One thousand with you

One thousand with you

Антон Фодев (@fodeve)


One thousand with you.

TWO months ago I wrote a novel "The Man in the Felt Hat or Doppelganger Gestalt", in which I shared one of the innermost stories from my past, and decided to start my own telegram channel with a similar name to continue to publish my works.

For twelve years of hiatus, in which my creativity floundered like a genie in a bottle, I forgot how it is to write poems and stories. The skill remained and I took advantage of it, trying to develop it. In recent weeks, I have been busy with my main job at sea and my other projects in telegram, the news channel Sevmob ( and the anti-panic Russian-American analytical beacon channel in the name of nuclear de-escalation BloodySerenity (

Yes, all this time I've been on the ship and there are some quirks. I am far from home, around me is the sea, various ports, countries, hard work. This played another good joke with me - satellite Internet, which is available to me for two hours a day, makes it possible to measure the absorbed traffic without being particularly distracted by the news and concentrate more on writing, appreciating time.

Every time I return to this channel (The Smile of Doppelganger, with some text or note, or with the intention of sharing music, I feel joy because this channel is a part of me. It became my double, a doppelganger, a time machine, a guide to where I myself would not poke my nose without the help of creative therapeutic work. This channel knocks out my inner critic every time he tries to take the advantage. And this is what I have been striving for many years and was looking for a platform for posting texts. I'm free here. Free from prejudice, politics, self-criticism, vanity. I just write to a channel that heals my wounds, some of which have been open for many years.

We live in a time when creativity is not very popular, no matter what anyone says. But it's worth trying. Once upon a time I chanted my poems from the stage. I was seventeen/eighteen/nineteen years old and I lived in another dimension. Now my stage is here.

Thanks to everyone who reads, writes and is interested.

Thanks to D. Melnikov for inspiration.

Thanks to Natalia for administering the radio on the channel.

Thanks to the programmers for the promotion.

Thanks to Bunker and Marina F.

Thanks to the gooseberry art team and A. Snegirev for the creative impetus.

Thanks to the spiritual mentor Sergei.

Thanks to the Community and to Anna V. for teaching me how to self-love.

Thanks to dad and mom (something tells me you're reading).

One thousand became possible with you.

Thanks through wonder,

— with BRGDS, Døppelgänger.

39°45' north latitude,

25°59' east longitude.

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