On Defining Truth and Natural Order

On Defining Truth and Natural Order

Futurist Lab

On Defining Truth

Oftentimes in my writings, and amongst NS groups as a whole, you often hear the terms truth and natural order. This, undoubtedly begs the question, what is truth, and what is natural order? What does it mean, and how does it justify the extreme measures you always seem to call for? Today I'll be going into detail on both of these things, and hopefully alleviating some of your confusion.

What is Truth?

The first important thing to go over here, is the definition of truth itself. Truth is best defined as an aspect of reality that is objectively correct, and can only be countered with lies. This can easily be demonstrated in mathematics, where if you have two rocks and you add two more rocks, you now have 4 rocks. The only thing you can do about this truth is shroud it in lies, and tell other people you have 3 rocks, or 5 rocks. In the end truth always exists, no matter how shrouded it is by lies. 

This brings us to the second important aspect of defining truth, and that is discovering truth, and then distinguishing the truth from the lies. The best way to do this is with the scientific method, which has been developed and honed throughout millennia.

What is the Scientific Method?

An example of this would be a study on other rival ethnic groups. For starters you'd ask the question, "What happens when ethnic groups with vast differences live in close proximity and compete for resources?" You'd then do background research, consulting many history textbooks, looking at how the han chinese dealt with their neighboring tribes for instance. After that, you'd form a hypothesis, which would be that different tribes competing for resources inevitably wipe the other one out. You'd then test it with an experiment, analyze the results, and draw a conclusion. If the hypothesis ends up being correct, you'd report the results and your hypothesis would, after many more experiments, be declared true. That is how truth is ultimately discovered and distinguished from the many lies of this world.

Our basis for our controversial truths lie in the great experiment that is today's society, which has even provided us with many results and statistics. The results show countless ethnic clashing, crime rates skyrocketing, and even certain ethnic groups dying, including our own. Arguably based on these results, one can conclude that globalism has in fact brought the entire world so close together, that we all now compete for the same resources, and the only way one may survive is the complete obliteration of all other rival groups. The only difference between the past and the present being the scale. In the past, it was on a regional scale, in the present, it is now occurring on a global scale. That concludes my crash course on truth.

What is Natural Order?

We can use the truths that we have learned from the many experiments of modern society, and put them together to form one objectively true school of thought. This school of thought is commonly referred to as natural order, and it is simply what you get when you put all the puzzle pieces together. For example, you realize from modern society that other ethnic groups are responsible for the vast majority of all crime, and that due to all the race mixing and murder, our own race is leaving this world. The only way to truly ensure our own race's survival, is to ensure that the other races do not. 

We have found this truth from the scientific method, and it has been tested many times through modern society, therefore rendering it objectively true. Following this logical path, one can only realize that the genocide of the other races is simply a great act of self defense, one that may ensure our races survival. This is the basis for natural order, as this school of thought revolves around how to best ensure our own race's survival. Furthermore, in order to figure everything out, one must rely on the scientific method. That is why the ultimate goal of a true fascist is that of a truth seeker; a man who seeks out truth, and incorporates it into natural order, essentially assembling all the puzzle pieces to create one, objectively true worldview.

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