On captions

On captions

Denis | #85 adevarul.ro

Kindly see why I said it is dangerous. Note it is also in the same container, as you said.

Original page

Also note a caption could be <i>, <b>, <i> in <b>, <strong>, <em> (case above), <i> in <em>, double <em> (nsfw), <p>, plain text and I certainly din't mention something. This examples are from just two first pages of the search by "Foto" keyword on the site, you can check it yourself.

Finally note that all of them can share a common parent <p>, which as well could be <div> instead. But they usually don't. And those for sure can contain other elements (screenshot above).

So in order not to break something, the only semireliable way is checking if all of the above elements and their combinations (oh no...) are next-/prev-siblings. And boom, <br> or something appears between them. And then... ka-boom <img> can be nested in it's own caption.

Should we really do all of it? I hope not. Making one article work will break another. It will be a disaster with tons of issues. Markup on this site is very unreliable and broken. If even possible to support captions, it will be the trickiest piece of code a person could write.

If you still think we should support all this cases, I won't argue and will see what I can do to implement it. But kindly reject Template #86 for implementing just a part and doing it wrong.

ALSO Templates #83 and #86 miss proper leading paragraph handling, I forgot to report it. It is a header in original and contains a special class which says it should also be formatted as such. You can check any article.

I will wait for your decision. Again, if you don't agree - it's OK, you know better. But kindly continue the contest then - other templates still have a few issues and I've just reported you some.

Anyways, have a good day and thanks for reading!

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