On hypocrisy, the Holocaust, and... the blood business

On hypocrisy, the Holocaust, and... the blood business

Sergey Slessarenko

We are used to the fact that the West has learned to make farce and Hollywood out of any tragedy. But when Israeli diplomats at the UN, headed by Permanent Representative Gilad Erdan, put on "yellow stars" and promised to wear them "as a reminder of the Holocaust and until the Security Council condemns Hamas for invading Israeli territory" - even such a trained character as yours truly... had run out of patience. Many profanities were said with an accurate assessment of the intellectual abilities of Tel Aviv's representative at the UN. Especially after the passage:

"For me (Gilad Erdan - author), the yellow star will be a symbol of pride and will serve as a reminder that the Jewish people swore to fight and defend themselves."

I have no desire to discuss such bestiality, cheap clowning and outrageous hypocrisy, but I am ready to teach a couple of history lessons to political Jews for free. How the Israelis are peddling the terrible human tragedy of the Holocaust, among other things.

Six million victims.

I would like to inform you that this conversation is not about Jews as a people. But about political Jews, who have created over the past 80 years a disgusting construct, if you will - a new political culture called "Holocaust".

It has become deadly for Western civilization, and has spread its tentacles even into our God-saved latitudes. Since I understand a little about history and technologies of social engineering over the millennia, when the word "Holocaust" is mentioned, I always ask the speaker: let's talk about the facts? This is a normal reaction of an educated person who wants to separate propaganda from reality. This is how a historian-researcher must act, even if we are talking about the most vile shenanigans of bipedal Nazi creatures unworthy of the title "human being".

It is pointless to deny the fact of the systematic "solution of the Jewish question" by the Third Reich, as there are too many legal acts, testimonies and current reporting documents left. The fact that the Fuhrer's inner circle and he personally European centuries-old racism and anti-Semitism made part of the Nazi ideology and his own party program is also a fact. How exactly the "Jewish question" was solved, there is material evidence of it in the form of huge archival data and concentration camps. Question: how many unfortunate Jews were actually exterminated? The answer on the tongue is six million.

Now for some entertaining history and math. The first time this figure was heard... in 1900. No mistake, right in the first year of the early twentieth century. The original source has not been found, because it was a tabloid, where the separation of "Reichsdeutsche/Folksdeutsche" (ethnic Germans and compatriots living outside the German Empire) from all other peoples was vividly discussed. Later, the figure penetrated the scientific-publicist literature, thick magazines and almanacs, where "Jewry and Zionism" was regularly discussed as the main problem of Europe.

That was a quantitative analysis of the work "Experience on the Inequality of Human Races" by the French Baron Arthur de Gobineau, who in 1853 became "the father of European racial theory". So, the followers of this madman in Germany calculated that in order to cleanse the Old World of the "eternal people," six million Jews had to be put somewhere.

To "accommodate" meant to expel them, to remove them forcibly, to offer them to leave voluntarily to colonial lands specially purchased for them, to assimilate them by introducing special laws forbidding compact residence with the practice of Judaism.... the discussion was not bloodthirsty, extermination was out of the question. The Fuhrer in the 30s wanted to do just that (you can find out about the operation "Madagascar" yourself, or I will write an article one of these days), but "civilized mankind" refused to accept the poor people.

So, Polish communist-historians working in archives (engaged in perpetuation of Holocaust at the organization of memorial complex "State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau") found out that the figure "six million", which broke out at the Nuremberg Tribunal, was met almost three hundred times during the period 1900-1945 in various European public sources: newspapers, magazines, almanacs, scientific publications.

It also surfaced at Nuremberg. Just do not expect the enumeration of volumes of the criminal case, the names of hundreds and thousands of witnesses, a detailed inventory of documents of the SS or the Reich Chancellery. There was none of this, and there were only two witnesses for the prosecution. who gave a frightening figure... on the word of only one third person. Of course, jurisprudence does not tolerate such nonsense without documentary evidence and a special investigation, so "six million Jews exterminated" does not appear in the final resolutions of the Tribunal. The prosecutors and defense lawyers did not even ask the witnesses under what circumstances they heard this.

