Online Slot Systems - Can They Make Consistent Profits?

Online Slot Systems - Can They Make Consistent Profits?

You will find numerous vendors advertising online slot systems that they claim will guarantee that you can win regularly and win big payouts.

The question we will answer here is can any online slot system work?

The answer is a resounding no.

Common sense should tell you that สล็อต Joker online slot systems did work the vendors would not bother selling them, they would simply use them for themselves and make a fortune.

They wouldn't need your few hundred dollars!

Let's look at the proof, that will show you that an online slot system can NEVER work.

There is no way to make guaranteed profits from games of chance, and online slot machines are a game of chance.

In mathematics, you know what will happen next as you have past data to look at and predict from.

In games of chance however you never know what is going to happen next.

Mathematical systems must look at past data to predict the future, however if the past data is random, it cannot be used to predict the future as the data is irrelevant.

There is a formula but you can never work it out!

The winning combinations produced by online slot machines are generated by a Random Number Generator (RNG) which is in built in every online slot machine.

The RNG is a series of codes written into the software of the game chip, generating numbers at a rate of a 100 a second.

These numbers corresponds to a result on the reels.

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