One For The Money Full Movie Download 1080p Hd

One For The Money Full Movie Download 1080p Hd


One For The Money Full Movie Download 1080p Hd

After losing her job, Jersey girl Stephanie Plum is broke. Needing a job she is told that her cousin, a bail bondsman, needs someone to help out in the office. But the only job openings he has are for skip tracers. She learns that Joe Morelli, a guy she knew intimately years ago, is one of the "skips". She eventually finds him but wasn't really prepared so he gets away. Another bounty hunter, Ranger, tries to teach her. Eventually she finds Morelli again, but he claims he is innocent of the crime he is accused of and he is trying to prove his innocence. Eventually Stephanie thinks he's telling the truth so she stakes out the person who can help him. She only finds herself in trouble and Morelli saves her. She tries to find someone who can prove his innocence, but the problem is that shortly after meeting with them they're killed or attacked.
Unemployed and newly-divorced Stephanie Plum lands a job at her cousin's bail-bond business, where her first assignment puts her on the trail of a wanted local cop from her romantic past.
Close to the book, and really charming, I thought this movie was extremely entertaining. I was drawn in immediately by the action and the comedy of it all. The person I brought with me has read every Stephanie Plum book and expressed just how close it was to the story. Considering these are best selling novels, I think that the right people to see it just didn&#39;t make it to the theater.<br/><br/>The actors were all well cast in my opinion and though many people went off on the actor who played Ranger, I didn&#39;t see any problem with him. The performances were natural, the actors comfortable and the chemistry obvious.<br/><br/>I would love to see more of these and though I sincerely doubt it&#39;ll get another film release, perhaps with DVD purchases, they can move to television. I honestly feel like the critics were at the wrong theater because I cannot figure out how this would have received a 2% at Rotten Tomatoes.<br/><br/>If you really like fun, I think that you should get out and see this movie. If you&#39;re more of a critic sycophant, then you probably just need to watch Drive again.
I was so disappointed. First, Katherine (who I like)is no Jersey girl - and this is coming from a Jersey girl who lived a life similar (no bail bonding though)to the character. :-) We Jersey girls and guys can see that the accent is wrong, the mannerisms and simply the approach to certain situations GIVEN who she is supposed to me. BTW while we are not Jersey shore types (who don&#39;t even live in Jersey) we do have a certain pride and toughness. Katherine dumbed down that entire &#39;tude&#39; that makes Jersey people so acknowledgeable no matter where we are...and not in a bad way.<br/><br/>Secondly, this film could have afforded many movie fans an opportunity for some sensational ensemble work. But we got nothing, nada. Every performance tried to exist on its on and that is a real shame given the talent.<br/><br/>Morrelli was a mediocre cast. Ranger was really good. But actually I believe some of the other recommendations from readers of the novels would have been better. Danny DeVito for the dad is one comes to mind. I know these were secondary characters but they built up the life of Ms Plus....she was obviously the way she was because of her upbringing.<br/><br/>And though I really ADORE Debbie Reynolds, she simply wasn&#39;t right. Betty White would have been perfect. Grandma Mazur was slightly off balance while still loving life. Debbie is too much of a fine art, singular actor. Betty would have brought more authenticity to such a crazy character.<br/><br/>So. my disappointment is in the triviality of this movie but it will mean we won&#39;t see a second shot. I have no idea what happened in casting and in the screeenwriting. Maybe it was even the authors excitement of seeing her work put to the screen - god knows it took forever for this first one. I don&#39;t know. And of course, those who cannot create criticize...or something like that. But I have read every novel. I was quite ill for a long time, stll am, but the Steph Plum series got me and other friends through terrible times. This was really sad. Thanks Lydia Bennett
Tedious and tonally inept.
Yes, this film is based on the worldwide best-selling 18-book mystery series by Janet Evanovic. a5c7b9f00b

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