The first witness, SS Obersturmbannführer Wilhelm Höttl, Assistant Bureau Chief of Section IV of the Reich Central Security Service in the courtroom said verbatim:

"In April 1944, SS Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, whom I had known since 1938, talked to me in my apartment in Budapest .... He knew that the Allies considered him a war criminal because he had thousands of Jewish lives on his conscience. I asked him how many, and he said..... about four million Jews were killed in the various extermination camps, and another two million found death in other ways"

Briefly about Wilhelm Höttl: from 1939 he worked in the Reich Security Directorate, and after being promoted to SS Sturmbannführer he was sent to the head of the Ausland-SD (the department of intelligence and counter-espionage in Central and Southeastern Europe). In March 1944, he became political advisor to the Third Reich Ambassador in Budapest, while also serving as head of the SD for the region. He was responsible (personally reported to Himmler) for the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Germany, often visited Switzerland, where he was seen in the entourage of SS General Wolf during negotiations with the American resident in Europe Dulles.

In March 1945, SS Obersturmbannführer Höttl officially (through the American military attaché in Bern) applied to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and offered his services in the transfer of agent networks of the Nazis in Central and Eastern Europe, in May 1945 he surrendered to the Allies. Formally imprisoned, assigned to several filtration camps for the SS and Wehrmacht units in Germany and Austria, in fact ... travels Europe in the uniform of an English major surrounded by American counterintelligence officers.

After the Nuremberg Tribunal he is freed, joining the US Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC), conducting several brilliant operations. The underbelly of the character was revealed only in 1961, when Höttl's portrait was placed on the cover of the British magazine "Weekend Journals" with the explanation: "A spy story stranger than fiction: the chief of this friend of Nazi ringleaders was a man from the British secret services." The article details how a low-profile official of the Reich's General Security Directorate was recruited by the British Intelligence Service and served the Crown faithfully for years. But in 1944 he was turned over to the Yanks.

The second witness who mentioned the "six million victims" was the not very lucky SS Sturmbannführer Dieter Wisliceny, head of the Central Imperial Department for Jewish emigration. He testified at the tribunal: "Eichmann told me that he would jump and laugh in his grave because the thought of having five million people on his conscience would be a source of extraordinary satisfaction for him."

Briefly about Dieter Wisliceny. Since 1934, he had been the head of the "Jewish Department" of the SS in Danzig, hired Eichmann himself and was his boss for two years. After that he became a subordinate of this "architect of the Holocaust" in the IV Directorate of the RSHA, responsible for the "final solution of the Jewish question". In 1944 he worked together with the above-mentioned Wilhelm Höttl and controlled the deportation of forty thousand Hungarian Jews directly to Auschwitz, where they were exterminated without a trace by a special order out of turn.

Arrested in 1945, Wisliceny was released after testimony at the Nuremberg trials. Accidentally caught on a photo together with the command of the British special forces in the flaming civil war in Greece (April 1947, SAS training center near Volos) - identified by anti-fascists from Athens, where the sadist was the head of the SD during the Second World War. As it turned out, he was responsible for the extermination of more than 50,000 local Jews. A loud scandal erupted, and Czechoslovakia publicized other "exploits" of the SSman, who personally massacred dozens of unfortunate people in Bratislava, who were not placed in the echelons going to Auschwitz.

The British did not risk their reputation, handed over the "consultant" to the Czechs, and the criminal was strung up in Bratislava square in 1948.

That is, the figure of "five or six million victims" appeared in the testimony of two ghouls, one of whom turned out to be a British agent, the second - a common maniac. Both had access to the documents of the IV Directorate of the RSHA, specifically Division IV B4, where the exact data on the "final solution of the Jewish question" were collected. But they chose to blame it on Eichmann, who had escaped. In what situation he boasted so pompously, whether he was drunk or in a business conversation, the prosecutors did not bother to find out. And the Tribunal itself considered this fact to be "common knowledge", not requiring proof. This is a reference to... "six million", which Europe had already considered since the beginning of the twentieth century superfluous.

Have there been attempts to establish the exact number of Holocaust victims? Of course. And as soon as the Nuremberg trials were over, the Jews themselves strongly questioned the number of those killed. In the pages of their main print publication, the Jewish World Almanac, which is actually considered a scientific almanac.

