One Night Stand Sex Tumblr

One Night Stand Sex Tumblr


One Night Stand Sex Tumblr

people on twitter asked me to start writing long imagines so here i am. 21. she/her. england.

Warnings : alcohol consumption, implications of sex and sexual contact mentioned
“could you maybe do an imagine based on the gucci guilty commercial? i need me some badboy!biker!chris 👀😂”
[A/N I’ve been purposefully vague with the descriptions of friends so you can kind of fill in the blanks!]
The Harley Davidson’s hum throbbed through the air outside of the bar as its driver screeched to a halt. Heads turned at the low thrum of the engine. The drivers leather jacket reflecting the streetlights as droplets of rain ran down it. You sat and stared from the window of the bar, your friends voices distant despite the fact they were conversing right next to you. You watched as the man slipped off his helmet, revealing a face that could only have been chiseled by Gods. A strong jawline, a sharp nose and piercing eyes that gazed around the bustling parking lot. 
“[Y/N]!” You were snapped out of your trance by your friends fingers snapping in front of your face. “What are you looking at?” She questioned, leaning into you to peer out of the window. “Nothing,” You shook your head, turning back to the conversation, fiddling with your straw. 
“Ohh was it that guy?” Your friend sat opposite you giggled, twisting to look at the man who was know leant against the black motorbike, a lit cigarette held firmly between his fingers. “God he would be the perfect person to piss off your parents, you should totally go for it!” She smirked, nudging your arm. 
“And what makes you think he’d even be interested in me?” You scoffed, picking up your glass to finish the last few drops. “I’m gonna go and buy another drink, any of you want one?” You questioned, as your friend shuffled out of the booth to let you out. A chorus of “no”’s followed you as you stood at the bar waiting to be served. A breeze blew softly across your back as the door swung open, causing a shiver to consume your body. 
“The usual, Chris?” The bartender questioned, as the attractive man slumped onto a bar stool next to you. 
“Yeah, although I believe this pretty lady was waiting before me… What do you want, doll?” The man who you now learned was Chris eyed you, a small smirk danced on his lips as he watched the blush creep onto your cheeks. “Oh, uh… Just a vodka lemonade please.” The bartender nodded and began making the drinks. “I haven’t seen you around here before…” Chris trailed off.
“[Y/N],” You smiled, gazing at his features carefully. He was even more attractive up close than he was at a distance. You could smell the musky scent of his cologne, which made your knees feel weak. His eyes were a startling blue, and every glance down at your body that he made sent a shiver down your spine. “Yeah, I’m visiting my friends over there.” You pointed over at your friends who were all trying to subtly spy your conversation. When your gaze fell on them however they all looked away giggling. Chris waved at them, which only made their giggles louder. “They all came to college here” You continued. 
“And you didn’t?” He questioned, you shook your head. “No, I decided to stay to go overseas. So it’s not often I see them” 
“Overseas? Where did you go?” The distance between the two of you was slowly diminishing as your conversation progressed. “England” You smiled. The barman placed your drink down on the bar, “One vodka lemonade, and a jack and coke, is that going on your tab, Chris?” He questioned, and Chris nodded. 
“No I can’t let you pay for me,” Your eyes widened as you fumbled to hand over some cash to the bartender. He chuckled and walked away to serve someone else as you watched him incredulously. 
“How about you repay me by staying and chatting with me for a bit?” He questioned, biting his lip as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “Yeah, okay.” You said breathlessly. “I’m just gonna tell my friends.”
Chris stared after you, peering at your body as you strode over to the table. He watched as your friends all peeked to look at him. He chuckled and looked up taking a swig of his drink. He had noticed you staring when he’d pulled up, he noticed the way your innocent eyes, glimmered with lust. 
You walked back over to him, and apologised, the conversation flowing naturally between you for the rest of the evening.
It was 1am when Chris had whispered in your ear asking if you wanted to join him at his place. You looked at him doe eyed, your mind slightly hazy from the amount of alcohol coursing through your veins. All you could do was nod, you rushed over to your friends who were drunkenly dancing over by the jukebox explaining where you were going. They gushed at you, tell you to make sure you kept your SnapMaps on ( ”Safety first!” ). 
