On Nymphs Asstr

On Nymphs Asstr


On Nymphs Asstr
If you put in a real
address above I can write
you back. I plan to reply to
all civil comments.

When I was fourteen
I was a nymphomaniac. I suppose you think that means I was a little
idiot bimbo who thought of nothing but sex.
Well, I thought
of ALMOST nothing but sex, but it wasn't because I was an idiot.
Had I been an idiot, I wouldn't have gotten away with it for as long
as I did.
Since my tits started
growing at twelve, I've had an obsession with the opposite sex. My girlfriends
always said that I was constantly the one who wanted to talk about boys.
They did too, but it was all I had much interest in.
At fourteen, I
lost my cherry to my boyfriend, Aaron.
It wasn't very
good, I'm sorry to tell you. We did it in the back of his dad's car,
inside his garage.
I'd wanted too
for a while, and I'd decided that he was going to get it if he ever
tried. Well, he finally did, and we pulled down our trousers after a
short petting session and did it.
It was pretty uncomfortable
in there, and we were both pretty scared, of lots of things. He shot
his load after a minute, and we got dressed and went in for dinner.

Even though it
was pretty awful, I wanted more. Immediately. I went home and tried
to go to sleep, but I was kept up late fantasizing of boys and men,
holding me, kissing me, sticking their dicks in and fucking me.
If it was just
my clit that needed stimulating, it would have been all right. A finger
or two would have kept me satisfied. But that wasn't it, it wasn't that
I needed bodily
contact, with male bodies. I wanted their hands on me, their strange
smells and their stronger muscles overwhelming my femininity.
I hadn't even come,
I hadn't had an orgasm in my life. I had heard of them, of course, but
Aaron hadn't got me there.
I wanted to get
him alone as soon as possible, and try it again. What a poor little
girl I was, I even thought I loved him.
My older brother,
Chris, caught me at lunch in school the next day.
"Not now,
Chris! I'm looking for Aaron."
"He's out
behind the auditorium telling everyone how he did it with you last night."

"Is it true?"
asked one of my friends. "You did it? What was it like? I can't
believe you really did it! My God."
By the end of lunch
period, the whole school knew. I had only done it once, with my boyfriend,
and I was a slut.
I wanted sex, I
was obsessed. But not with Aaron. He was finished for me. He knew what
it was like at our school, no one respected a girl who had put out.
Yet he had told everyone, unable to resist bragging.
I tried to concentrate
on my work, but it was tough. I felt a continuous indistinct longing,
I wanted to go out and hunt; find a male and mate.
Saturday came at
last, and I took my bicycle for a long ride, hoping it would make me
feel better.
I stopped to rest
on a park bench after an hour or so. A man approached me. He smiled.

It took me a moment
to realize he was flirting. I had already returned the smile, and he
asked if it would be ok if he sat down.
"It's a public
bench." I replied.
He was a good looker.
The type who knows it and flaunts it. I can't remember what he used
as a starting line, but soon he had me talking. He seemed unaware of
my age; he seemed to think I was an adult. That turned me on, and I
played the part. I told him I went to the state collage.
"Listen, maybe
we could get together for a drink sometime. Can I call you?" he
"Ok, sure."
I said, and gave him my cell number.
"Or what about
right now?" he asked me, putting his little phone back in his pocket.

"I am really
thirsty." I told him.
We went to a bar.
I was amazed that I wasn't carted. I didn't have a lock with me, and
we brought my bike in with us. It was early afternoon, and there were
no other customers. It was dark in there after the bright sunlight outside.

I was wearing this
spandex biking outfit, and I realized that without any other signals,
it was hard to tell my age. I was an early bloomer, and I was pretty
tall and my breasts were quite large. Especially in that gear.
His name was Julian,
and he started to feel me up under the table as I drank my ginger ale.

I was incredibly
excited. I was trying to stay cool, though. Julian was a tall guy, with
dark hair perfectly groomed. He was dressed expensively but casually,
and had on some kind of perfume, which of course we call cologne when
it's on a man.
He was running
one hand up and down my thinly clad thigh, and he clamped my shoulder
with the other. I felt my nipples hardening, but I stuck to the soft
He kept talking,
and asking me about myself. I kept the answers as short as possible,
not wanting him to catch on that it was all lies.
The hand on my
shoulder moved to my neck, and the fingertips stroked me there.
Even as we started
to kiss, I had no idea that I was going to go all the way with him.
He was at least ten years older than me, I was thinking this was just
a little fun, a tease. He would figure out I was under age, or I would
tell him.
But the fire was
lit in me. I loved the feeling of his strong confident adult hands on
my body. I loved his suave looks.
He didn't go for
my crotch, although he could have. I was actually hoping he would. No,
he held me by my hip and the back of my neck.
He took me home.
His home. He waited for me as I had a shower. He didn't want me all
sweaty as I was.
I came out of the
bathroom in his bathrobe to find him still dressed. He removed the robe
from me, and took charge of me as though it was his right to do so.
I loved it.
He laid me out
on the bed, and kissed and stroked me everywhere before embracing me
with his whole naked body.
I was overwhelmed
by his manliness. He had a lovely penis, and the feel of it in my hand
was driving me nuts.
He spread my willing
legs apart, and fitted himself into the space between them. He pulled
my wet pussy lips apart, and slowly pushed his manhood into my silly
little twat.
It was Nirvana.
I was where I needed to be, in the arms of a man, his hairy muscular
chest against my breasts, his hands behind my shoulder blades, as his
hard dick violated my deepest secrets.
I was a wild woman,
no longer the innocent schoolgirl. I bucked upwards with my hips, meeting
his strokes halfway, I squeezed his upper body to mine with all my strength.

