One Thing That Organizations Miss In Driving Successful Agile Transformations

One Thing That Organizations Miss In Driving Successful Agile Transformations

Identifying SaaS Services

What is SaaS 101, you might ask. In this article, we will define SaaS, give an overview of what it is and what are its various uses. We will also look at SaaS models such as the Customer interface, Identity and Access models, Sales and Marketing Automation and other SaaS software applications. This post is one of our series of SaaS 101 – where we look at the various areas of SaaS that can be directly or indirectly used in the enterprise. In this post, we shall also look at some challenges that are associated with SaaS in the business environment today.

SaaS is a software model that has become quite popular over the past few years in the business environment. With the advent of web based services and SaaS providers, the notion of a Software as a Service has gained much more traction. In short, SaaS provides a platform whereby applications or websites can be accessed by consumers without the need to purchase or download any hardware or software. The advantage of a Software as a Service model is that it removes the cost of purchasing hardware and software, and it makes deployment and maintenance of applications fast. With SaaS, you can have your website up and operating within hours, with minimal maintenance or support, if any. These benefits have made SaaS very popular over the past few years.

Now, let’s take a closer look at SaaS and see how SaaS services fit into the larger picture of enterprise development and SaaS services. We will define SaaS as the ‘customer oriented’ model of enterprise hosting, and SaaS services refer to the hardware, software and other resources that are required for offering enterprise hosting services. A typical SaaS application consists of the following components: Platform (operating system, browser, database, etc. ), Storage, Communications, APIs, Networking infrastructure, Web services and application development tools.

To better understand the benefits of a saas model, we need to first understand what saas is not. SaaS is not web designing. Rather, SaaS is a set of service-based solutions that provide a complete online solutions stack including CRM, ERP and other business processes. Although there is considerable overlap between these services and traditional web services, saas is clearly positioned to offer more tailored business solutions. Also, SaaS is not tied to one particular vendor.

In order to understand where saas actually comes in, it is imperative to understand where web services actually come from. Web services generally refers to the integration of web-oriented programming languages and systems into vendor established frameworks. Common examples of such frameworks are Java, PHP, Ruby, ColdFusion, etc. Web services provide an interface to web application developers who are able to write code using the same syntax as that of their choice. This ease of usage makes web services very flexible and reusable. This also enables new applications to be quickly developed and released to the market place.

Given this extensive usage model, one can clearly see why SaaS has been successful in the market. The key selling point of SaaS lies in the large number of services that are available to the organization. Because of the large choice, no vendor is able to claim exclusivity thereby enabling organizations to select from a wide variety of SaaS.

However, as SaaS continues to mature and gain market share, vendors will continue to challenge each other to provide the best possible solutions. As such, organizations are advised to take some time before choosing a SaaS provider. Instead of going with the first SaaS offering that comes your way, it is recommended that organizations take the time to research each and every aspect of the SaaS before making a decision. This will ensure that you have made the right choice and are thus in a much better position of being able to reap the benefits of your saas services.

In addition, this will help you identify any shortcomings or weaknesses in the SaaS which will allow you to better negotiate with your chosen provider to find something that is mutually beneficial for all parties. However, if you choose a SaaS without properly researching it, you may end up with products and services that are sub-par. At the same time, you may end up paying too much for these saas services. Therefore, it is important that you do enough research before deciding on the perfect saas software solution for you.

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