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FingerRings--> SFU - Mammon Rings (Box) @ Six Feet Under MainStore
Bracelets--> Badwolf - Sten Bracelets (ADD) @ Man Cave Event
when i get bored i just give myself tattoos and take pictures with them
So.. hit me up if you need or want to be f&f.
The unfortunate sight that awaited me when I got back to my truck after the weekend. They just wanted to break something, took the relays out of the fuse box so the motor would not start.
How do I feel right now?? If I find him I would like to break one finger a week for 10 weeks, not decided if it will be a new one every time..............
my parents told me i could be anything so i became an asshole lmfao
the thrown rock was a bullseye on baldie's head.
James steps away from the keyboard and busts out the guitar for a performance of a new song, Anonymous Asshole, about those spineless cowards that post comments on internet forums - they know who they are. Scotty J on bass and Storm in stripes.
The color was pretty good on this but I liked the crisp energy of B+W, and thought I'd shift it sepia-ward just for a contrast to the red red red of Dante's lighting.
This was from the 21 April 2010 Storm and WTF? show featuring Eric McFadden and the Crazy Enough band, with guests including an amazing classical guitar player and Stephanie Smith of Kleveland.
In the right-turn lane, next to a curb painted red, and a sign that says "NO STOPPING ANY TIME." But he had his hazard lights on, so I guess it's okay.
I'll give everyone three guesses as to who's drone is intruding in my shot. Definitely worth the 400 mile drive from Maine to get this. Fortunately, I got another shot without fuckface's drone in it, but seriously...
→ Hurry Hurry at The Men Jail until the 28th~!
♦Backdrop: [Box] Fatpack The Diversity - The Bearded Guy
The Doors - The Diversity - The Bearded Guy
↨ More gorgeous products~! Check them out~
[Kres] Iconic headbands - Asshole -
Now at the mainstore, check out the gachas ♥
♦NEW: Junk Food - Equal 10 Skittles & Liquor Bottles
♦ +FATHER+ - Tintable Heart Freckles - OMEGA ONLY
asshole boypussy booty femboy sissyboy
I drew this just now.. it's how Trump makes me feel!
I'm protecting myself with a Susan Richards (The Invisible Woman) type force field...and Trump is trying with all his might to smash thru it! 😦
Around the globe, in every city there are parts of the neighborhood that's looking a little worse for wear. Abandoned, for one reason or another, and usually occupied by house-squatting hippies, the cool kids on the block or homeless people... And now, also, the mob. Exploiting the privacy and the opportunity to stay under radar they've got eyes on these little hidden treasures, serving as a sanctuary to be found only by those who knows it exists. -Usually right under the nose of the city residents and the police.
These properties are owned by a shell company, within another shell company that is owned by people no one's ever heard of, one of them is 'Alexander Smith', the 'accountant' of a small company which name is of little importance.
What all these houses have in common is that despite the decaying building, the doors are sealed. And can only be opened by a very specific keycard.
If you've been given this keycard, and have found one of it's matching doors. It will let you in, the inside of the building will not match the exterior, and there will be armed guards. Perhaps one, two or four. And you can be sure the working staff are armed too. They'll also want to see your keycard. - But once you're in, you're in.
-It is a neutral zone. You do not have to like all the guests but you will respect them within the premises, each and everyone of them is here because someone trusts them.
-We will not take your weapons, but be well aware that using them in here will result in a lifetime ban from the establishment and punishment will follow.
-Every patron is invited, and the one inviting you will be held responsible if you break any of the (very few) rules, and tasked with dealing out the proper punishment.
Location: Il Gheto | Speakeasy RP Gateway | Il Toro Mafia Club
Bad, bad Christmas. Wife and I both caught nasty colds in the week before Christmas. Christmas Eve, we went to the wife's brother's house for dinner. Took dyspeptic father in-law with us, and one granddaughter as well as daughter-in law in process of divorcing our son. Good food. Father-in-law had nothing to say and couldn't wait to go home. They had to force him to stay. As soon as we started eating, I felt a pain in my jaw, running from the ear down to the chin. Thought it was just a muscle cramp, but it didn't go away.