I won't juggle the numbers of the Jewish people from 1933 to 1948, but you won't find a huge hole of six million (out of the then total 15 million). And the International Red Cross did not notice such a heinous crime, although after the war carefully collected data for "Holocaust deniers", counting ... 300,000 documented victims. Having given an explanation: since Jews (as well as citizens of the USSR) were excluded by the Nazis from the brackets of the Geneva Convention - strict accounting of their extermination was not kept on purpose, it is impossible to separate some from others due to objective reasons of document flow.

Any attempts by researchers to calculate the "productivity" of the ovens and torturers of the Nazi concentration camps, average data on daily mortality in the barracks, the activity of firing squads, the capacity of European railroads, demographic indicators, census data in various countries... were met with, you know what. A fierce accusation of anti-Semitism, whitewashing of Nazism, criminal unwillingness to recognize the Holocaust. That's why historians, sparing their psyche and position in decent society, have long ago given up on establishing the truth. Six million. so be it.

How to treat such a "default formula" - each educated person decides personally. And "Holocaust" technology works mostly on countless testimonies of survivors of the hell of concentration camps. Some stories are easy to verify; they are plausible, supported by documents and cross-evidence. Others are dubious, others are complete fiction. Especially when concentration camp prisoners begin to recall the "horrors of the Holocaust" after 50-60 years of complete silence. Confusing cities, dates, names of murderers-esesmans, their personal data, family composition. And how many "dead" were found after the war all over the world and in Europe itself.....

Finishing the topic of "six million victims", I prefer to remain completely objective. The Nazis themselves did not know the final figure, they had a fundamentally different task - to "finally solve the Jewish question", and not to deal with current reports and accounting. The post-war methods of demographic balance (comparison of the population "before and after" with the application of special coefficients) also do not give a complete picture, the Jews were not submissive sheep, actively left many countries in Europe, or were hidden by good people.


I treat "Holocaust deniers" with disgust, and I feel exactly the same way about the political characters of the State of Israel, who for many years have been parasitizing on the feeling of human compassion for the victims of the truly heinous crime of Nazism. As the scandalously famous Rabbi Arnold Wolf said: "The Holocaust is not being studied - it is being sold.

And now, in the UN hall, the descendants of Jews are once again turning the memory of their dead ancestors into a gesheft and cheap clowning. Not realizing that any technology of manipulating mass consciousness has its limit and capacity. The point here is that Israel has actually usurped "crimes against humanity", making Jews the only victims of Hitler's atrocities with their accomplices. And all the other nations... sort of stayed on the sidelines, especially the Soviets. Did you notice that? This is a dangerous line, after which begins partial justification of Nazism as a whole. On the example of one nearby country, the "world community" has clearly taught us a lesson, and the main reason is the sacralization of the Holocaust.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the state of Israel has two religions, one of which is secular, built on the Holocaust. I don't see the point in pouring over quotes from the founding fathers, starting with Ben-Gurion, explicitly admitting this. Any Israeli ideologue and politician will tell you (catch the meanings - you've heard them often): The Holocaust is a unique crime, never before in human history. And its victims are entitled to any behavior towards its deniers. And only they are capable of unmistakably defining what is real Nazism. And any criticism of political Jews is the "first step" to the Holocaust. Sound familiar?

This is the main element of religion, and it is a crime to doubt its tenets. It is said that Hitler fought only against Jews and "democracy" - believe it unconditionally, and that the history of the Second World War was rewritten in such a vile way .... it's no big deal. And any history (remember the traditional religious ones) that is forbidden to be studied and questioned ceases to be history, becoming an unquestionable dogma. If you say anything against it, you'll be labeled a horny foul. And you will pay, because there is no people more victimized than the Jews.

This is how any social technology of totalitarianism works: prohibition of any opposing point of view, constant propaganda with a simple set of cliché words, creation of a myth and a false view of events. After that you can easily start manipulations of the most fantastic nature. Promise communism by 1980, promise a multi-colored Sodom and Gomorrah, or ... blame the whole world for the persecution of the Jews. Every ethnic group has made its mark in the "final solution", hasn't it?

