One Cannot Make Real Friends Online Эссе

One Cannot Make Real Friends Online Эссе


One Cannot Make Real Friendship Online Essay
When I was younger, I believed that one could make real friends online. I thought that the internet and social networking sites were a good way to make friends, especially in my time. My parents told me not to go on the internet, so I didn’t. However, one day I decided to have a look at Facebook. It was interesting to see how many people I knew had Facebook accounts and how they met.

One Cannot Make Real Friend Online Essay
I’ve always been drawn to the internet as a way to connect with people I could never meet in person, especially when I was younger. I had this tendency to be shy and cautious in real life and I wasn’t able to make friends easily. However, online, I’ve found that I have a lot of friends that are like family, and they don’t even know my last name.

The internet is a great place to make new friends, especially with the new technologies now available. It is a place where we can be ourselves, be creative and share our thoughts and ideas. It helps us to connect with people from all over the world. But it also has its disadvantages.

на английском языке о дружбе
One cannot make real friends online.
It is impossible to make friends online because we can only talk about ourselves and our interests.
We can’t see each other, so we can’t look into the eyes of our friend and read his or her soul.
Our friends are not always present on the Internet.
They’re not online all the time.
But they’re always there in our heart.
I think that true friends don’t need to constantly be online and chat with us.
по обществознанию
One Cannot Make Real Friend

по обществознанию
В современном мире многие люди общаются с помощью социальных сетей.
Общение в виртуальной реальности приобретает популярность, но в то же время многие из нас не хотят общаться с людьми, которые не имеют прямого контакта с ними.
Я думаю, что в будущем виртуальное общение будет занимать большую часть нашей жизни.
Мы будем общаться со своими друзьями, родственниками и знакомыми через социальные сети, общаться с помощью видеосвязи.
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по английскому языку на тему online
One Cannot Make Real friends Online.
Эссе по английскому на тему
Online - это тот же самый человек, который может быть рядом с вами, а может и не быть.
Но в любом случае он такой же настоящий, как и вы сами.
И у вас всегда есть возможность наладить с ним общение, даже если вы не знакомы лично.
Все зависит только от вас.
Вы можете найти себе друга в сети, но это вовсе не значит, что сможете с ним встретиться в реальной жизни.
One Cannot Make Real friends online
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One Cannot Make Real Friend
A good friend is one who knows you when you are good and when you’re bad.
I guess this is the most important thing that you can say about a friend. A good friend should be there when you need help or advice, should care about your happiness or problems. And a good friend also should help you out when you will need it.

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