[Opencart]Image Watermark and Filename Encryption скачать бесплатно

[Opencart]Image Watermark and Filename Encryption скачать бесплатно

[Opencart]Image Watermark and Filename Encryption - это модуль, который позволяет защитить изображения на вашем сайте, добавляя на них водяные знаки и шифруя их имена файлов. Это поможет предотвратить кражу и несанкционированное использование ваших изображений.

👉 Скачать - [Opencart]Image Watermark and Filename Encryption

👉 Скачать - [Opencart]Image Watermark and Filename Encryption

👉 Скачать - [Opencart]Image Watermark and Filename Encryption

👉 Скачать - [Opencart]Image Watermark and Filename Encryption

👉 Скачать - [Opencart]Image Watermark and Filename Encryption

[Opencart]Image Watermark And Filename Encryption is a powerful tool that allows you to protect your images on your Opencart website. This extension helps you to add watermarks to your images and encrypts the filenames to prevent unauthorized use and theft of your images.

With [Opencart]Image Watermark And Filename Encryption, you can easily customize the watermark text, size, position, and transparency to match the design of your website. This helps to ensure that your images are branded and protected from being used without permission. Additionally, the extension allows you to encrypt the filenames of your images, making it difficult for others to access and use them without your authorization.

To download [Opencart]Image Watermark And Filename Encryption, simply visit the official Opencart marketplace or the developer's website. Once downloaded, you can easily install the extension on your Opencart website and start protecting your images immediately.

Overall, [Opencart]Image Watermark And Filename Encryption is a must-have extension for any Opencart website owner who wants to protect their images and prevent unauthorized use. With its customizable watermark options and filename encryption feature, you can rest assured that your images are safe and secure on your website.

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