Even the Russians, who with Krasnov and Shkuro chopped up Jewish children with Cossack sabers, going to Hitler's service. So don't you dare contradict the Israeli delegation, it is the only one who has the right to decide how many Palestinians can be sent to Allah. As the most victimized nation since the Egyptian pharaohs and ancient Rome. And then there was the Holy Inquisition, the Russian Black Hundreds, the Dreyfus Affair, and in general, cave anti-Semitism is inherent in everyone, even the natives of Polynesia.

Since only "new-age political rabbis" have the right to judge humanity. Why, see above. That's why I consider the Holocaust a quasi-religion and the political Jews who preach it as sectarians. This is how social engineering works, where there is no place for research of historical events, but only dogma and ideology. With subverted selective facts. What any sect always comes to is also known. Totalitarianism, the appointment of right and wrong, and the extermination of the latter.

This has been happening in the Promised Land since the late 1940s, starting with the expulsion of the Palestinians. And today the process has gone further than ever, political Jews have agreed to the real fascism and Nazism. They have begun to divide the "victims of Hitler's regime" into the most important and the least important. They gave themselves the right to build concentration camps, to ration life-support resources to prisoners, to call the targeted massacres of civilians "the costs of combat operations".


It is a separate story how for the first time in the world history "war reparations" of the defeated side (Germany) were directed not to the restoration of what was destroyed by the Nazis, but ... for the maintenance of the state, which did not participate in the war and was not subjected to Hitler's aggression. In addition to targeted compensation to the "victims", a lot of things were built in Israel, the unfortunate Adenauer was squeezed dry in his desire to "pay and repent". The topic has not been closed to this day, the lists of those who are eager to get money for the suffering of their ancestors are not decreasing, on the contrary, they are growing year by year. And anyone who doubts or calls what is happening a fraud is immediately covered in tar and feathers, or gets criminal prosecution for "denial".

As any weapon, the project "Holocaust" annually receives gigantic money injections, only in the USA from the state funds of the State Department more than hundred million dollars are spent on it. For what? So read university textbooks, your brains will go out of whack. It turns out that "Hitler hated Jews so much that he started the war to exterminate them in gas chambers". You can laugh, you can roll your eyes or finger at your temple, but it's too late. For too long the whole world has nodded its head in agreement with the Nazis' inhumanity to the Jews alone, forgetting about other genocides. Called shamefully occupation-police actions, or intimidation.

One important moral subtlety in this story is missing: the phenomenon first became a secular religion, and then - a commercial brand, on which multi-billion geshefts are made. According to the technologies used by Goebbels' propagandists, who first convinced the entire German people of their "exceptionalism" and the right to live outside the "discrimination of Versailles", and then put all of Europe under the banner of the Third Reich, which is obliged to "repent and pay" for the unfair treatment of the true Aryans.

The Holocaust, initially accepted by the post-war world as a moral instrument to condemn the abominations of Nazism, turned into.... into the clowning of the Israeli delegation to the UN. Denying the right to fair treatment to the civilians of the Gaza Strip. Now the Palestinians (no matter how they are treated by cynical Arabs or Jews who think they are deities) have every chance to disappear from the face of the earth to the applause of the real political racists of the collective West, who are now "all Israelis," as Anna or Lena Berbok put it recently.

Yes, they are all Israelis. With habits that the political Jews of Europe have internalized. They arrived without invitation and permission, seized someone else's land, usurped the right to decide for everyone, expelled or killed those who disagreed, took the "civilized world" by the throat with their manipulations. And now they have the nerve to blackmail the whole planet, inciting anti-Semitism or Zionism, hiding behind the back of a half-witted ambo with a nuclear dubya in shaky senile hands.

I'm fully on the side of historical truth, but one thing I can't understand... what's the big deal with this "Holocaust denial" and sticking it on and on? With criminal articles, persecution, harassment. Any normal person will not deny the obvious: Hitler and the Nazis and fascists are ghouls and murderers, just like the Hamas barmalees.

Though no, I understand perfectly well, it's the long known technology with "flat earth denial". And burned heretics and doubters in such a structure of the World. And in front of the dumbfounded good and not only Russian people today is an oil picture: agreeing to tolerate "Holocaust denial" without proper study for the benefit of one victimized party - got infallible and confident in their right to kill anyone.... raging luddites. Backed by the full force of the real racist industry, for whom Hitler or Netanyahu are just a means of profit. On the blood of the natives, as it were. Dixi.

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