Haha!!

Ayan : They actually unboarded the train a few stops before mine. I just could not let go of it... I was so eager, I checked their names on the Reservation Chart, almost grabbing the same from the TTE.

Mona : Ayan... Haha!! Is there more to this?! Why do I get the feeling that the indirect set of questions & answers are actually reflecting your hesitation!! You can tell me whatever you want, Ayan.

Ayan : Neema & Arun - That was what their names were.

Mona : Okay, enough!! I don't understand what you are trying to prove, but maybe I should just play along!! So, listen... I feel Arun is a very steamy name. I don't mind moaning it, if Neema screams your name out loud!! Haha!! Happy, now??

Ayan : Mom... You are impossible!! Hahaha!!

Mona : Isn't that what you wanted to hear?? You did think about a foursome, didn't you?!

Ayan : No!! Haha!! Mom!!

Mona : Why not?! How about one in the train, itself?! They still have private cabins, don't they?! Haha!!

Ayan : Lol!!

Mona : Okay... Wait... I don't know why I feel so amused about this... Did you check their age in the Chart??

Ayan : Mom!! I know you mean none of this. But, for your information, I did look into their age, and it did indicate the woman was old enough to be his mother!! But, you never know... Haha!!

Mona : Never know?! Why are you being unsure, now??

Ayan : Could be her son's best friend, too... Haha!!

Mona : What all fantasies does my son have!!

Ayan : I wish to call them soothing thoughts, Mom. Hehe...

Mona : I just hope that you have saved the best to live out with your mother.

Ayan : If you were given a chance to be with one of my friends... Who would it be?!

Mona : Haha!! Shut up!! That is not what I meant, you bloody fucker!!

Ayan : I know... Still!!

Mona : What is going on here?! I guess your mind has been already re-programmed to start considering me as your partner, forever!! That is why the sudden waywardness & lack of urgency!! Haha!!

Ayan : Haha!! Then... We might as well have some kinky fun. Give me a name, Mom!! I won't mind one bit...

Mona : You are getting nothing!!

Ayan : I know you always wanted my friends. You need to tell me who makes you wet the most!! I won't stop until you give me a name!!

Mona : I think you have gone mad!! Hahaha!!

Ayan : Give me a name!!

Mona : You won't get it!!

Ayan : Give it!! Give me what I want!!

Mona : Hahaha!! Fine... Ron, maybe!!

Ayan : What?! Hahaha... Oh shit!! Did you seriously mean it??

Mona : Whooaa... No way!! I thought it will make you happy.

Ayan : But, why him??

Mona : He is the only friend of yours I know...

Ayan : That is just not true.

Mona : It is... I remember only him...

Ayan : Haha... But, still... Ron?! Out of all people!!

Mona : What?? Is their something about him that I should be aware of??

Ayan : Oh, No!! Nothing I can tell you, Mom!!

Mona : Hahaha... Come on...

Ayan : Just No!!

Mona : In that case, I will squueze the truth out of you when I milk cum out of your penis!!

Ayan : Whooaaa!!

Mona : Hahaha!!

Ayan : I really cannot wait any longer to be used by my own mother!! I really wish you are careless enough to groan your secret lover's name when you ride me!!

Mona : Haha!! Why is that I feel I am witnessing a side of you I never thought existed?! Of-course, I cannot claim to be surprised. Lol!! Definitely not after what we have been doing since the last night... But, why the thought of another man??

Ayan : You don't seem to be having a problem with your son's twisted thinking...

Mona : Hahaha!! I was a little bothered when you mentioned about the mother & son you met in the train. Your texts were a bit distorted. But, I am very grateful to them now. They helped me discover something very interesting about you, and us!! Haha!! However, still, what about them is actually giving you the vibes?? PDA is common, in India, whatever the consequences!!

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