On Darwinism and Theology 

On Darwinism and Theology 


(24 Apr) With the world's population at 7.7 billion, it is time for nature to take its course.

The last inception of human civilisation occurred during the Renaissance at the beginning of the 16th century. Before the Renaissance, the plague brought in by Mongol barbarians concluded Europe's Middle Ages, which spanned a millennium. Since then, for five hundred years up to the present day, the West laid the basis to lead the new era of human civilisation.

During this time, the sciences in the West had Newton, Watt, Darwin, Einstein. The humanities had Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Rousseau, Voltaire, Mozart; there was also David Lynch, Hitchcock, Spielberg. Furthermore, there was the Protestant Reformation. Perched upon this trifecta like a tripod, the West was superior.

Of course, this period also produced some defective and inferior goods that converged into a virus:  Marx, Lenin and Trotsky. To take revenge on Asia for the plague, they gave the territory of ethnic Mongolians a most precious gift to the Chinese people. Through copying and practice, adding on Emperor Qin Shi Huang's distinctive genes of tyranny, Mao Zedong's 28-year rule came into fruition. The whole population experienced infighting and mutual cannibalism. Economic production came to a standstill. Such was the great fortune of Western civilisation.

The year 1979 was a major turning point for the Western civilisation. At that time China's Deng Xiaoping realized that he fell into Marx’s trap, so he turned around and wanted capitalist development.Despite still being modelled after the one-party dictatorship, [the country's] huge market was used to lure the West. Reagan and Lady Thatcher had some doubts but Clinton, who was born post-war, had not learned from history. On top of this, left-leaning Marxism was making a comeback. The virus of "political correctness" and the greediness of Wall Street's globalisation led to the globalisation of the Wuhan pneumonia. For all this, the citizens of Western countries were punished.

To this day, Darwinism confirms that many stupid Western "elites" were subject to their own greed and foreign lies, which included the witchcraft of the WHO's Tedros.Simple-mindedness and self-deception, together with the Marxist virus of "great love for equality" and "cultural pluralism" were allowed to infect the Western body. Humanity's immunity have relinquished. From the West's initial prejudice against face masks, one could foresee that mutual destruction was inevitable.

But hidden within Darwinism is this - although they elected the foolish Angela Merkel, the Germanic people as a whole are outstanding and have excellent disease prevention measures. In the Far East, there is Japan. Emasculated after the war, there were some mistakes at the beginning of the epidemic but it quickly regained lost ground. Another was a former Japanese colony for half a century, Taiwan. Its foundations of hygiene awareness and hospital systems were superior. Along with its experience in handling China, they were already used to survive long term with closed borders. As such, their performance was the best.

All this is how Darwinism naturally operates. Natural selection innately has environmental factors; eugenics innately has geographical, climatic and environmental factors as well as the historical factors of each ethnic group. The interaction between these two concepts allows the virus to reshuffle its genes and eliminate certain populations first. If that is not enough, a war can be added. After that, "globalisation" will disintegrate.The superior will survive and the inferior will be eliminated. There will be a new world order, a new era of civilisation.That original sense of wonder from the Renaissance five centuries ago will continue, using the moral of Christianity to guide technology instead of letting it be kidnapped by Satan.

And Trump, who seems to be a different type of passer-by, is actually an Asura* in this raid.

Editor's Note:

* Asuras are a class of beings or power-seeking clans in Hinduism.

Source: Apple Daily


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