The moment you had entered Chris’ apartment he had immediately pushed you against the door, peppering feverish kisses along your neck. His hot breath sent shivers down your spine, and soft moans fell from your lips. You ran your fingers through his hair. He ran kisses along your jaw, capturing your lips in a passionate embrace. The taste of whiskey and coke invading your mouth as a soft groan escaped him, his hands running up your top so he was delicately stroking your hips. 
You began tugging at his leather jacket, the tight material being discarded to the floor as your fingers ran along the peaks and troughs of his chiseled chest. Chris slowly began walking you toward the bedroom, layers of clothing being peeled off your bodies in the process. 
This isn’t like me, I don’t do one night stands. Your brain was screaming at you, but with every burning kiss that Chris scattered on your body your hesitations were wiped away. You finally felt your back hit the bed and Chris hovered over you, his necklace dangling over you. 
“You sure you want this?” He questioned, a flash of concern on his face as he sought your consent. You nodded, no doubt in your mind about what you wanted to do. 
Waking up in an unfamiliar bed, sunlight seeping through the blinds. You felt a strong arm pinning you down, soft snores echoing throughout the bedroom. When you managed to crack your eyes open, your head began to throb as you shifted upward to lean on your elbows. The sleeping form next to you roused slightly, turning with sleepy eyes to look at you. 
“Morning” His gruff, low and husky morning voice spoke, sending shivers down your spine once again. Even feeling as hungover as you did, you would happily go for round two with him. 
“Morning,” You smiled, twisting to lie on your side. 
“How’s your head?” He chuckled, smirking at you, “I bought you a lot last night.” He reached up to tuck some of your hair behind your ears.
“Sore, I feel a bit sick too. I should be fine after some food. How’s yours?” 
“Not bad. I’m just tired.” A steady flow of conversation carried on until your phone started ringing on the bedside table. You groaned at the loud noise, picking it up and seeing it was one of your friends from the night before. “Hey,” You whispered into the phone.
“Hey, are you ok? When are you coming back, we’re going for brunch remember?” You bolted upright, scrambling to get dressed. “Shit I’m coming, I’ll get an Uber to the restaurant?” 
Chris admired you as you rushed to get ready, the white duvet loosely strewn over his naked body. “I’m so sorry, I’ve gotta get going. I completely forgot about brunch!” Chris threw the covers off and stretched, then standing and walking toward you. You gulped, his confidence in his naked body making your knees feel weak. You spotted tattoos that you hadn’t noticed before, he smirked at your reaction to him. 
“So this is it?” He questioned, you gulped looking at him wide-eyed. “Yeah, I guess so. Thanks for a good night” You nervously ran a hand through your hair. 
“We’ll have to do this again-” Your phone buzzed in your pocket interrupting him. “Shit, my Uber is outside, I’ve gotta dash!” You grabbed your phone and purse from the floor. You pressed one final kiss to his cheek, before leaving his apartment. It was only later that afternoon that Chris realised you’d left with his leather jacket, a souvenir of your night together.  

Summer is kind of like the ultimate one-night stand: hot as hell, totally thrilling, and gone before you know it

2 years ago on May 23, 2020 at 8:01 pm
A/N; someone requested this but for some reason i can’t find the ask in my drafts among all of the other requests but hopefully they find it anyway. enjoy me writing way more than i expected and ending things on an open note in case people become interested and i get to write a second part.
Nights like these very rarely happen. In fact, they never do. Usually, you’d be sat at home with a glass of wine, binge-watching yet another drama, and stuffing your face with whichever snacks you could find in the cupboards. An unhealthy combination, sure. But it’s what comforts you the most after spending way too long dealing with people during the day. 
But tonight, your friends have practically dragged you out of the pit you’ve created in the middle of your sofa that you tried endlessly to convince them had not in fact molded to the shape of your body, it just looks like that naturally. Apparently, a new bar opening offering free entry is enough reason for you to break your usual habits and let your hair down instead.
