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Best Mouth Gag For Oral

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In this article, we will present the top 10 Best Mouth Gag For Oral available on the market, along with our expert reviews. Get one of them and have fun! You’ll love it!
To help you in your search, we have completed this list of the Best Mouth Gag For Oral.
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How to give good head: Blowjob techniques for the bedroom




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Imagine the pride you’d feel from hearing your partner shouting ‘wow!’ between breaths after you give them the best head they’ve ever had.
So, if you want to leave your partner shaking in relief, read on for great blowjob techniques.
First and foremost, you won’t give good head unless you are confident. You must know you’re sexy… know you’re amazing.
Without self-assurance, you’ll probably be reserved in the way you give head making it less than extraordinary.
But if you do lack confidence in this area of sex, hopefully you’ll feel more clued up after going through the following techniques and special tricks.
As well as confidence, you need to be committed to the job.
Indeed, it’s called a blow job for a reason. It isn’t easy… and it is somewhat of a chore for a lot of people.
However, if you do it right, it can be utterly pleasurable for both you and your partner.
You simply need to be devoted to spending some time on your knees, and with the average blowjob only taking a few minutes, it shouldn’t be a big deal.
Unless one of you needs to be somewhere, there’s no rush.
Begin with rubbing the penis outside their trousers, building up the tension so they yearn for more.
Take their top off and kiss their stomach as you unbutton the pants area. Turn your kisses into licks along their body as you take their penis out with your hand and then you put it in front of your face.
Now, you can get an idea of what you’re working with; is it big, small, hairy, shaved, circumcised? All of these things might change the way you suck them off.
Don’t be afraid to act like a porn star. Spit on their penis and grasp your hand around it ready to stroke and squeeze, up and down.
You may choose to use flavoured lube which can also help keep it moist. Add a few drops into your hand just before you rub them.
From the base to the tip, lick the whole length of their penis. Give some eye contact (but not too much) and feel sexy… because you are.
Essentially, you want to f**k their penis with your mouth, occasionally going from slow to fast, swirling your tongue around the tip and sucking it.
Pay attention to their reactions; when do they appear to enjoy it most? You should then repeat that particular movement that seemed well-received.
With their penis in your mouth, take your hand and grasp the base. Then, move your hand up and down, twirling your hand movements at the same time, all while you continue to suck them off. This is known as the ‘twister’ and is extremely pleasurable if done right. The circular motions and alternations of speed will really get them going.
This can be done with only one hand. So, with the other, touch their body… their thighs, stomach, nipples… whatever they’re into.
This blowjob technique is quite advanced so don’t do it unless you feel prepared (I’m sure you know of at least one vomit story in the bedroom).
The tip of their penis should be at the back of your mouth, with your tongue along the shaft. Deep throating can be very pleasurable but you need to be able to control your gag reflex.
A lot easier to master, this trick is also very stimulating for the receiver. Press their penis against the inside of your cheek while you’re giving head every now and then. It can bring a nice mix to the table.
With your partner standing, kneel down before them and open your mouth with your tongue out and let them put their dick inside you ready for them to do the movement.
Essentially, you are letting them f**k your mouth. Much like deep throat, you need a good gag reflex for this to work and if it gets too much you should push your head back.
Often, your partner will have their hand over your head to move you back and forth in the same motion as them. This can be very overwhelming for some people, so ensure you communicate properly regarding whether you’re okay with your head being pushed down.
Not everyone enjoys this so you’ll have to check their reaction. As you’re giving them head, massage their balls lightly with your hand.
If you see they’re enjoying that, and if they are, squeeze a little harder and then lick down their penis onto the testicles, rubbing, licking and sucking them gently.
Anilingus is the sexual stimulation of the anus by the tongue or mouth. When you go down to the balls, some people will enjoy it if you go further to the anus which also has many pleasurable nerve endings.
It certainly is a personal preference and you shouldn’t go straight in there without some teasing or warning first to see if they’d be into it.
Lick around the anus and then push your tongue inside. Use your finger to rub outside it and gently push your finger in too.
This move definitely isn’t for everyone. Some people hate doing it and some people hate receiving it.
Bring some treats to the table for some fun and sexy oral sex. Whether you want to use ice cream, warm chocolate or whip cream, it can make the whole experience much more pleasurable (for both of you).
With something tasty, you will likely be more enthusiastic while sucking them off. Cold foods, such as ice cream, can keep them on their toes as well as they feel cool and then get the warmth from your tongue.
Another food-related blowjob trick is known as the grapefruit technique .
Whether you’re more of a ‘mmm’ or ‘ohh yeah’ kind of person, you should let out some pleasurable moans.
Perhaps even talk to them a little; ‘you like that, baby?’ or ‘you’re so hot.’
Your partner will appreciate hearing that you’re enjoying yourself as well.
If you hear them say they’re cumming, you should continue the same thing you were doing. Changing the method can stop them from reaching climax (unless of course their warning was a way to say stop… I want to go for longer).
Then… whether you spit or swallow, that’s your call, honey.
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Remember, you can get STDs from oral sex so you must stay safe. If you or your partner haven’t had a recent check-up, you should use a condom. For blowjobs, flavoured condoms can work nicely.
Try putting the condom on them using your mouth. It can be very sensual and sexy.
And that’s all for today. Happy sucking!

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