The father-in-law drove his car to our house from Fresno, as we live about midway between Fresno and Visalia, where the dinner was. Then wife and I drove f-i-l to dinner in his car. Wife's brother decides (rightfully so I guess) that 96 year old dad shouldn't be driving at night and it had begun to rain as well. (Truth is, f-i-l should not be driving at all. Ever). So, we hatch a scheme whereby I drive pops home and wife will go with daughter-in-law and granddaughter. F-i-l is not happy. So we take off with brother in law in followup vehicle so he can pick me up in Fresno and drive me the 25 miles back to Kingsburg. We get to Veteran's home where f-i-l resides, and I park his car and he goes inside. As we're leaving, I see f-i-l's parked car with the lights on. SHIT! I run back in and catch f-i-l before he has entered his room. Get the key and try to return through the building which we had entered. Doors locked. Rain starts. I'm pounding on door. Security guard shows up. I get in and run out to car in rain. Turn off lights and return key. Now I'm not only pissed off, but wet too. We get to my house, and brother-in-law let's me off. I had given my keys to the wife when we left, and she had not returned them. She hadn't come home yet (yeah, I guess she was having fun :-(). So in the rain I'm digging through a flower bed in the dark, looking for the damn stone thing that has a key in it. Would any burglar with half a brain not be able to find these things and use the key? Well, I can't find it because it's dark. Finally get in the house. Mood not good. Jaw aching.
Christmas morning it's breakfast at 7:30. Good food, but can't much enjoy as dyspeptic f-i-l is being his miserable self, and I'm in pain. Presents opened we go home and I hit the sack. That afternoon we were due to have lunch at a nice restaurant in Fresno with son, his now love, grandkids, and--you guessed it-- dyspeptic f-i-l. Once again the pain kept me from enjoying the good food. Son gives me socks for present. I note that when you stretch them out, it starts to look like an asshole. Then the obvious made itself known. It IS an asshole.
Finally home by 6 p.m. and Christmas is over. But the pain gets worse and worse and by now the right side of my face is swollen up like a rotten watermelon. Visions of root canals were pleasant compared to the other potentials. Like would I be the next Elephant Man with a football growing from my head? Oh, I was thinking the worst. Believe it. The pain got so bad that I couldn't stop shaking and became nauseous. The wife calls Kaiser advice nurse. Run through the history, and then she wants to know if I have a fever. Wife cannot find a thermometer. (It just gets better and better, doesn't it). So, seven or eight at night on Christmas Day the wife heads out the door and hits a couple of neighbor's houses. Nobody answers. I guess they were all out having fun, while I was experiencing the wrath meted out to non-believers on Christmas. Wife gets in car and drives to daughter-in-laws for thermometer. Get's back and now we get a call from the doctor in the ER at Kaiser. Fever is just 100.5. Doctor makes an appointment for me the next morning with my regular physician, and advises that if I have a fever--any fever--I'm to come in to the ER, which is 35 or so miles away. By now, I'm thinking the only way I'm moving is if someone comes in and carries my carcass out of the house. So we took a chance. The night was long, but made bearable by the powerful painkillers the wife has. Without them, I would have had no choice but the ER.
Doctor says she doesn't think it's and abscessed tooth and not a tumor. It's good to know that a tumor will generally not provide the experience of excruciating pain. And that's the good news.
Today the swelling is way down. They injected me with antibiotics, and set me on a ten day course of oral antibiotics. Still painful to touch right side of face, but I'm a very happy camper.
And this post is about the first thing I've accomplished since the whole episode began unfolding.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas or Fabulous Festivus or whatever.
Sorry to write bummer stories at the time of year when you all are celebrating the birth of Jesus and are full of hope for 2019. But on the bright side, it all seems to be getting better. All, except a certain POTUS, which I'm trying to ignore at least until we get into the new year.
Bar inside ARIA that I can't describe as anything other than a bunch of assholes, but at least it was pretty inside
koala avatars are from Gacha Garden!