It’s been so long since the last time you went out to a nightclub that you’d forgotten how much work goes into just getting there and looking somewhat acceptable. Spending hours on end searching through your closet for a dress that you had been told must cling to your skin and not look like something a librarian would wear. 
Maybe, it’s just time to get some new friends who won’t rip your everyday style to shreds for a quick laugh. 
You’re not even sure why you agreed, really. The thought of drunken slobs throwing themselves all over anyone within proximity in the hopes of getting lucky at the end of the night is not something you’ve ever found appealing, thus, you’re yet to gain your one-night stand card. Not that such a thing exists, but according to numerous sources, or rather just all of your friends it’s an important step in the life of an adult. You’d rather keep both feet firmly outside of that circle and never dip your toes into the daunting pool of regret and possible after-effects of bedding a complete stranger. 
Despite the lingering feeling deep down that this night would not end well, after a few pre-drinks to get you in the mood, excitement soon washes away any worries. Even the one’s telling you that you’d likely spend half the night pulling your friends away from anyone they find attractive only because they’re wearing beer goggles.
Stepping out of the cab and into the cold night air makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and brings about your first regret. The short black dress you decided upon makes it impossible for your body to find any warmth as you walk toward the queue hovering outside waiting to get inside. It’s shorter than you expected, which you’re all grateful for but there’s still a good amount of people there.
After a few minutes of pacing on the spot, your teeth have begun to chatter and the alcohol that had previously warmed you up has started to lose its effect. 
“How long until we’re in?” You decide to ask, aimed at no one in particular, just hoping for a positive answer from anyone that the cold suffering will end soon.
“It’ll be about ten more minutes babe, don’t worry.” One of your friends shouts from behind you. The loud music from inside blaring out into the street makes it impossible for you to know which, you’re just grateful it’s not going to be too long before you can get inside and feel warmth once again. 
Bodies begin to shuffle closer towards the door and soon two burly men dressed head to toe in black come into sight, the words security plastered across one side of their chest. One of them, more muscular than the other and with a far more intimidating face places his meaty hand upright in front of you to pause the steady flow of patrons being allowed inside. 
“Do you have any identification?” The smaller of the two men who now that you’re closer is in fact still huge in comparison to you croaks out, his voice not matching his appearance. You notice he has a cut above his eye, likely from someone drunkenly thinking it’s a good idea to fight the hulk’s cousin after one too many. 
Your hands roam around inside the small clutch bag you’d decided upon pairing with your outfit and pull out your driver’s license and point it towards both of them. They eye it suspiciously, but you can see the cogs in their heads quickly trying to decipher whether your year of birth makes you legal to enter or not.
“Great, thanks. Go right ahead.” The larger man speaks and ushers you toward the door. 
Before stepping inside, you turn in place to face your friends who are also being inspected head to toe. A strong breeze gusts past all of you and without thinking too much about upsetting them, you walk in alone and leave your friends to the freezing weather. You quickly holler that you’ll meet them inside, but it’s unlikely that they heard it. 
Walking through an extra set of doors, you’re greeted by a dark interior with painted black walls, a bar placed dead in the center of the room with low lighting hung above it. Red seats line the counter and one half of the room and your feet move without you thinking about it towards one of them. The other half is an open dance floor full of people moving along to the music, some less on the beat than others but they’re trying. 
A small woman, no taller than 5’2 with brown short hair appears out of nowhere in front of you, a sharp smile placed on her face which you easily recognize as the fake customer service greeting she’s likely learned from years of experience handling people in an intoxicated state.
“Hey! What can I get you?” Her voice is soft, too soft to be working in this kind of environment.
You decide to look further down the bar at some of the other people seated next to you and spot a woman holding a glass filled with a light blue liquid. Truthfully, it looks like something you’d clean your kitchen floor with, but it’s calling out to you for some reason. 
“I’ll have whatever that is.” You point toward the girl and the bartender gives a quick nod before heading off to pour the potentially poisonous concoction you’ve just ordered on a whim. 
