On Equality – Feminism

On Equality – Feminism



Equality, once a fringe idea of a crazy man, now it’s a mainstream philosophy every one of us on this planet is exposed to its ramifications. Today this idea infiltrated both “secular” global institutions, the surviving religious monarchs, undemocratic nations, and even separatist rebel groups. It is safe to say it affects every individual on this planet. It is infused with economic equations, moral values, military strategies, religions, and many more ideologies and –isms. Feminism is the talk of the town, and whether you know it or not we live with the consequence of the Idea.

There are now tens if not hundreds of subsects of the “equality” movement, specifically feminism. As ideas grow and assimilate into different cultures, they tend to have different branches and specializations. Take religions for example, how many sects and branches do Christianity and Islam have? Or take any discipline, Architecture and Medicine has now many specializations and branches. Likewise, Feminism now has various groups fighting for different kinds of females, and sometimes for other genders' too. Feminism ከራሱ አልፎ ለሌሎች ጭቁን ጾታዎችም ጠበቃ ሆኗል፡፡ Today we have Liberal feminism, Radical feminism, Marxist feminism, Ecofeminism, Postcolonial Feminism, Black Feminism, Christian feminism, Disability feminism, Fat Feminism, Intersectional feminism, Materialist feminism, Quer, Lesbian, Trans, Chupapi Feminism, Womenism and many more that you should google yourself, or come up with one.

This is not a problem by itself, it’s a natural progression of thoughts, and we humans are very good at an assortment of ideas and things. Doing so makes it easy to digest, remember, and share the story. That is why we have thousands of definitions and perspectives about god. That’s why we have rainforest activists, temperate forest activists, Indonesian forest activists, and maybe Congo tropical forest protection activists. That is why we have multiple political ideologies, parties, and approaches on how to lead a society. It's easy to focus on smaller areas and specialize in solutions that fit the specific needs. This is a common practice across various philosophies and –isms.

However, as ideas branch out and subdivide, they sometimes miss their objectives, and through time lose their core identity and mission. They might even end up contradicting the reasons for its existence. Ideas morph into other ideas, assimilate, or reinvent themselves. I wonder what John Stuart Mill, Mary Wollstonecraft, or Olympe de Gouges think of let's say, Transfeminism or Black Feminism. Even the 20th-century first and second-wave feminists will have a hard time swallowing lesbian rights or anarchist feminists. I assume they will cringe when they hear Men are using Women’s bathrooms.

Things change, and evolve, especially ideas.  Don’t ever bet on ideologies and any kind of -ism that it will stay the same. Philosophies, ideologies, worldviews, morals, and ethics do change over time. But the funny thing is, all the followers or advocates of that specific ideology think they were always right, or never admit the changes were made in the first place. Worse, they will come up with an absurd justification to fit the changed reality into their existing ideology.

See how Christian slave owners in the US justified the exploitation of African slabs through the bible and now act as if they have nothing to do with it and sanction groups somehow affiliated with slaves and child labor. See how the Christians in the West and Muslims in the Middle East adapt and assimilate capitalism into their faith. See the Catholics who killed Galileo Galilei for being too progressive are now a millimeter away from having a gay wedding sermon in their church. See what my beliefs and moral compass were a year or two ago, scroll up and you see how I changed. Because admitting fringe ideas that you deemed were absolutely wrong could be true today dangerous, we look for a soft spot to land from our embarrassment and move on.  So don’t ever bet on ideas to stay the same!  

Change has a cost, despite the good intentions, when things change and evolve, they will gain some weight by absorbing some nonsense on the way. The faster the speed of change, the more dust it picks and blows. And becomes more blinding for the advocates. I feel like Feminism failed into this trap and now it has become a wild idea again.

I am stuck between “the idea of bringing radical and crazy ideas today is more or less as crazy as Plato bringing the idea of equality back then, so sit down and watch how things unfold” AND “this idea is in fact, a batshit idea even for my progressive taste, hence it’s stupid and needs to be refuted”. After a two-second deep contemplation, I choose the latter.

I find the new arguments for feminism, especially the schools that come with the fourth wave of feminism and after to be malice, and lazy pastime activism for self-validation rather than broad ideological improvement aimed at a positive-sum societal change. Back in the day, the rights activists used to push provoking ideas deep into people to make the questions a popular social quest. They made compelling arguments about how giving rights and better opportunities to women will make us better and it’s a worthy cause that deserves our attention and investment.

However, the neo-feminist activists make it harder for even liberals to be on their side, let alone win over the majority of our society. Their quest is one: out of touch, two it’s so vindictive that they don’t have room for negotiations and reflections. The conflating ego I see every day on social media makes me rethink what these bitches are up to.