This was the primal
need that I wanted fulfilled. I knew everything now. This was it, the
source of my discontent, my longing.
I don't know what
it's like for other people, but I don't think everyone gets the same
effect I do. If they did, we'd all still be living in the trees, hanging
out for our next fuck.
The world as I
know it ceased to exist. I was driven to another plane, to a place of
sheer joy. There was only the man ramming into me somewhere, the rest
of reality had slipped away.
Slowly, reluctantly,
I returned to planet earth. Julian was stopping his hammering at my
groin, because he was on the edge himself.
He pulled out at
the last moment, and shot it all over me.
Aaron had come
inside me, and I had never seen come before. I ran my finger through
a glob of it. I was completely spaced out from my first orgasm.
"What's this
white stuff?" I asked stupidly.
Julian looked at
me with a strange mixture of shock, confusion, and alarm on his face.
"What do you mean?" he said, even more stupidly.
I realized I had
used my "gee whiz" fourteen year old voice, and not the semi-adult
collage girl one I had made up to talk to him with.
"I think I
need another shower." I said, after an awkward minute.
It was a strange
minute, too. Suddenly there seemed no reason to be lying around stark
naked with a man I didn't know from Adam. I wasn' t sorry about it.
A world had been opened for me that Id never known was waiting for me.
But I needed to get out of there.
I needed to talk,
I needed it bad. I went to my brother, Chris. I told him everything.

"Jesus, Caroline,
that's pretty intense. He didn't use a condom or anything?"
"No. I guess
that's why he pulled out at the last second."
"Shit. What
was. I mean. did he have a nice one?"
My poor brother
was secretly gay. No one knew but me at that time, not even our parents.
It was great for me, it was like having a sister and a brother in one.
I had always told Chris everything, like the first time I'd been kissed
and so on. He loved the way I described boys to him.
"Well, I guess
it was about this long, and this big around."
He was a bit disappointed.
He had never tasted one either.
There was no time
for more experimentation. It was school finals, and I had to buckle
down. It was the greatest effort I've ever made in my life, but I more
or less did it, and I was confident that I'd made a decent average.
It had been so hard because I just had sex on the brain. I kept hoping
that Julian would phone me, he could pick me up with his car and drive
me to his place, then use his dick drive me to where I wanted to be.

Chris was my rock,
he kept me sane and working.
"Just a few
more days, Carrie. You can do it, you're my girl."
He'll make some
lucky man an excellent wife some day.
There were several
more school days between the final exams and summer vacation, but no
one paid much attention to those anyway.
My mother had a
new boyfriend, and was leaving us alone most evenings. Sometimes the
whole weekend. I could blame the next stage of my ignominy on a complete
lack of parental guidance. But even if I'd had a dozen parents in residence,
I'd have found a way.
It was a Friday
and mom wouldn't be back until Monday evening;
What are you doing in mom's suit?"
"Trying to
look older. What were you doing in her dress last month?"
"Give me a
break. One little bit of experimentation and I can never live it down.
Shit, I think it works. You look great."
Chris got into
it, and helped me find the right accessories and do my make up. I donned
a pair of mom's tights, and a pair of her shoes with mild heels. You
have to learn to walk before you can run, and that goes double with
I had a pair of
glasses from a costume shop. They were clever ones, non prescription,
but with convex lenses so you couldn't tell. They made me look a little
geekish, but much less recognizable.
"Do you really
think you can pull this off?" Chris asked me.
"God, Chris,
I don't know what else to do. I'm not going back to school boys, I can
tell you that."
"I wish I
had your guts, Carrie."
"I have to
go, Chris. Will you drive me to the Lincoln mall?"
It was six PM,
and I sat at the food court in the mall, nursing a salad [very adult].

A couple of guys
were eyeing me, but I didn't respond. I was nervous as hell, and very
excited. I knew that the chances were better than even that I would
get what I needed this evening.
I choose a good
looking fellow in a suit. Something about suits makes me feel safe.