As you watch a couple of people throw down some moves that would be acceptable if they were from a five-year-old child, not a grown adult, small hands wrap around your waist that startles you for a second until you come face to face with your friends who’ve finally made it past the two roadblocks patrolling the doors.
“Here you are, this place is nice, right? Have you gotten a drink yet?” 
Before you can finish your sentence, the bartender returns and places the drink down in front of you. 
“The first one is on the house, have a good night!” Her words are far more excited than previously, probably more than they should be for someone offering out drinks for free during opening night. Part of you wonders if this is her way of flirting or maybe just hoping for some extra tips.
“Thanks for the offer, really but I’ll pay, I’m not looking to date anyone right now and you’re not my type, sorry.” 
Her eyes widen the more you speak and you realize that perhaps you’re the one who is in fact sat in the very wrong tree and barking like an idiot.
“I’m one of the owners here, the flyer outside says the first drink is free for everyone. Sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart, but I don’t swing your way.” 
She’s already turned around on the heel of her foot before you can force out an apology. However, her swift exit doesn’t stop your cheeks from heating up and a mild headache from forming out of embarrassment. Your friends’ laughter all around you isn’t helping the situation either. 
“Next time, maybe save that for someone who bats for your own team.” A husky voice from beside where you’re seated speaks lowly into your ear. 
As you swing your chair quickly to face where the words came from, all you find is flowing brown hair trailing off toward the dance floor. You watch the body strut away, and by watching, you definitely saw something far more appealing than a kind yet uninterested bar owner. Her hips sway casually as she floats in between several bodies moving to the music and enters the bathroom without waiting in the line formed outside of the door. 
A few angry customers shout after the girl, but she doesn’t bother to listen to their calls informing her of the queue. Whoever she is, her attitude is one of not caring about anything other than herself. Usually, this would be a major red flag under any other circumstances, but something is drawing you towards her even though you have no idea who she is or what she looks like other than her back profile. 
Your friends order their drinks one after the other, all of which is a cocktail of sorts that will definitely cause the world’s worst hangover for each of them individually, however, that’s their problem. The lights near the dance floor quickly change colors to strobe blindingly through the crowd that’s formed, drinks have been spilled already causing some already inebriated bodies to crash land on the ground only to rise up once more to sway from one side to another. 
You can’t help yourself from watching the bathroom door every few moments, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mystery woman and confirm whether she’s everything you’ve managed to imagine in the few moments since she decided to teasingly whisper into your ear. But, the line outside quickly moves and disappears meaning she has already left and you’ve missed it. 
Before you know it, several hours have passed, numerous drinks have infiltrated your liver and your sight has become less and less able to make out whether the person in front of you is that close or if they’re actually halfway across the room. Your body has been dragged to the center of the dancefloor and whilst you are trying to keep up with the rhythm of the music, your loose limbs have a mind of their own and sure enough, you too end up looking like an inflatable tube blowing in the wind in any direction you decide to throw it. 
At least two of your friends have decided that ramming their tongues down someone’s throat is a far better way to spend their time. You’re strangely quite envious of them.
Just as you’re about to stagger off back to the bar to relieve your throat of the dryness that has formed and maybe rid yourself of some of the sweat you’re unsure of which belongs to you or someone else, a hand slides it’s way around your waist and pulls you backward. Your body now pressed against another in a tight embrace that had you been sober you’d struggle to get out of, however, in this state, it’s even more difficult to break free.
When the words hit your ears, you recognize the voice from earlier and a cold shudder settles itself throughout your spine. The mystery woman has somehow managed to find you amongst the full capacity crowd whilst you couldn’t even keep up with her in the midst of a small bathroom queue. The teasing tone still there but her husky voice now replaced with a more hoarse yet sultry one.
Without even thinking about it, you force your body further into her own and spin around all at the same time. Turns out, that was a mistake as it sends both of you flying toward the ground at a pace that makes it impossible for either of you to break your fall. You may not have gotten to see her face previously but in your current position of laying on top of her, you’re now offered a close up to what your drunken mind can only describe as perfection. 
Her wide eyes bore into your own, they’re a dark shade of brown and intensely eye you the same way in which you’re doing to her before
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