One Word: Wellmee

One Word: Wellmee


Numerous individuals wherever might want to be mollified. Wellbeing is one of the primary elements fundamental in the avoidance of ailment or ailment. Study has demonstrated that sound way of life programs are generous technique to keep the major shared hazard factors for some sicknesses. 

Wellmee application enables individuals to wind up are more creative and viable, which conveys more benefit to their bosses. There are Wellmee tokens connected to the application to compensate their representatives and these tokens will give more an incentive in certifiable commercial centers. 

We as a whole have a human need to feel increased in value. The Wellmee application empowers businesses to make all the more orchestrating condition that makes workers cheerful, supported, esteemed and compensated.

Having an application which utilizes interesting information for every individual client to decidedly invigorate them, draw in them or even to allow them to be compensated, is in reality progressive.

Why Wellmee? 

Wellmee is a portable application which enables individuals to experience their lives better. The motivation behind why Wellmee is extremely extraordinary on the grounds that it fabricates an interesting biological community for businesses and representatives. Wellmee will probably enhance the prosperity of every client. 

Utilizing Wellmee tokens are utilized to remunerate the representatives who utilize Wellmee application, in light of the fact that a more joyful individual shows phenomenal outcomes at work also. 


As indicated by studies, low efficiency in working environment are because of the insufficient representative joy and withdrawal. 

For instance, as indicated by American worldwide execution administration counseling organization Gallup, harried and troubled specialists cost the U.S. itself somewhere in the range of $450 and $550 billion in lost profitability every year. Another examination demonstrates that 87% of C-Suite administrators recognize that separated representatives is one of the greatest hazard to their business. 

Diversion, unwinding and contemplation is one section which Wellmee is going to cover. Emotional wellness condition cost the worldwide economy $1 trillion in lost profitability a year, with misery and devastation being the main source of sick wellbeing and weakness, as indicated by the World Health Organization. 


With mix of precise powerful innovation answers for make really useful application, Wellmee upgrade on the real discoveries of most recent decades on the subjects of positive brain science, prosperity, bliss and a thriving life. 

As we as a whole know, people can't be disengaged from the advanced life. The primary object is that every individual utilizing the Wellmee application is more satisfied outside of the application, not inside. The result of utilizing the application will be resolved both egocentric and for businesses likewise impartially. 

Remunerating is one of the key angle with the end goal to utilize any application occasionally the way that the plan of action of Wellmee is based on compensating the representatives with Wellmee tokens makes the entire biological system much more feasible. 

Self-awareness is one thing everybody goes for somehow. Wellmee will probably help everybody with their advancement. Utilizing a blend of cerebrum exercise and brain science, the goal is to help everybody improve their general way of life, regardless of whether it's psychological prosperity, mindfulness, connections or stress administration. In case you're the sort of individual who is anxious to enhance any part of your life – work, love, wellbeing – I propose giving Wellmee a go.

Token Metrics

Start: 1st of November at 2pm GMT

End: 30th of November at 1:59pm GMT

Soft cap: $ 7.5m

Hard cap: $ 25m

Token: Wellmee (WLME)

Exchange rate: 1WLME = 0.05 USD

Platform: Stellar



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