He was waiting
for his order and I caught his eye. I gave him a little smile, not too
much. I had to keep in character. I was a 22 year old married woman
looking to fool around.
Like before, I
kept my side of the conversation minimal. Basically, I was playing the
persona of my mother. I knew her well enough to be likely to pull it
His name was Jake,
he was a salesman, he was here to sell to a couple of the stores in
the mall. Blah blah who cares.
He asked me if
I'd join him for a drink. We went to the nearby bar and I had orange
juice. I told him I don't smoke or take alcohol.
"Really? What
do you do then?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.
"Well, I'm
not all virtue. I'm in town staying at my mother's place for a few days,
but she had a date tonight so I'm alone."
The lie closest
to the truth is the best.
"Why don't
we have dinner?" he suggested.
I didn't want to
wait anymore. I certainly didn't want to sit through a whole dinner
and listen to this guy's rap. I wanted sex. Immediately.
I leaned close
to him and put one hand over his. "Why don't we go to my place?"

Our house is a
couple of miles outside town, in a fairly rural area. The place couldn't
be seen from the road, so it was fairly safe to let him take me home.
Of course, there was always the remote possibility that mom would come
home unexpectedly, but I felt safer on my own territory. And Chris would
be lurking around somewhere, just for good measure.
It was wonderfully
wicked to take him to my own room. I told him that my mother had kept
it as I'd left it five years before. Luckily he never noticed that some
of my posters were of more recent celebrities.
We stripped off
and jumped in bed. I was like a starving person finding food, I needed
it so bad.
We grappled and
kissed, and I drank in the feel of his big powerful naked body against
me. His cock and balls were the objects of my greatest desire, I had
to keep toying with them throughout our somewhat short foreplay period.

He went down on
me, the first time a tongue had touched me there. It was great, but
not what I needed.
He repositioned
himself, to give it to me like I wanted; missionary position, on top
of me, covering me, holding me so I couldn't get away even if I'd wanted
His cock slid into
me like a man's cock should, easily and with style.
Once more, I experienced
that feeling that I was in the state that I needed to be in; coupled
with a man, his potent dick sliding in and out, and his strong male
musculature dominating me as he took his pleasure.
It was still full
daylight, and close up like this, in the sunlight coming through my
bedroom window, I saw his face well for the first time. He was older
than I had realized, perhaps thirty. That seemed really depraved to
me, he would have been fucking by the time I was born. That, and the
fact that I didn't even know his age, or anything about him. He was
a complete stranger, in fact.
I came at that
thought, once more experiencing those indescribable feelings.
He was good; he
kept fucking me as I dissolved into a quivering wreck below him. I almost
surfaced, and then I came again. And again.
I felt a strange
tickling as he finally shot his load into me. We lay there silently
in the gathering darkness as his cock slowly shrank inside of me.
I should have been
satisfied. But had there been more available, I'd have had it. I felt
great, don't get me wrong. I felt a certain bliss that I'd only had
once before.
"I need to
eat." He said after a while.
We showered and
I made him something to eat. I really enjoyed that, serving him food.
It made me feel like I was whom I was pretending to be.
He was a bit freaked
when Chris came in, but I told him Chris was my kid brother, and he
was cool.
I kissed Chris
goodnight, and took Jake back to bed. This time, I took his dick in
my mouth, a first for me. It was so wonderful and sexy! I love the way
that feels, the consistency of a penis on the palette. I know that it's
supposed to be an acquired skill, cocksucking. I don't know how I would
have rated, my first time at it. But I can say that I really enjoyed
doing it, and I did it to him for quite a while. He got us into a sixty-nine,
until I had to have him in my cunt again, and he did it to me good before
we slept.
I wanted him to
fuck me again in the morning, but he wanted to get going. He said he
had appointments.
"I'm really
flattered, Caroline, but I'm only mortal. Three times in twelve hours
is about all I can do." He told me.
"Ah. Three?
I only count two." I chided him.
"Three. Before
dinner, after dinner, and then you woke me up with that blow job around
four AM."
I thought I had
done it in my sleep at first. But then I saw Chris's wistful expression
as my lover drove off.
Chris has shoulder
length blond hair like me.
"My God, Chris!
What if he had realized it was you?"
"I didn't
mean to. I mean, I didn't plan it. I looked in to check on you, and
he was there naked. I just had to touch it, and then, well, he woke
up. He thought I was you, I realized, and. well. I just did it."

Things got better,
or worse, after that, depending on your point of view. On the weekend
I got laid five times by three different men. Two called me during the
week, and I met them at hotels. I was completely hooked. I knew that
I was suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but I didn't
Chris had to drive
me each time, and was getting both pissed off at it, and worried about
me. The only way I kept him working for me was by giving him graphic
descriptions of the men's equipment, and what I had done to them. Particularly
Finally. I got
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