no wedding because he is a mother fucker asshole

Dan Savage
January 8th, 2020 April 15th, 2022
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I have a question about porn, and I can’t think who else I can ask that will give me an intelligent, educated answer. In modern porn, anal on women is gaining popularity. I’m a fan of anal with my boyfriend. However, in porn, it seems like the gaping asshole is a thing, a sought after thing, a desired thing. And I guess my boyfriend and I don’t get it. We can get quite vigorous when we have anal sex, but MY butthole never gapes open like that—my boyfriend assures me that when he pulls out, it goes back to its cute little flower-like effect. Why is the gaping asshole so popular? I promise this is not a frivolous question or just for titillation. We really do wonder: What gives? —Gaining Anal Perspective Entails Serious Question
It’s funny how a chief fear about anal sex—that your asshole would gape open afterward and poop would fall out while you walked down the street—became eroticized. (The asshole gaping open part, not the poop falling out part.) Did I say funny, GAPESQ? I meant predictable. Because a big part of the collective human subconscious is always at work eroticizing our fears, and the gaping-open, just-been-fucked, completely “wrecked” asshole many people feared inevitably became something some people found hot. And as more people began experimenting with anal sex—as anal went mainstream over the last two decades—people realized that the anal sphincter is a muscle and the secret to successful anal intercourse is learning to relax that muscle. Situationally, not permanently. You could relax, get loose, gape after, post the video to a porn tube, and then tighten back up. Now, not everyone thinks a wide-open, gaping asshole is desirable. And not everyone, in the immortal words of Valerie Cherish, needs (or wants) to see that. —Dan Savage
Honest question: If you, being a homosexual, don’t die from HIV, will you have to wear a diaper before the age of 42? Optional question: What does a prolapsed rectum look like? I bet you can describe it without doing an image search. —Sickening Homosexuals Are Malignant Errors
Honest answers: I know you meant this to be hate mail, SHAME, but I’m just thrilled someone out there thinks I’m not 42 yet. Also, I’m HIV-negative—last time I checked—but even if I were to seroconvert (go from HIV-negative to HIV-positive), a person with HIV who has access to meds can expect to live as long as a person without HIV. Also, a person with HIV who is on meds and has a zero viral load (no trace of the virus can be detected in their blood) cannot infect another person. So even if I were to contract HIV after all these years, SHAME, I would likely live long enough to die of something else, and, once I got on meds, I couldn’t pass HIV on to anyone else. And quickly: I’m way past 42 and not in a diaper yet, thank you very much. And while some people think a prolapsed rectum looks like a rosebud, I happen to think a prolapsed rectum looks like a ball of lean hamburger. And the first one I ever saw—and, no, I didn’t need to do an image search because it makes a real impression—was in straight porn, not gay porn. —DS
P.S. If you can’t think about gay men without thinking about our poops and the diapers you hope we’re wearing and our meaty prolapsed rectums, SHAME, that says a lot more about you than it does about gay people.
My significant other wants me to delete any NSFW pictures of my exes, but I don’t feel comfortable with that. I don’t have an emotional attachment to my exes or really look at these photos anymore, but I feel that old pictures saved on old computers aren’t doing any harm and deleting them won’t fix my partner’s insecurity. —Personal Images Causing Strife
Accommodating a partner’s irrational insecurity is sometimes the price we pay to make an otherwise healthy and functional relationship work, PICS, as I recently told another reader. But one possible workaround—one possible accommodation—is telling your insecure partner what they want to hear even if it isn’t true. Telling a partner who is concerned about safety that you’re using condoms with others when you’re not isn’t okay, of course, just as telling a potential partner you’re single when you’re not isn’t okay. But telling a partner that you deleted photos you never look at on a password-protected computer they can’t look at … yeah, that’s a lie you don’t have to feel too awful about telling. —DS
How long after using an oil-based lubricant do I have to wait before I can safely use latex condoms? Not right after, presumably. Next day? Next week? Next century? I’ve been experimenting with oil-based CBD lube for hand/toy stuff, but I’m worried about the timing relative to penetrative sex. —Oily Inside
“Oil and latex condoms do NOT mix, period,” said Melissa White, CEO of Lucky Bloke, an online condom shop, and a condom expert. “Using an oil-based lubricant with a condom can cause the condom to leak and/or break. And unlike water-based lubes, oils do not evaporate readily. While oil is absorbed over time, that absorption rate likely varies based on many factors, including age. Oiling up internally? Now we’re talking vaginal versus anal absorption rates! The bottom line: We have not found sufficient studies to issue a reliable recommendation on what an overall safe time frame might be. So here’s the deal: Oil or condoms—choose one.”
I would add only this: Condoms made out of polyurethane are more expensive, but you can safely use them with oil-based lube. —DS
I’m a straight guy who loves the female body—the look, touch, and smell. I’m in my mid-30s, I’ve never had a serious relationship, and I don’t know if I’m capable of falling in love. I’m exclusively into trans women, and I’ve kept it a secret because it’s nobody’s business. If I were in love, I’d make it public, but that hasn’t happened. I can’t help but feel like this is an addiction, and I’m ashamed of it. I’m sure I’m not the first straight guy who’s into trans women who’s written to you. Where do I go from here? —Straight And Struggling
While dating someone in secret isn’t impossible, SAS, it rarely leads to long-term love. Being kept hidden because you’re trans (or you’re gay or you’re big) and the person you’re dating hasn’t gotten over their shame about being attracted to trans people (or members of their own sex or bigger people) … well, it sucks to be someone’s dirty secret. And a healthy trans (or gay or big) person—the kind of person you might be able to fall in love with—isn’t going to put up with that shit. So it’s a catch-22: So long as you keep the women you date a secret, none of them are going to stay in your life for long. They’ll be either so damaged you want them out of your life or not damaged enough to want you in theirs. —DS
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