In any kind of logical reasoning, you need to have room for doubts. You have to be willing to be wronged, questioned and even change your ideas. You need to back your premise with science and logic. That is how schools of philosophy form and continue to grow, not by “Cancel Culture”. But what I see from TikTok and YouTube rants is a very thin membrane of intellectual sheets that cannot even cover basic fallacious arguments. It's about “demand” and “deserve” requests. As the day passes, feminism is becoming about a struggle of very few entitled brats, individuals, and a selected few, not the subjugated 4 billion women we co-inhabit on this planet.

Here are my takes on neo fems;

The movement has been a man’s quest since the dawn of time. Men drive the idea of equality, they argue the philosophical ethos and shape the mental frameworks of Feminism. These men come up with this crazy notion through patriarchal society which you despise it a sin today while taking every possible advantage the system has to offer. Yes, you don’t owe anyone for asking for your rights, but you don’t have to bite the hands that protected you and wrote those rights into law. It's not a good move if you are a strategic thinker and you want this movement to pass down generations.

Even if you think what you are fighting for is your God-given rights, both god and the concept of rights were the result of a man, thinking. Men brought these wild ideas, argued in public squares, and among opposing sides and philosophies the concept of Equality. Now they passed the quest to you, and look at your legacies? You are exactly becoming the people who were on the opposing side of the borough's men who advocated for your rights. They were saying if we give these bitches some right, they will become a hoe, a menace to society and bring down humanity.

I heard a self-proclaimed feminist bitch talking that “We are not supposed to bear children….” Bitch, you were not supposed to be a doctor if not for men! If this is the best logical reasoning you can come up with and confidently state it in public, I want you to start by denouncing your existence first. I want you to reason out your mom. Simply, you wouldn’t be here if your “We are not supposed to bear children….” argument was valid. Iits crazy, innit?

Anyone who thinks is a feminist, to imagine for a minute, feminism without the bodily autonomy women need to have. I want you to think of women’s positions in our society without birth control, safe and affordable sanitation pads, better access to education, and affirmative action. I want you to think about women’s rights without safe and legal abortions. I want you feminists to think of women's rights without just economic systems. Think of women’s rights without capitalism, without access to finance and owning property. I bet you cannot, you ungrateful cunts!
Thinking men brought the idea of equality against the odds so that we all live in a harmonious and just world. Thinking men are still working to make this world an even better place. Don’t throw every man under the rugs at the expense of some idiots. If not, I swear in Yodit Gudit, I can argue your gender has been dragging human progress ever since Adam.

It saddened me, that once a liberal movement that was only entertained by cool writers, intellectuals, and philosophers is now taken over by dumb bitches who want to validate their obesity, sexual fantasies, economic and political gain, and pure ignorance.

Instead of writing a beautiful essay, and publishing insightful ideas that will bring people to your attention, like Mary and Olympe de Gouges, they are busy making a cheap two-week whistling campaign. Btw, how did the ፊሽካ campaign go? Did you make an assessment and analyze the results yet? What did you write on your report apart from the number of views your viral videos and #hashtags get? How many rapes, catcalling or abuse did the whistling prevent? How much was the budget used? Please share it, it will be great for your reputation and we might take a good lesson too.

It's also absurd that feminism got to the point where it became so dogmatic. Women who don’t buy this bullshit are labeled backward, women who wear modestly are oppressed by default, women who willingly choose to follow the traditional roles are now the enemy, and if you are not with them, you are against them and you will be canceled. When did this sabotage happen? What happens to your roots? What happens to the liberal and progressive values of individual rights? Where did your brave fathers and mothers, who avidly advocate for free speech and individual rights heritage go? WTF happened to you??

The feminists today, who often reside in big capital cities, which are relatively safe and have liberal values are eroding the same exact fabric that lets them thrive. The old-school feminists were Naturalists, Darwinians, Atheists, and Liberals. They were philosophers who upheld truth, logic, and scientific thinking. Today the common place you find this neo-feminist is cuddling with people who think cutting off your dicks should automagically entitle you to pregnancy benefits.

Look, if giving birth is not something you will sign up for, thanks to the men who perfected birth control and sanitary pads, you can do that. You can argue that not every naturally given right has to be exercised. You can convince some of your dumb fag friends, but you will not going to convince your womb, your brain chemistry, and the biological principles.

I am sorry but you have fallen in love with the revolution itself. We live in a time where the idea of human rights has never been this much valued. Access to education and health by all metrics has been fantastic since humanity started recording stuff. Women live longer and healthier today, thanks in part to Feminism. So don’t align yourself with every shiny cause, it's undermining your cause.

You need to keep fighting for big changes that widen access to rural women. Fight to bring down the cost of pads. BTW the two biggest factories making pads and diaper factories are closed due to foreign currency issues. I know UNWOMEN and other international NGOs have enough cash for “events” “training” and “operational expenses” that will be enough to change the business model of these factories into Social Enterprises. If not make a huge campaign to build a new mega factory that will cut the cost of pads for girls, especially in rural areas. Fight to give women a period day off. Fight for women to have affordable delivery of children, the price of giving a baby is something that should alarm you and will garner mass support for your movement.

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