One-off issue on
SergiiAppeal to issue#4
Dear admins,
today I have checked more than 8000 pages on this site
and have not found any similar page.
I am agree, that fix here is very simply, but why we should fix all one-off formatting problem, if this website doesn't use such formatting in a consistent way.
Is it a big problem for user, if there is one dot in one article?
Search through processed issues shows, that similar issues are declined.
- "This is a one off. We were not able to find more of such pages"
- "It appears that this website doesn't use this formatting in a consistent way. It's acceptable to ignore one-off custom formatting choices that only appear in one article."
- same text here
- "We agree. This is a one-off case of invalid markup in the source and no template can possibly account for all the various ways one could mess up HTML code. The template is now restored."
- "Indeed, this seems to be a one-off formatting problem. All ordinary galleries that we've checked are parsed correctly, [...] The template has been restored to the contest."
- "It appears that this website doesn't use this formatting in a consistent way. It's acceptable to ignore one-off custom formatting choices that only appear in one article. If you think this case is more wide-spread, kindly resubmit the issue with more sample links to demonstrate this."
- "One-off formatting like this should be handled only if it occurs consistently."
- "This seems to be a one-off. [...] No need to build workarounds for one-off cases."
- "Looks like a one-off where the paragraph was put into the figure tag. Not critical if that isn't something the site uses regularily"
- ...
Could you explain why this one dot in one article is so important for user, or restore my template with your beautiful magic, which can restore templates also after resubmit? :)
The magic is not needed, I am already on the first place here :)
But I would be glad, if you check this case one more time.
Best regards,